Browse the Sophia Library Catalogue
Sophia Library Catalogue List
Author | Title | Subject | Dewey Number |
A world of Prayer | 1 Prayers 2 Spiritual Traditions – prayers |
204.33 WOR | |
ABBOTT, Elizabeth | A History of Celibacy | 1. Celibacy – History | 306.73 ABB |
ABBOTT, Margie RSM | Sparks of the Cosmos | 1. Rites and ceremonies. 2. Seasons – Religious aspects |
291.38 ABB |
ABDULHAWA, Susan | Against The Loveless World | 1. Fiction – politcal | 813.6 ABU |
ABERCROMBIE. Barbara | Writing out the Storm | 1. Creative Writing – Therapeutic use 2. Diaries 3. Critically ill 4. Terminally ill | 615.8 ABE |
Aboriginal Art | CARUANA Wally | 1 Art-Acrylic painting 2 Art-Bark painting 3 Art-Batik 4 Art-Print and Printmaking 5 Art-Rock Painting 6 Art-Sculpture 7 Art-Watercolour drawing 8 Art-Production: Materials/ Techniques |
704 CAR |
ADAMSON, Glenn | Fewer, Better Things | 1. Handicraft – Philosophy 2. Object (Philosophy) 3. Personal belongings – Psychological aspects $. Manufactures – Psychological aspects |
745.5 ADA |
Adcock, Fleur (ed.) | The Faber Book of 20th Century Women’s Poetry | a collection of English speaking women poets | 821 ADC |
(Adelaide): The Museum | NGURUNDERI, an aboriginal dreaming. | 1. Narrinyeri (Australian people)–Social life and customs. 2. Aboriginal Australians — South Australia– Social life and customs |
305.8 NGU |
Adkinson, Robert (ed) | Sacred Symbols | 1. Religious,Philosophical & cultural emblems 2.Cultural contexts of symbols 3. Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity |
R 398 ADK |
AFFORD Dudley James | My Life on Wheels | 1. Afford, Dudley James, 1987 – 2. Cerebral Palsied – Biography 3. People with disabilities – South Australia – Biography | 362.19 AFF |
Agnew Una, Flanagan Bernadette, Heylin Greg | With Wisdom Seeking God | 1. Mthods for exploring christian Spirituality 2. Teaching Christian Spirituality | 207 AGN |
AHMED Tanveer | FRAGILE NATION | 1. Ahmed, Tanveer 2. Psychiatrists – NSW – Sydney – anecdotes 3. Psychiatry – case studies 4. Mentally ill – case studies | 616.89 AHM |
AHMED,Leila | Women and Gender in Islam | 1. Women – Arab Countries – Social Conditions 2. Sexism – Arab Countries -History 3. Women, Muslim – Attitudes 4. Feminism – Arab Countries |
305.48 AHM |
Aidan Meehan | Celtic Design | Artwork- calligraphy | 745.4 MEE |
AITKEN, Richard | Seeds of Change | 1. Adelaide Botanic Garden – history 2. Botanical gardens – South Australia – history | 580.73 AIT |
AKBAR, Prayaag | Leila | 1. Fiction – Futuristic – Indian Nationalism | 823 AKB |
Akeyulerre Aboriginal Corporation | Women’s Talk | Poetry – Australian; Poetry Aboriginal Australian | A821 ARE |
Al Gore | An Inconvenient Truth | 1.Global warming 2. Environmental policy US 3. Greenhouse Effect 4. Human ecology |
363.7 GOR |
AL-SHARIF, Manal | Daring To Drive | 1. Memoir 2. Women’s Rights – Saudi Arabia 3. Right of Women To Drive – Saudi Arabia |
920 ALS |
Alastair McIntosh | Soil and Soul | 1. land tenure -Scotland – Eigg trust 2. Environmental protection – citizen participation 3. social responsibility of business | 363.7 MCI |
Alastair McIntosh and Matt Carmichael | Spiritual Activism | Environmentalism – Religious Aspects Leadership – Religious Aspects |
303.4 MCI |
Alberto Fabio Ambrosio | Rumi and the Whirling Dervishes | 1. Sufism – Mystical dimension of Islam 2. Theology – Sufism |
297 AMB |
ALEXIEVICH, Svetlana | The Unwomanly Face of War | 1. World War, 1939 – 1945 – Women – Soviet Union 2. World War, 1939 – 1945 Personal Narratives, Russian 3. World War 1939-945 – Russian participation, Femaie |
940.53 ALE |
ALFORD, Katrina | Production or Reproduction? | !. Women – Australia – economic conditions 2. Australia – social life and customs |
305.4 ALF |
ALHARTHI, Jokha | Celestial Bodies | 1. Fiction – novel 2. Family drama 3. Oman – social change |
830 ALH |
ALI Ayaan Hirsi | The Caged Virgin | 1 Women in Islam 2 Women’s rights – religious aspects 3 Women’s social condition -Islamic countries |
297.082 ALI |
ALI Nujood | I Am Nujood | 1. Ali Nujood 2. Child marriage – Yemen (Republic) 3. Girls – Yemen – Social conditions 4. Yemen (Republic) – social conditions | 306.8 ALI |
ALIBHAI – BROWN Yasmin | Refusing the Veil | 1. Hijab (Islamic clothing) 2. Veils – religious aspects – Islam 3. Islamic clothing and dress | 305.48 ALI |
Alice Walker | We are the Ones we have been waiting for | Essays – personal and political | 811.54 WAL |
ALIGHIERI, Dante | The comedy of Dante Alighiere | 1. Italian poetry – Middle ages 1. Hell |
851 ALI |
Alison Whittaker & Stephen Lindsay Ross (edtors) | Nangamay-dream, Mana-gather, Djurali-grow | Poetry – Australian; Poetry Aboriginal Australian | A821 WHI |
ALLEN Paula Gunn editor | Spider Woman’s Granddaughters | 1. Native American Indian Women – short stories 2. Native American Legends – Women | 810.8 ALL |
ALLEN Yvonne and NOBLE Joy ed. | Breaking the Boundaries | 1. Civil rights workers – Australia 2. Human rights workers – Australia 3. Social reformers – Australia 4. Social Action | 323.09 ALL |
ALLEN, John |
Rabble-Rouser for Peace | 1. Tutu, Desmond, 1931 2. Church of the Province of South Africa – Bishops – biography 3. Anglican Comminion – South Africa – Bishops – biography |
283.09 ALL |
Allen, John L | Opus Dei | 1, Opus Dei cult 2. Religious organisation – politics, banking 3. Opus Dei clergy |
261 ALL |
ALLEN, Pat B. | Art is a Way of Knowing | 1. Art therapy 2. Art – Psychological aspects 3. Self – perception |
700.1 ALL |
ALLENDE Isabel | Paula | 1. Allende Isabel – Family 2. Allende family 3.Authors, Chilean…20th century |
863 ALL |
ALLIONE, Tsultrim | Women of wisdom | 1. Women,Buddhist – Biography | 294.3923 ALL |
ALMOND Brenda | Exploring philosophy: the philosophical quest -2nd.ed. | 1. Philosophy – introductions | 100 ALM |
ALMOND Jocelyn & SEDDON Keith | Understanding Tarot | 1 Tarot | 133.3 ALM |
ALTHAUS-REID Marcello | Indecent theology | Includes bibliographical references (p.205-213) and index. 1. Sex — Religious as pects — Christianity. 2. Economics — religious aspects. 3. Theology. 4. Homosexuality — Religious aspects–Christianity. 5. Liberation theology, |
230 ALT |
Althaus-Reid, Marcella | The Queer God | 1. Queer Theology 2. Liberation theology & Queer Theory 3. Sexual deviance & economic exclusion |
230 ALT |
Althuis-Reid & Isherwood, Lisa (eds) | Trans/Formations | 1. Transsexualism – religious aspects – Christianity 2. Transgenderism – religious aspects, Christianity 3. Intersexuality – religious aspects, Christianity |
230.086 ALT |
Aly, Waleed | People Like Us | 1. Islam – secularism 2. Islam – state 3. Civilisation – Western |
297.27 ALY |
AMER Sahar | What is Veiling? | 1. Hijab (Islamic clothing) 2. Veils – religious aspects – Islam 3. Muslim women – clothing | 297.5 |
Amery, Rob | Warrabarna Kaurna! | 1. Kaurna language – revival 2. Narrinyeri – ethnic identity |
R499.15 AME |
AMREIN Roshanak | One Million Flights | 1 Australian Poetry 2 Iranian poet – Bahai 3 Iran-Australia |
A821 AMR |
AMREIN, Roshanak |
Songs from a Far Island | 1. Poem on Love, The Homeland and Justice in English and Farsi | A 821 AMR |
Anais Nin | Delta of Venus Erotica | Fiction | 813.54 NIN |
ANAND, Margo | The art of sexual ecstasy | 1. Sex 2. Sex instruction 3. Philosophy, Asian 4. Sex–Religious aspects–Tantrism |
613.96 MAR |
ANASTASIOS, Andrew | Dying to Know | 1. Death | 306.9 ANA |
Anatolitis, Esther (Editor) | Meanjin Quarterly | N/A | |
Anderson Sarah (ed) | The Virago Book of Spirituality | !. Spiritual life 2. Women – literary collections 3. Literature – women authors |
808.8 VIR |
Anderson, Bonnie S | A history of their own | 1. Feminism–Europe–History 2. Women mystics–Europe–History 3. Women–Europe–History |
305.4 AND |
ANDERSON, David | Simone Weil | 1. Weil, Simone- Biography 2. Weil, Simone – Spirituality |
248.2 AND |
ANDERSON, Jane | Priests in love | 1. Catholic Church — Australia — Clergy — Sexual behavior — Case studies 2. Priests — Australia — Sexual behavior — Case studies |
253.252 AND |
ANDREWS, John | Political Dreaming | 1. Men – attitudes 2. Men – conduct of life 3. Men – Australia – attitudes 4. Men – Australia – conduct of life 5. Men – Australia – interviews |
305.31 AND |
ANDREWS, Munya | The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades | 1. Pleiades – mythology 2. Mythology, Aboriginal, Australian |
202.12 AND |
ANGELOU Maya | Wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now | 1. Maya Angelou 2. Meditations | 814.54 ANG |
Angelou, Maya | The Heart of a Woman | 1. Angelou, Maya – Biography 2. Authors, American – 20th century |
818.54 ANG |
ANGIER, Natalie | Woman | 1. Women- Physiology. 2. Women- Identity. 3. Women- Psychology. 4. Mind and Body. |
612.0082 ANG |
Anita Heiss | Tiddas | Female friendship – fiction 2.Women – Australian fiction 3. Friendship Australia fiction 4. Friendship – fiction 5. Australia fiction | A823.3 HEI |
Anna Burns | Milkman | English fiction | 823.92 BUR |
Anne M Clifford | Introducing Feminist Theology | 1. Feminist theology | 230.082 CLI |
Anne McPherson | Walkind to the Saints | 1. Pilgrims and pilgrimages 2. Spiritual Biography 3. McPherson Anne – Journeys – France | 263.04 MCP |
Anon | The SIEV X Memorial | 1. SIEVX (Ship) 2. Refugees–Australia 3. Illegal alients–Australia |
325.21 SIEV |
Antoinette Lattouf | How to Lose Friends and Influence White People |
Racism – Australia , Social change and action | 305.8 LAT |
APPS RAMSEY, Janel and OORD, Thomas Jay (Edit) | Women Experiencing Faith | 1. Faith – Women – Memoirs | 261.8 RAM |
Aquilina, Jude & Fenney, Joan | Thread Me a Button | 1. Australian poetry | A821.3 AQU |
Arguelles, Jose Aruelles, Miriam |
Mandala | 1. Mandala 2. Buddhism–Mandala I. Arguelles, Miriam |
294.3 ARG |
ARMOUR Josephine Elizabeth | Revisioning The Ordained Ministry | 1. Schillebeeckx, Edward. 1914 2. Catholic Church – Clergy 3. Ordination of Women – Catholic Church 4. Feminist Theology 5. Theology Thesis |
R 262.142 ARM |
Armour, Josephine E. | Call No One on Earth Your Father | 1. ordained ministry in Catholic Church – history 2. Theology and current policies of ordained ministry – Catholic Church | 261.8344 |
ARMOUR, Josephine Elizabeth | The doctrine of original sin | 1.Original sin-Theology (Catholic) | R 233.14 ARM |
ARMSTRONG Karen | A History of God: from Abraham to the present: the 40000 year quest for GOD. | 211 ARM | |
ARMSTRONG, Christopher | Evelyn UNDERHILL |
248.208 UND.A | |
Armstrong, Karen | Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life | 1. Compassion 2. Mindfulness |
177.7 ARM |
ARMSTRONG,Karen | Muhammad | 1. Muhammad-History 2.Islamic religion- History and criticism |
297.2 ARM |
ARNOTT, Georgina | The Unknown Judith Wright |
1. Wright, Judith, 1915 – 2000 2. Wright, Judith, 1915 – 2000 – childhood and youth 3. Poets, Australian – 20th century – biography 4. Women environmentalists – Australia – biography |
A821.3 |
ARON Elaine N. | The Highly Sensitive Person | 1. Sensitivity (personality trait) 2. Personality and cognition 3. Personality and intelligence 4. Personality and Situation 5. Self actualisation (Psychology) | 155.232 ARO |
ARRIEN, Angeles | Living in Gratitude | 1. Gratitude 2. Conduct of Life |
179.9 ARR |
ARROW, Michelle | UPSTAGED | 1.Women dramatists, Australian – 20th century 2. Australian drama – 20th cent – History and criticism 3. Australian drama – Women authors – History and critisism | A822.311 ARR |
ARROWSMITH-YOUNG, Barbara | The Woman Who Changed Her Brain and Other Inspiring Stories of Brain Transformation | 1. Arrowsmith- Young, Barbara 2. Neuroplasticity 3. Learning disabled – Canada – Biography |
612.82 ARR |
Arthur, Bill & Morphy, Frances (Editors) | Macquarie Atlas of Indigenous Australia | 1. Indigenous peoples – Australia – maps 2. Aboriginal Australians – Australia 3. Torres Strait Islanders – Australia |
R305.899 |
Arundhathi Subramaniam | When God is a Traveller | 1. English Poetry – India | 821.92 |
Ashenden, Dean | Telling Tennant’s Story | 1. Truth Telling – Indigenous and colonial history 2. Australian anthropology, court cases 3. Land Rights & the Stolen Generations 4. Tennant Creek – history |
305.899 ASH |
ASHLEY, Melissa | The Birdman’s Wife | 1. Australian fiction 2. Elizabeth Gould 3. John Gould |
A823.3 ASH |
Dreams They Forgot | 1. Fiction – Short Stories – Australian | A 823 ASH |
Ashton, Maxie & Johnston, Fiona | Now I Can Smell the Orange Blossom! | 1. Nicotine addiction 2. Mental illness 3. Tobacco use – health aspects 4. Tobacco use – psychological aspects 5. Smoking cessation |
362.29 NOW |
Asylum Seekers Resource Centre | Seeking Asylum -Our Stories | 1. Refugees – discrimination 2. Detention Centres – Australia/Naura 3. Psychological trauma – refugees 4. Government policies – Asylum seekers |
325 ASY |
ATKINSON Morgan Editor | Soul Searching | 1. biography 2. spiritual life – catholic church – clergy | 271.12 SOU |
ATKINSON, Judy | Trauma trails, recreating song lines | 1. Spiritual healing–Australia 2. Wounds and injuries–Treatment–Australia 3. Wounds and injuries–Psychological aspects 4. Violence–Psychological aspects 5. Aboriginal Australians |
155.93 ATK |
ATKINSON, Kate | Life After Life | 1. Fiction – Great Britain – History 20th Century 2. Fiction – Reincarnation 3. Loss (Psychology) – Fiction 4. Love Stories 5. Fiction – Veterans 6. Fate & Fatalism – Fiction |
823 ATK |
Atkinson, Morgan | Soul searching DVD | 1. Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968 2. Trappists 3. Monastic & religious life |
271.1 SOU |
Attenborough, David (narrator) | The Blue Planet DVD | 1. Natural history – oceans 2. Marine biology 3. Oceanography |
N/A |
ATWOOD, Margaret | Alias Grace | 1. Marks, Grace, b. 1826–Fiction 2. Women murderers–Canada-Fiction 3. Murder–Canada–History–19th century–Fiction 4. Detective and mystery stories |
823 ATWa |
ATWOOD,Margaret | Wilderness tips | 1. English fiction – short stories 2. Women authors – Canada – Fiction |
823 ATW |
Aunty Anne (Anne Pattell-Gray) and Uncle Norm (Norman Habel) & Australian First Nations | Decolonising the Biblical Narrative Volume ! | 1. Biblical Hermeneutics- Australia – Australian First Nations perspective – Genesis 1 – 11 | 220.6 PAT |
AUSTEN, Jane | Persuasion | 1. English fiction | 823 AUS |
Australian Catholic Women | The Participation of Women in the Catholic Church in Australia | 1. Australian women’s contributions in writing to the National Research project 2.Woman and Man – One in Jesus Christ – book produced from the research |
282.082 PAR |
Authors Tom Trevorrow (et al) -(Meningie ,S.Aust): Ngarrindjeri Land and Progress Assoc. | They took our land and then our children Ngarrindjeri Elder, Veronica Brodie 2004 |
1 Stolen generations (Australia) 2 Aboriginal Australians- Government relations 3 Aboriginal Australians – Government Policy 4 Ngarrindjeri (Australian people) 5 Ngarrindjeri (Australian people) -Histroy 6 Aboriginal Australians- South Australia- Meningie Region |
305.8 THE |
Aveling M. and Damousi J editors | Stepping out of History | 1. Women – Employment – Australia – History – sources | 331.40 AVE |
AVI, Tusiata | Wild Dogs Under My Shirt | 1. Poetry – New Zealand | A821.3 AVI |
Awad, Amal | Fridays with my Folks | 1. Ageism 2. Lie, Death | 155 AWA |
AWDE, Nicholas | DARI Dictionary & Phrasebook |
1. Dari Language – dictionaries – English 2. English language – dictionaries – Dari 3. Dari Language – Conversation & Phrasebook |
R 423 AWD |
AYRES Emma | Cadence | 1. Ayers, Emma – travels 2. Women broadcasters – Australia – Biography 3. Women musicians – Australia – biography | 791.4 AYR |
AYRES, Eddie |
Danger Music |
1. Ayres, Eddie, 1967 – 2. Ayres, Eddie, 1967 – Travel – Afghanistan – Kabul |
780.92 AYR |
BACHELARD Sarah | Experiencing God in a time of crisis | 1. Meditation – Christianity 2. Prayer – Christianity 3. Faith 4. Christian Life | 231.7 BAC |
Baez, Joan | And A Voice To Sing With | 1. singers 2. biography | 784.4 BAE |
BAGIR, Zainel Abidin | Science and religion in a post-colonial world | 1. Religion and science 2. Nature–Religious aspects 3. Ecology–Religious aspects |
291.7 SCI |
BAIRD, Julia | Phosphoresence | 1. Awe – wonder 2. Resilience 3. Happiness |
158.1 BAI |
BAIRD, Vanessa (Edit) | eye to eye women | 1. Photography of women 2. Literature – Women authors – Fiction |
808.89 BAI |
BAKER-FLETCHER, Karen | Sisters of dust, sisters of spirit | 1. Womanist theology 2. Nature–Religious aspects–Christianity |
230 BAK |
BAKER, Carolyn | Reclaiming the dark feminine | 1. Psychanalysis 2. Jungian psychology 3. Gender & Psychology 4. Psyche |
155.6 BAK |
BAKER, Catherine | Ringing the change | 1. Baker, Catherine, 1944- Diaries 2. Menopause-Psychological aspects. 3. Menopause-Social aspects. 4. Self acualisation (Psychology) 5. Women-Australia-Biography. |
612.665 BAK |
BALDWIN, Suzy | Best of Friends: | Bibliography: p 259-264 | 302.34 BAL |
BANCROFT Anne | Weavers of wisdom: women mystics of the twentieth century | 1. Women mystics 2. Mysticism- History – 20th.century |
291.422 BAN |
BANK, Alice | Byzantine Art in the collections of Soviet Museums | 1. Byzantine art – History 2. Byzantine art – Religious aspects |
R Q 759.02 BAN |
BANVILLE, John | The Sea | 1. Fiction – seaside resorts, widowers | 823.92 BAN 823.92 BAN |
BARANAY Inez | Pagan | 1 Australian fiction | A 823.3 BAR |
BARBALET, Margaret | Far from a low gutter girl | 1. State wards – South Australia – Case studies 2. Domestics – South Australia – Case studies |
362.7 BAR |
Barbara C. Crafton | Jesus Wept | Depression- Mental- Religious Aspects-Christianity. 2. Depressed persons – Religious Life |
248.8 CRA |
Barbara G. Walker | The Essential Handbook of Women’s Spirituality and Ritual | 1. Women- religious life 2. Rites and ceremonies 3. Spiritual life 4. Feminism 5. Occultism | 291.3 WAL |
Barbara Moore | Modern Guide to Energy Clearing | 1. Mind & body 2.Mental Healing 3. Health behaviour |
11 MOO |
BARBER, Elizabeth Wayland | Women’s Work – The First 20,000 Years | 1. Textile Fabrics, Pre-historic 2. Women, Pre-historic 3. Textile fabrics, Ancient 4. Women – History |
305.4 BAR |
BARKER,Juliet | The Brontes | 1. Bronte family 2. Authors, English – 19th. century-Biography 3. Novelists, English- 19th. century-Biography 4. Yorkshire (England) -Biography 5. Includes biographical references, and index 6. First published in Great Britain by Weidenteld & Nicolson,1994 |
823.09 BAR |
BARNAVI, Eli Editor | A Historical Atlas of the Jewish People | 1 Jews- history 2 Jews- history – maps |
R 909.049 BAR |
BARNES Helen | The Cross | 1 Jesus Christ -devotional literatur2 Catholic church – Australia- Prayers and devotions 3 Holy Cross 4 Spirituality – Catholic church 5 Spirituality – Australia |
232.963 BAR |
BARNES, Beverley | Folk Dances of Europe | 1. Folk Dances – Europe | 291.37 BAR |
Dru Yoga | 1. Yoga–Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Quietude I. Goswami, Anita II. Jones, Annie |
613.7 BAR |
BARSTOW, Anne Llewellyn | Witchcraze | 1. Witches – Europe – History 2. Witch hunts – Europe |
133.43 BAR |
BARTH, Karl |
The humanity of God | 1. God–Theology 2. Jesus Christ–Theology |
230.044 BAR |
BASAH Margaret | Indonesian Folk Tales | 1 Tales – Indonesian Folk | 398.21 BAS |
Basset, Lytta | Holy anger | 1. Anger–Religious aspects–Christianity 2. Bible–Commentaries 3. God (Christianity)–Wrath |
241.3 BAS |
BATCHELOR, Stephen | Buddhism without beliefs | 1. Buddhism–Doctrines–Introductions | 294.3 BAT |
BATES Vanessa | Legs up Laughing | 1 Bates, Vanessa – Anecdotes 2 Infertility 3 Infertility- Alternative treatment 4 Fertilization invitro, Human 5 Medicine, Chinese 6 Mothers and daughters |
6128.178 BAT |
BATTEN Juliet | Spirited Ageing | 1.Ageing – psychological aspects 2. Self -actualisation in middle age (psychology) 3. Self -actualisation in old age (psychology) | 155.67 BAT |
BAUMAN, Lynn C., BAUMAN, Ward J., BOURGEAULT, Cynthia |
The Luminous Gospels | 1. Gospel of Thomas 2. Gospel of Mary Magdalene 3. Gospel of Philip |
226 BAU |
BAUMEISTER Roy, WOTMAN Sara (Editors) | Breaking Hearts | 1 Interpersonal relationships 2 Love 3 Rejection (Psychology) |
152.4 BAU |
BAUMGARDNER Jennifer and RICHARDS Amy | Young Women, Feminism and the Future | 1. Feminism – United States 2. Young Women – USA – Attitude | 305.4 BAU |
BAYS Jan Chozen | JIZO BODHISATTVA | 1. Ksitigarbha (Buddhist deity) – cult | 294.34 BAY |
BAYS, Brandon | The Journey for Kids | 1. Self actualisation in children – Psychology 2. Spiritual Healing | 615.851 BAY |
BEAK, Sera | Red Hot & Holy | 1. Beak, Sera, 1975 – 2. Spiritual biography 3. Spirituality |
204.09 BEA |
BEATTIE Tina | God’s Mother, Eve’s Advocate | 1. Theology of women 2. Female body in Christian story of salvation 3. Mary and Eve 4. Marian Theology | 230.082 BEA |
Beattie, Melody | Codependents’ Guide to the Twelve Steps | 1. Codependents – religious life 2. Twelve step programs – religious aspects |
362.29 BEA |
Beauvoir, Simone de | The second sex | 1. Sex role 2. Women — Social conditions 3. Women — sexual behavior 4. Women — History I. Parshley, H.M. (Howard Madison), 1884-1953 |
305.4 BEA |
Beer Jennifer with Stief Eileen | The Mediator’s Handbook | 1. Negotiation 2. Interpersonal Conflict 3. Conflict Management 4. Mediation | 303.69 BEE |
BEGG Ean | The Cult of the Black Virgin | 1. Black Virgins | 232.91 BEG |
BEHRENDT, Larissa | After Story | 1. Australian Fiction | A823.3 BEH |
BEIER, Ulli | QUANDAMOOKA | 1. Kath Walker 2. Drawing – Australian 3. Aborigines, Australian Art 4. Aboriginal Arts Agency | 741.99 BEI |
BELL, Katherine | Quilting for Peace | 1. Patchwork 2. Quiltmakes United States | 746.46 BEL |
BELL, Diane | Ngarrindjeri Wurruwarrin | 1. Aborigines – South Australia -Hindmarsh Is. 2. Sacred sites, Aboriginal – Sth. Australia 3. Narrinjeri people (Australian)-social life and customs |
306.089 BEL |
Bell, Diane (ed) & Ngarrindjeri Nation | Listen to Ngarrindjeri Women Speaking | 1. Ngarrindjeri – social life & customs 2. Women – Aboriginal Australian |
305.899 BEL |
BELL, Hannah Rachel | Men’s Business, Women’s Business | 1. Rites and ceremonies Ngarinyin (Australian people) 2. Social life and customs Kimberley W.A. 3. Sex roles, sexual division of Labour – Kimberley W.A. 4. Philosophy Ngarinyin 5. Kinship |
305.3 BEL |
BENDER, Sue | Everyday sacred | 1. Spirituality – Women 2. Self-development – Women 3. Art and spirituality |
291.4 BEN |
Bennett, Ellen | That Grass Book | 1.Southern Australia – grasses 2. illustrations and photos |
635.9 BEN |
BENT, Ngarta Jinny CHUGUNA, Jukuna Mona LOWE, Pat RICHARDS, Eirlys |
Two sisters | 1. Bent, Ngarta Jinny 2. Chuguna, Jukuna Mona 3. Walmajarri (Australian people)–Western Australia–Great Sandy Desert–Biography 4. Aboriginal Australians–Western Australia–Great Sandy Desert 5. Aboriginal women 6. Social conditions 7. Oral history 8. Biography 9. Great Sandy Desert (WA) |
920 TWO |
BERG Elizabeth | Open House | 1. American Fiction | 810 BER |
BERG Shaun Editor | Coming to Terms | 1 Aboriginal australians-Land Tenure-South Australia 2 Land Tenure-Law and Legislation-South Australia 3 Ngarrindjeri (Australian People) |
333.20 COM |
BERNANOS, Georges | Diary of a country priest | 1.French fiction 2.Priests – France – Fiction |
843 BER |
Bernhard, Toni | How to Be Sick | 1. Religious life – Buddhism 2. Chronically ill – religious life 3. Caregivers – religious life 4. Chronic diseases – religious aspects |
294.3 BER |
Bernie Neville | Educating Psyche | 1. Educational psychology | 370.15NEV |
BERRIGAN Daniel | The Kings and Their Gods | 1 Bible O.T. Kings – Commentaries | 222.5 BER |
BERTI, Luciano | Beato Angelico | 1.Fra Angelico – Paintings 2. Italian painting |
Q 759.03 BER |
Betty Christiansen | Knitting For Peace | 1. Knitting patterns 2.Knitting social and charity |
746.43 CHR |
Betty Radice, translation + notes, MT Clancy (revised) | The letters of Abelard and Heloise | 1. Abelard, Peter 1079 – 1142 2. Heloise, 1101 – 1164 3. Man – woman relationship, France |
189.4 ABE |
Beverly J. Lanzetta | Radical Wisdom | 1.Feminist Theology – History 2.Women Mystics 3.Mysticism – History |
248.22 LAN |
BEWLEY Aisha | Islam: The Empowering of Women | 1. The scholarly woman – Islam 2. The political woman – Islam 3. The spiritual woman – Islam | 297.082 BEW |
BIDDULPH Steve | Raising Boys | 1. Boys, Child rearing, Parent and Child | 649 BLD |
BIDDULPH, Rohan | Remembering SIEVX | 1. SIEVX (Ship) 2. Refugees–Australia 3. Illegal aliens–Australia |
324.21 REM |
BIDDULPH,Steve | Raising Girls | 1. child rearing 2. girls | 649 BID |
BIENKOWSKI, Andrew & AKERS, Mary | Radical Gratitude | 1. Logotherapy 2. Existentialism- Criticism 3. Psychologists – Biography 4. Concentration camps – Russia (Federation) – Siberia – Biography |
150.92 EGE |
BIRCH, Tony | The White Girl | 1. Australian Fiction | A823 BIR |
BIRMINGHAM, John | On Father | 1. Birmingham, John 1964 – 2. Family – Psychological Aspects 3. Grief 4. Father’s death |
306.76 LAW |
BLACK, Cynthia (Ed) | Midlife clarity : epiphanies from grown-up girls. Edited by Cynthia Black and Laura Carlsmith | 1. Middle aged women – Biography.2. Middle-aged women- Psychology. 3. Middle-aged women- Conduct of life. 1.Carlsmith,Laura. 2. Black, Cynthia,1952- Self-Realization. 5. Self-actualization(psychology) 1 | 305.244 MID |
BLACKIE Sharon | If Women Rose Rooted | 1. Women 2. Women, Celtic 3. Sexrole $. Nature 5. Feminism | 305.4 BLA |
BLACKIE, Sharon | Hagitude | 1. Fulfilling potential in mid-life and elder years – women 2. Mid-life and elder years – women -myth, landscape and ecofeminism |
155.67 BLA |
BLACKMAN Sushila | Graceful Exits – How Great Beings Die | 1. Death – religious aspects – Buddhism, Hinduism 2. Buddhism, Hinduism – doctrines | 294.3’423 BLA |
Blain, Georgia | Births Deaths Marriages | 1. Blain, Georgia 2. Authors – Australian – 20th C – biography |
A823.3 |
Blain, Virginia Clements, Patricia Grundy, Isobel |
The feminist companion to literature in English | 1. Women authors, English–Biography–Dictionaries 2. Authors, English–Biography–Dictionaries 3. English literature–Women authors–Dictionaries 4. Feminist literature I. Blain, Virginia, 1945- II. Grundy, Isobel III Clements, Patricia |
R 820 FEM |
BLAKE A.G.E. | The Intelligent Enneagram | 1. Enneagram | 155.2 BLA |
BLAKE, Bronwyn (Edit.) | Beyond the Outback | 1. Autobiography – Short Stories 2. Gulf Women of Remote North West Queensland |
920 BLA |
Bly, Robert | A Little Book on the Human Shadow | 1. Booth, William 2. The human shadow |
814.54 BLY |
Boer, Esther de | The Mary Magdalene cover-up | 1. Mary Magadene Saint 2. Women in the Bible |
225.9 BOE |
BOFF Leonardo | The Prayer of Saint Francis | 1. Prayer of St Francis of Assisi 2. Spiritual reflection – peace | 242.7 BOF |
BOLEN Jean Shinoda | Goddesses in everywoman: a new psychology of women | 1. Women – Psychology 2. Archetype (Psychology) 3. Mythology, Greek – Psychological aspects 4. Goddesses. Greek -Psychology |
305.4 BOL |
BOLEN Jean Shinode | The myth of Eros and Psyche | 1.Women-Spiritual life 2.Feminist psychology 3.Greek myths – spiritual aspects |
155.6 BOL |
BOLEN, Jean Shinoda | Goddesses in older women | 1. Goddesses 2. Older women–Religious life |
155.67 BOL |
BOLTE TAYLOR, Jill | My Stroke of Insight | 1. Carer’s Collection 2. cerebrovascular disease 3. brain | 610.71 STR |
BONHOEFFER, Dietrich | The cost of discipleship | 1. Sermon on the Mount–Criticism, interpretation, etc. 2. Christian life 3. Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 1906-1945 |
241.5 BON |
Bonney, Neville | From One Small Seed | 1. Australian native plants 2. Australian native plants – seeds 3. Guide to Australian native plants 4. Ecosystems & landscapes – Australia |
R631.5 |
Boochani, Behrouz | No Friend but the Mountains | 1. Boochani – biography 2. Refugees Kurdish 3. Detention centre – Manus Island 4. Australian Govt. Policy – immigration | 325.2 |
BORG, Marcus | Meeting Jesus again for the first time | 1. Jesus Christ–Historicity 2. Jesus Christ–Persons and offices |
232.9 BOR |
Borges, Phil & Tomlinson, Kevin Directors and Exec Producers | Crazywise | 1. Psychosis in the West 2. Biomedical Psychiatry 3. Psychosis and shamanism |
BORYSENKO Joan PhD | Meditations for Courage and Compassion CD | 1. Meditation 2. Relaxation | 158.12 BOR |
BOUCHER, Sandy | Opening the lotus. A woman s guide to Buddhism | 1. Buddhist women – Religious life 2. Women – Spirituality – Buddhism |
294.308 BOU |
BOURGEAULT Cynthia | The Meaning of Mary Magdalene | 1 Mary Magdalene, Saint I Title |
226.092 BOU |
Bourke, Joanna | The Story of Pain | 1. Pain – treatment – history 2. Pain – psychological aspects 3. English language 18th century |
616.04 BOU |
BOWMAN, Katy | Dynamic Aging | 1. Exercise therapy for older people 2. Older people – orientation and mobility 3. Movement education | 613.7 BOW |
BOYCE-TILLMAN, June | The Creative Spirit | 1. theology, practical women saints 2. Christian saints | 248.22 BOY |
BOYCE, James | Born Bad | 1. Sin, Original – History of doctrines 2. Western countries – Religious life and customs |
233.14 BOY |
BOYD Anne Margot | St Catherine of Siena The Mystical Voice | 1. Catherine of Siena, Saint, 1347 – 1380 Art, Meditations, Contemplations | 248.34 BOY |
BOYER, Pascal | Religion Explained | 1. Behavioural science 2. Religious belief 3. Philosophy 4. Pschology – Religious |
200.1 BOY |
BOYLE, Kay | Words that must somehow be said | 1.American literature | 814 BOY |
BOZARTH Alla Renee | This Mortal Marriage | 1 Poetry 2 American Poetry |
808.81 |
BOZARTH Alla, BARKLEY Julia & HAWTHORNE Terri | Stars in Your Bones | 1 Women – Religious life 2 Women and Religion |
291.082 BOZ |
Bozarth, Alla Renee | Accidental wisdom | 1. American poetry | 811.54 Boz |
BRABON, Katherine | The Memory Artist | 1. Fiction Glasnost 2. Fiction – Moscow(Russia) Social Life and Customs 3. Fiction – Reminiscing 4. Fiction – Russian Federation 20th century |
A 823 BRA |
BRACH, Tara | True Refuge |
1. Religious life – Buddhism 2. Buddhism – doctrines |
294.34 BRA |
BRADLEY Michael | CONISTON | 1. Warlpin people 2. Race relations – Violent – massacres, murders, poisonings 3. Massacres – Northern Territory – Coniston 4. Aboriginal Australians – treatment of, – history. 5 Yurrkarri/Coniston South Central NT 6. Coniston – history 20th Century | 305 BRA |
Bradley Rosalind | Mosaic | 1. Prayers – Collections | 242.8 MOS |
BRADLEY, Dianne | A contribution to the gender critique of the place of art in Christian identity and spirituality [manuscript] | 1. Women in Christianity 2. Art and religion–History 3. Feminist theology 4. Christian art and symbolism 5. Christianity and the arts |
R 230 BRA |
BRADLEY, Marion | The mists of Avalon | 1. English fiction 2. Arthurian legends – Fiction |
823 BRA |
BRADY, Veronica | South of my days | 1. Wright, Judith – Biography 2. Poets, Australian – Biography 3. Australian poetry |
A 821.09 WRI.B |
BRADY,Veronica | Between towns | 1. Catholic Church – Future 2. Vatican Councils – Teachings etc 3. Catholics in coalition for justice and peace ( series) |
261.8 BRA |
BRENNAN Patricia | Vision and heart | 1. Meditation 2.Interpersonal relations |
158.12 BRE |
BRENNAN, Frank | Tampering with Asylum: | 1. Political refugees..Government policy…Australia. 2. Refugees..Government policy..Moral and ethical aspects…Australia. 3. Asylum, Right of…Australia 4. Detention of persons…Australia 5. Australia…Emigration and immigration…Government policy |
325.21 |
BRENNAN, Patricia | Facing the Dawn | 1. Self-actualisation (Psychology) 2. Motivation (Psychology) 3. Inspiration 4 Conduct of life – Quotations, maxims etc |
158.1 BRE |
Brewer, Sarah Dr | The Osteoporosis Prevention Guide | 1. Osteoporosis – a guide 2. Osteoporosis – prevention |
613.7 BRE |
BREWI Janice and BRENNAN Anne | Mid-Life Psychological and Spiritual Perspectives | 1. MIddle Age – Religious Life 2. Middle Age – Psychological Aspects | 248.84 BRE |
Bringing Out the Best In Yourself At Work | Ginger Lapid-Bogda | 1. Enneagram 2. Quality of work life 3. self-actualisation | 155.2 LAP |
BRISKMAN, Linda | The black grapevine | 1. Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care–History 2. Children, Aboriginal Australian–Institutional care–History 3. Children, Aboriginal Australian–Governmetn policy–History 4. Australia–Race relations 5. Australia–Social policy |
362.82 BRI |
BROCK Rita Nakashima and PARKER Rebecca Ann | Proverbs of ashes | 1. Atonement. 2. Feminist theology. 3. Violence– Religious aspects — Christianity. 4. Family violence — Religious aspects — Christianity. 5. Rita Nakashima. 6.Parker, Rebecca Ann. |
234.082 PRO |
Brock, Peggy and Gara, Tom EDITORS | Colonialism and its Aftermath | 1. Aboriginal Australians – South Australia – History 2. Aboriginal Australians – South Australia – Relations with Europeans – History 3. Aboriginal Australians,Treatment of – History | 994 BRO |
BRODIE Veronica | My Side of the Bridge |
1. Brodie Veronica 2. Aborigines, Australian -Women- South Australia-Biography 3.Narrinyeri (Australian people) 4.Gale Mary-Anne |
305.89915 BRO |
BRONTE, Charlotte | Shirley | 1. English fiction | 823 BRO |
BROOKS Geraldine | People of the Book | Fiction – Conservation and restoration 2. Judaism – fiction – manuscripts 3. Manuscripts, Hebrew – fiction 4. Books – conservation and restoration – fiction | A 823.4 BRO |
Brooks, Geraldine | The Secret Chord | 1. David, King of Israel – fiction | A823.3 BRO |
Brooks, Karen | The Good Wife of Bath | 1. Fiction – retelling of Chaucer’s "The Wife of Bath" tale – England 1364 | A823 BRO |
BROOTEN Bernadette J. | Love between women | 1. Bible.N.T. Romans 1.18-32-Criticism, interpretationetc. 2. Bible.N.T. Romans1. 18-32–Criticism, interpretation etc–History– Early Church,ca.30-600. 3. Lesbianism–Biblical teaching. 4. Lesbianism – Rome. 5. Lesbianism – Religious aspects — Christianity–History. of | 306.7663 BRO |
BROWN Dan | The Da Vinci code | 1. Cryptographers — Fiction 2. Mystery fiction |
813.54 BRO |
BROWN Juanita with ISAACS David |
The World Cafe | 1. Group facilitation 2. Communication in social action 3. Conversation – social aspects | 302.3 BRO |
BROWN, Mel | Aboriginal Healing Oracle (Cards) | 1. Aboriginal Healing Oracle – cards | 305.8 BRO |
Brown, Pascoe Writer/Director | Our Stories DVD | Cissie Cubillo | N/A |
BROWNING, Elizabeth Barrett | The poetical works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning | 1, English poetry 2. Women poets – England |
821 BRO |
BROWNMILLER, Susan | Against our will | 1. Rape – Psychology 2. Women and rape – History |
364.1532 BRO |
BROZ Mary Ruth, RSM and FLYNN Barbara | Midwives of an Unnamed Future | 1. Feminine Spirituality 2. Pilgrimage 3. Spiritual Journey 4. Spirituals traditions 5. Rituals 6. Spiritual change | 248.84 BRO |
BRUTEAU, Beatrice | The Grand Option | 1. Spirituality – Catholic Church 2. Consciousness – religious aspects – Catholic Church 3. Human evolution – Religious aspects – Catholic Church | 233 BRU |
BRYDEN Christine | Dancing with Dementia | 1. Bryden, Christine, 1949 Mental health 2. Dementia – Patients – Biography 3. Alzheimers disease | 362.19 BRY |
Bryden, Christine | Nothing About Us, Without Us! | 1. Dementia – patients – care 2. Patient advocacy |
362.19 BRY |
BUCKO, Adam and FOX, Mathew | Occupy Spirituality | 1. Christian Life 2. Generation Y – Religious life |
248 BUC |
Buist, Anne | Locked Ward | 1. Australian Fiction | A823 BUI |
Bulbeck, Chilla | Imagining the Future | 1. Youth- Australia – Attitudes 2. Young adults – sexual behaviour – social conditions 3. Young adults – Australia – interviews |
305.230 BUL |
BURCH Vidyamala | Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief (CD) | Pain Relief | none |
BURCH, Vidyamala and PENMAN, Danny | Mindfulness for Health | 1. Stress (Psychology) – Alternate treatment 2. Health and Fitness 3. Pain – Alternate treatment 4. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy |
615.85 BUR |
BURGER, John | The Gaia Atlas of First Peoples | 1. Indigenous peoples 2. Minorities 3. Acculturation 4. Culture Conflict 5. Cultural Survival |
305.8 BUR |
BURLEY, Stephanie | Chapel, Cloister and Classroom | 1. Dominican Sisters – North Adelaide – History 2. Catholic Education – South Australia |
271.972 BUR |
BURNSIDE Julian | Watching Brief | 1 Human rights 2 Justice, Administration of 3 Ethics 4 Law |
323 BUR |
BURSTEIN Dan & DE kEIJZER Arne J. ed. | Secrets of Mary Magdalene | 1. Heresy 2. Women in the Bible 3. Church History 4. Apostles 5. Women in Christianity | 226 MAR |
BUSBY Margaret (editor) | Daughters of Africa | 1. Women of African Descent – writing | 891.6 BUS |
BUTCHER, Carmen Acevedo | The Cloud of Unknowing | 1. Mysticism – History – Middle Ages 600 -1500 |
248.2 BUT |
BUTLER BASS Diana | GROUNDED | 1. Faith 2. God – Christianity 3. Spirituality – Christianity 4. Christianity – 21st Century | 231 BUT |
BUTLER David and MOSELEY G. Lorimer | Explain Pain (2nd edition) | 1. Pain – understanding and management 2. Central nervous system | 616.0472 BUT |
BYNUM Caroline Walker | Holy feast and holy fast | 1. Food – Religious Aspects – Christianity 2. Women – History – Middle Ages 500-1500 3. Food Habits – History | 248.4 BYN |
Byrne, Lavinia | The hidden tradition | 1. Women — Religious life 2. Christian life. 3. Religious literature, English I. Byrne, Lavinia, 1947- |
248.843 HID |
BYRSKI, Liz | Getting On – Some thoughts on Women and Ageing | 1. Byrski Liz 2. Birsky, Liz – family 3. Self – persception in old age 4. Aging – anecdotes | 305.26 BYR |
C.E. Herman | Loving Difficult People at Difficult Times | I. Conscious living 2. Alternate dimension 3. Difficult relationships. 4. Love – acceptance, unconditional 4. Personal stories 5. spirituality | 133 HER |
CABOT Sandra | Help for Depression and Anxiety | ||
CADWALLADER Alan | Beyond the Word of a Woman | 1 Jesus Christ – Teachings 2 Jesus christ-Political &social views 3 Bible NT Mark-Criticism, interpretations etc. 4 Women in the bible 5 Children in the New Testament |
226.306 CAD |
CADWALLADER Alan (ed.) | Pieces of Ease and Grace | 1. Bible – Gay Interpretations 2. Gays – Religious aspects – Christianity 3. Bible and Homosexuality | 241.664 CAD |
CADWALLADER Robyn | I Painted Unafraid | 1. Australian poetry 2. Friendly Street Poets Inc. |
A821.4 CAD |
CADWALLADER, Robyn | The Anchoress | 1. Young women – England – fiction 2. Monasticism and religious orders for women – fiction 3. Great Britain – history -13th century – fiction |
A 823 CAD |
Cadwallader, Robyn (Editor) | We Are Better Than This | 1. Refugees – Australia 2. Refugees – Government policy – Australia 3. Australia – Politics and government |
325.21 CAD |
CAIN, Elizabeth | Grass grows by itself | 1. Meditation. 2. Self-acceptance |
248.34 CAI |
CAIN, Susan | QUIET | 1. Interpersonal Relations 2. Extroversion 3. Introversion 4. Introverts | 155 CAI |
CALLAHAN, Sidney | A retreat with Mary of Magdala & Augustine | 1. Mary Magdalene, Saint 2. Augustine Saint, Bishop of Hippo 3. Spiritual retreats–Catholic Church 4. Sex–Religious aspects–Catholic Church 5. Imaginary conversations |
269.6 CAL |
CAMDEN-PRATT Catherine | Out of the Shadows | 1 Children of the mentally ill -Australia 2 Families of the mentally ill – Australia 3 Mothers and daughters – Australia |
362.20 CAM |
Cameron, Julia | Walking in This World | 1. Creative ability 2. Creation – literary, artistic 3. Self-actualization – psychology |
700.19 CAM |
Cameron, Julia |
The Right to Write | 1. Authorship 2. Writing 3. The right to write |
808.02 CAM |
CAMERON, Margaret | The voices we speak and the silences we keep | 1. Environmental psychology 2. Jungian psychology |
R 155.9 CAM |
Cameron, Margaret Ann | The Apocalypse of Saint John | 1. Bible, N.T. Revelation – Psychology 2. Christianity – Psychology |
261.515 CAM |
Camilleri, Joseph A (editor) | Religion and Culture in Asia Pacific | 1. Religion and culture – Asia & Pacific 2. Asia – social conditions |
291.178 CAM |
Camp Coorong NLPA | Nukkan Kungun Yunnan – See listen speak | 1. Ngarrindjeri (Australian people) – Social life and customs 2. Aboriginal Australians SA- Meningie region 3.natural resources – Coorong |
333.72 NUK |
Campbell, Beatrix |
End of Equality | !. Equality 2. Feminism 3. Male domination (social structure) 4. Women – social conditions 5. Sex discrimination against women 6. Feminism – 21st century |
305.42 CAM |
Campbell, Debra | Graceful Exits | 1. Catholic women – biography-history and criticism 2. Ex-nuns-biography-history and criticism |
282 CAM |
CAMPBELL, Joseph | The power of myth | 1. Myth 2.Campbell,Joseph.1904-1987. Interviews 3. Religion historians-U.S.Interviews |
398.35 CAM |
CANAN Janine (editor) | She Rises Like the Sun | !.Goddess – Poetry 2. American Poetry 20th Century 3. American poetry – women authors 4. Women poetry | 811.5 Can |
CANNATO Judy | Radical Amazement | 1 Religion and Science 2 Cosmology |
231.7 CAN |
Cannato, Judy | Field of Compassion | 1. Cosmology 2. Consciousness 3. Kingdom of God – miscellanea |
231.7 CAN |
CANTOR, Norman | The Sacred Chain | 1.Judaism – History 2. Sects and movements 3.Jews |
295 CAN |
CAPLOW, Florence and MOON, Susan (Edit) | The Hidden Lamp | 1. Buddhist women 2. Women in Buddhism 3. Religious life – Buddhism |
294.30 CAP |
CAPUTO, John D. | The Insistence of God | 1. God (Christianity) 2. Post-modernism – Religious Aspects – Christianity |
231 CAP |
CARDINAL Marie | Devotion and Disorder | 1. Devotion + disorder. – Addiction, discussion, maternal love 2. Fiction – French, translated into English | 843.914 |
The Power of Silence | 1. Christianity – Silence 2. Contemplation – Christianity |
264 SAR |
CAREY, Gabrielle | In my father s house | 1. Biography – Family 2. Authors, Australian – Biography 3. Political activity – Australia 4. Carey family – Biography |
828.309 CAR |
Carmen Acevedo Butcher | Incandescence | 1.Mysticism- catholic church 2. Women mystics 3.Spiritual life- catholic church 4. devotional calendars |
248.2 BUT |
Carmody, Kev, Purcell, Leah etc | Burraay Dreaming Them Home CD | 1. Stolen generations, Aboriginal children – Songs 2. Australian Aboriginal singers, songwriters |
N/A |
Caro, Jane | Accidental Feminists | 1. Feminism 2. Contemporay Women Roles |
305.4 CAR 305.4 RUE |
Caro, Jane & Fox, Catherine | The F Word | 1. Feminism 2. quality of work life 3. Sex discrimination against women 4. Work and family |
305.42 CAR |
Caro, Niki (film maker) | Whale Rider (DVD) | 1. Based on novel by Witi Ihimaera 2. Maori, New Zealand 3. Young girl heroine |
N/A |
Carol K. Anthony | A Guide to the I Ching | 1.Philosophy – Chinese 2. Religion- Chinese |
299.51 ANT |
Carol Meyers (General editor). Toni Craven and Ross S. Kraemer, associate editors. | Women in Scripture. | 1. Women in the Bible — Indexes. 2. Women in the Bible –Biography– Dictionaries | R 220.92 WOM |
Caroline Myss | Why People Don’t Heal and How They Cab | 1. Medicine and Psychology 2.Mind and body 3. Medicine – Psychosomatic 4. Personality and Health aspects | 610.1 MYS |
Carolyn Myss |
Intimate Conversations with the Divine | I.Spirituality 2. Prayer 3. Self-help | 299.9 MYS |
CARR. David M. | The Erotic Word | 1. Sex and the Bible 2. Gardens and the Bible 3. 3. Sex – Religious aspects – Christianity 4. Gardens – Religious aspects – Christianity |
220.8 CAR |
Carroll, John | The Western Dreaming | 1. Archetype (psychology) | 150.19 CAR |
CARTER Jennifer M.T. and CROSS Roger | Ginger for Pluck | 1. Georgina King 1845 – 1932 2. Women Anthropologists – Australia – Biography 3. Women geologists – Australia – Biography 4. Geology – Australia 5. Natural History – Australia – Collectors and collecting | 301.92 CAR |
CARTER, Angela (ed) SARGOOD, Corinna (illustrator) |
The Second Virago book of fairy tales | 1. Women–Folklore 2. Tales 3. Fairy tales |
398.21 SEC |
CASE Antonia (editor in chief) | Womankind (periodical) | na | |
Case, Antonia (editor) | Womankind (periodical) | 1. Consumer narcissism 2. Secrets of flourishing 3.The boat people – Vietnam |
N/A |
CASSIDY Sheila | Confessions of a lapsed Catholic | 1. Catholic Women – religious life 2. God Cchristianity) 3. Christian Life | 248.4 CAS |
CASSIDY, Sheila | Light from the dark valley | 1. Suffering – Spiritual aspects 2. Death – Spiritual aspects 3. Meditations |
248.86 CAS |
CASTLEMAN, Michael | The healing herbs | 1. Herbs–Therapeutic use | 615.32 CAS |
Catherine Murphy | Talking Back | 1. Working Women s Centre Adelaide, SA – History 2. Women – Employment 3. Women in Trade Unions SA 4. Affirmative Action programs SA – history |
331.4 MUR |
CATHERINE of Siena, Ed. by Mary O Driscoll O.P. | Catherine of Siena | 1. Catherine of Siena – Collected works 2. Spiritual life 3. Compassion 4. O Driscoll, Mary |
248.4 CAT |
CATTON Eleanor | The Luminaries | 1. Goldmines and mining – New Zealand – fiction 2. Detective and mystery stories, New Zealand 3. Winner of the 2013 Man Booker Prize | 823.92 CAT |
CD | Sleep | 1. Insomnia | none |
CHAMBERLAIN, Mary (edit) | Writing Lives |
1. Women authors – Interviews 2. English literature – Women authors – History and criticsm 3. English literature – 20th century – History and criticism |
820.99 WRI |
CHANG, Jung | Empress Dowager Cixi | 1. Biography – China 1861 – 1912 Empress | 951 CHA |
CHAPMAN, Denise | Anaditj | 1. Adnyamathanha – understanding of the way things are (Anaditj) – Aboriginal 2. Language for God – Aboriginal |
261.29 CHA |
Charles Dickens (DVDs) | The Charles Dickens Colection | ||
Charles, Janet Skeslien | The Paris Library | 1. Fiction | 823 CHA |
Charmaine Papertalk Green & John Kinsella | Art -Poems | Poetry – Australian; Poetry Aboriginal Australian | A821 GRE |
CHAST Roz | Can’t we talk about something more pleasant? | 1. Dementia 2. Adult children of aging parents 3. family relationships 4. aging -m care 5. Comic books, strips etc. USA | 920 CHA |
CHEKHOV,Anton | Plays | 1. Russian drama | 891.73 CHE |
Chevalier, Tracy | Remarkable Creatures | 1. English fiction | 823 CHE |
CHICAGO, Judy | Through the flower | 1. Chicago, Judy, 1939- . 2. Artists–United States–Biography. |
700 CHI |
Childs-Gowell, Elaine, ARNP Ph D | Good grief rituals | Grief-problems, Exercises; Loss-psychology |
155.9 CHI |
China Galland | The bond between women | 1. Spiritual biography U.S. 2. Women and religion 3. Feminist spirituality |
291.4092 GAL |
CHITTESTER, Joan | THERE IS A SEASON | 1. Bible O -Ecclesiastes III, 1-8 Meditations, Illustrations | 242.5 CHI |
CHITTISTER Joan | Following the Path | 1 Search for Meaning 2 Happiness – meaning 3 Purpose of life – meaning |
204.4 CHI |
CHITTISTER Joan D. | Scarred by Struggle, Transformed by Hope | 1. Suffering– Religious aspects–Catholic Church. 2. Hope–Religious aspects–Catholic Church. | 248.86 CHI |
Chittister, Joan | Radical Christian Life | 1. Benedict, Saint, Abbott of Monte Cassino – Meditations 2. Devotional calendars – Catholic church 3. Christian life – Catholic authors |
242.2 CHI |
CHITTISTER, Joan D | Life ablaze: A woman s novena | 1. Women – Meditations and prayer | 242.6 CHI |
CHITTISTER,Joan | Beyond Beijing | 1. Women s rights. 2. UN World Conference on Women (Beijing),1996. 3. Chittister,Joan – Journeys. 4. Former Soviet Republics – Description and travel. | 305.42 CHI |
Hope and fear | 1. Australian literature–South Australia 2. Australian literature–Women authors 3. Women–Australia–South Australia–Literary collections 4. South Australia–Literary collections I. Chittleborough, Anne II. Greet, Annie III. Hosking, Sue, 1948- |
A820 HOP |
CHODOROW, Nancy | The reproduction of mothering | 1. Psychoanalysis 2. Gender–Sociology 3. Mothers–Psychology |
150.195 CHO |
CHODRON, Pema | Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change | 1. Religious life – Buddhism 2. Uncertainty – religious aspects – Buddhism 3. Buddhism – doctrines 4. Religion and spirituality |
294.3 CHO |
Choir of hard Knocks | Choir of Hard Knocks CD | 1. Australian choir | N/A |
Choir of the Monks, Abbey of Santo Domingo de Silos | Gregorian Chants (CD) | 1. Gregorian chants | N/A |
Chopin, Kate | A Pair of Silk Stockings | 1. FICTION – SHORT STORIES – selections | 813.4 CHO |
CHOPP, Rebecca S | The power to speak | 1. Feminist theology 2. Word of God ( Theology) 3. Inclusive language – Religious aspects – Christianity |
230.082 CHO |
CHOQUETTE Sonia | Diary of a Psychic | 1 Choquette Sonia 2 Psychics-Colorado-Biography |
133.809 CHO |
CHRIST Carol |
Laughter of Aphrodite |
1. Women and Religion. 2. Feminism- Religious aspects. 3. Spiritual life. 4. Aphrodite (Greek deity). 5. Goddess religion |
291.2082 CHI |
Christ, Carol P | Odyssey With the Goddess | 1. Christ, Carol P 2. Spiritual biography – US 3. Goddess religion 4. Crete – description – travel – religion |
291.208 CHR |
CHRIST, Carol P. and PLASKOW, Judith | Goddess and God in the World | 1. Embodied Theology 2. Feminist Theology 3. History of Theology 4. Divine Power 5. Evil | 230.082 CHR |
Christine E Burke | Freedom, Justice and Sincerity | 1. Ward, Mary 1585-1645 2. Loretto nuns 3. Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary 4. Monasticism & religious orders for women |
271.97BUR |
Christine Valters | Lectio Divinia The Sacred Art | 1. Prayer- Christianity 2. Spiritual life – Christianity3. Bible – Devotional use | 242.5 PAI |
CHURCHER, Betty | Australian Notebooks | 1. Art – Theme, motives 2. Paint – themes, motives 3. Art Appreciation |
700 CHU |
Notebooks |
1. Art – Themes, motives 2. Painting – Themes, motives 3. Art Appreciation |
759 CHU |
Churton, Tobias | Kiss of Death | 1. Religion 2. Non-Fiction 3. Religion and philosophy |
229 CHV |
Cinzia Arruzza | Feminism for the 99 Percent | 1.feminism | 305.42 ARR |
CIRLOT J.E. | A dictionary of symbols | 1. Symbolism – Dictionaries 2. Translated from Spanish by Jack Sage 3.Foreword by Herbert Read |
R 303.222 DIC |
Claire G. Coleman | Terra Nullius | 1. Australia – fiction 2.Aboriginal – fiction | A823 COL |
CLARKE, Maxine Beneba | The Hate Race |
1. Clarke, Maxine Beneba 2.Autobiographies 3. Poets, Australian – Biography 4. Racism – Australia 5. Multiculturalism – Australia 6. Writers 7. Ethnic relations |
920 CLA |
Clarkson, Rebekah | Barking Dogs | 1. Australian fiction – cities and towns 2. Interpersonal Relations – fiction 3. Neighbours Mount Barker – Australia | A823 CLA |
CLEARY, Thomas and AZIS, Sartaz | TWILIGHT GODDESS | 1. Goddess religion 2. Women and religion |
291.21 CLE |
Cleary, William. | Prayers to she who is | 1. Femininity of God – Prayer books and devotions – English. 2. Prayers 3. Morningstar, Jean – Drawings by 4. Chittister, Joan – Forward. |
242.8 CLE |
CLEEVE, Roger | Daughters of Jerusalem | 1. Arab – Jewish relationships – Fiction 2. Women – Fiction 3. Women authors |
823 CLE |
Cloyd, Betty Shannon | Children and Prayer | 1. Christian education- home training 2. Prayer – Christianity 3. Children – religious life |
248.32 CLO |
COCHRANE, Kathie | Oodgeroo | 1.Noonucal, Oodgeroo – Biography 2. Walker, Kathleen – Biography |
A 821.092 NOO.C |
COFFEY Kathy | Hidden Women of the Gospels | 1. Women in the Bible 2. Bible , New Testament Gospels – Biography |
226.092 COF |
COHEN Leonard (narrator) | The Tibetan Book of The Dead – DVD | 1. Rites and liturgy for a deceased elder 2. Dalai Lama – interview 3. guidance into the afterlife 4. Rebirth | N/A |
COLE, Susan, RONAN, Marian and TAUSSIG, Hal | New Edition Wisdom’s Feast | 1. Sophia = Study – Celebration 2. Sophia – history 3. Sophia – meditations – rituals – prayers |
220 .64 COL |
COLLARD, Patrizia, Dr | Journey into Mindfulness | 1. Mindfulness – self acceptance 2. Stress – illness |
155.9 COL |
Collected by Dulwich Centre Publications | Working with th stories of women’s lives | 1. Women 2. Women’s studies – Biographical methods 3. women – counselling of. Indigenous Women | 305.42 DUL |
COLLETTE | Gigi and The Cat | 1. Fiction – French | 843 COL |
COLLINS, Carolyn and ECCLESTON, Roy | Trailblazers 100 | 1. Inspiring Trailblazing Women – South Australian 2. InspiringTrailblazing Women – Biographies |
920 COL |
COLLINS, Paul | Judgement Day | 1. Environmental degradation – Religious aspects – Christianity 2. Environmental responsibility – religious aspects – Christianity |
261.88 COL |
Colm Tobin | Nora Webster | Ficition- Ireland | 823 TOI |
COLSEY, Dawn | Pour a Liibation | 1. Australian poetry – South Australia, 21st century | A821.4 COL |
COMBET, Greg | The Fights of My Life | 1. Combet, Greg 2. Australian Labour Party – Officials and Employees 3. Politicians – Australia – Biography 4. Politics – Australia |
324.29 COM |
Commission for Australian Catholic Women | And the dance goes on | 1. Women in the Catholic Church–Australia 2. Women–Religious life–Australia 3. Women and religion–Australia |
282 COM |
Commonwealth Office of the Status of Women | Women in Australia 2004 | 1. Women–Australia–Social conditions 2. Women–Australia–Economic conditions 3. Women–Government policy–Australia 4. Women–Services for–Government policy–Australia |
305.4 AUS |
Compiled by Ahlers Julie,Broughton Rosemary &Koch Carl | Women Psalms |
1 Prayers | 242.8 WOM |
Compiled by David Roach | Bereavement Education for Palliative Care Workers in South Australia | 1 Care giver 2 Bereavement – Psychological aspects 3 Grief therapy 4 Terminal care |
155.9 BER |
CONLEY, Kate | Human first | 1. Women prisoners – Spirituality 2. Rituals and prayers – Prisoners |
264.0082 CON |
CONNELLAN, Kathleen Anne | Dreaming, Healing and Imaginative Arts Practice | 1. Art therapy 2. Psychotherapy – art practice 3. Psychotherapy imagination |
616.84 CON |
CONNELLY, Cath | Fancy free | 1. Harp music 2. Popular music–Australia–2001-2010 |
787.9 CON |
Connie Peck | How To Make Peace With Your Partner | 1. Interpersonal relations 2. Interpersonal conflict 3. Conflict management |
158.2 PEC |
CONNOLLY Joy | Step-families | 1 Stepchildren-Family relationships 2 Families 3 Step parents 4 Children of divorced parents |
306.874 CON |
Consulting editor:Peter B Clarke | The World s religions | 1. Religions | R 291 WOR |
COOKE Kaz | Get a Grip | 1 Australian wit and humour 2 Australia – anecdotes |
152.43 COO |
CORBETT Sarah | How to be a CRAFTIVIST | 1. Handicraft – social aspects 2. Handicrafts – political aspects 3. Public Art – social aspects 4. Human rights workers – anecdotes | 303 COR |
Cornwall, Susannah | Sex and Uncertainty in the Body of Christ | 1. Sex – religious aspects – Christianity 2. Intersex conditions – Christian aspects |
233.5 COR |
COSTIN, Carolyn and SCHUBERT GRABB, Gwen | 8 Keys to Recovery from an Eating Disorder | 1. Eating disorders – Treatment 2. Mind and Body | 616.85 COS |
COTNER, June | Gratitude Prayers | 1. Poetry – compilation various poets 2. Anthology – poetry | 811 COT |
Coulthard, Terence | Kumarangk DVD | 1. The Long Walk – Ngarrendjeri women 2. Kumarangk |
994 KUM |
Courtney Sullivan | Saints For All Occasions | Fiction -Ireland/USA | 823 SUL |
COUSINEAU Phil | The Art of Pilgrimage | 1. Travel – Religious aspects 2. Pilgrim and pilgrimages | 291.3 COU |
COWAN James | Kun-Man-Gur | 1. Creation 2. Aborigines, Australian – Folklore 3. Folklore – Australia 4. Bancroft. Bronwyn. ill. 5. Kun-Man-Gar the Rainbow Serpent Folklore |
398.21 COW |
COZENS Jenny | Nervous Breakdown | 1. stress, phobia, anxiety, depression, eating disorder, alcohol addiction, schizophrenia 2. Clinical Psychology | 616.89 COZ |
COZZONS Donald | Sacred Silence | 1. Catholic Church 2. Clergy – Sexual Behaviour | 282.09 COZ |
CRABB, Annabel | The Wife Drought | 1. Wives – social conditions 2. Work and Family 3. Women executives – social conditions 4. Women in public life – social conditions 5. Husbands – effect of wife’s employment on | 306.8723 CRA |
CRAIGHEAD, Meinrad | The mother s songs | 1. God as mother 2. Motherhood – Mythical aspects 3.Mother and daughter – relationships |
242.2 CRA |
CRAWFORD, Patricia and MADDERN, Philippa (Edit) | Women As Australian Citizens | 1. Women – Australia – Social Conditions 2. Feminism – Australia – History 3. Women’s Rights – Australia |
305.4 CRA |
CRESP, Mary, RSJ | God’s ‘Good Time’ | 1. Sisters of St Joseph 2. Church work with Australian Aborigines – Catholic Church |
271.97 CRE |
Crime Writers of South Australia | Killing Words | 1. Australian Fiction – short stories 2. Fiction – crime |
A823 CWS |
CRISP Louise & Wilde Valery | In the Half-Light | Peoetry = Australia | A821 CRI |
CRISP, Louise | Yuiquimbiang | 1. Poetry – Australian | A821.3 CRI |
CRISPIN Jessa | Why I am Not a Feminist | 1. Feminism 2. Feminist Theory 3. Women – social conditions | 305.42 CRI |
CRITCHLOW, Keith | The Hidden Geometry of Flowers | 1. Symmetry (Biology) 2. Cycles 3. Flowers – Symbolic aspects 4. Flowers – Morphology |
582.13 CRI |
CRONN, Vincent | Mary portrayed | 1. Mary, Virgin in art | 755.9485 CRO |
CROSSAN John Dominic | The Birth of Christianity | 1. The Birth of Christianity | 270.1 CRO |
CROSSAN, John Dominic | Who Killed Jesus | ||
CROSSAN, John, Dominic, Cannon | Jesus A Revolutionary A Biography | 1. Jesus Christ – Biography 2. Jesus Christ – Historicity |
232.901 CRO |
Crosson, John Dominic | The Historical Jesus | 1. Jesus Christ – Biography 2. Jesus Christ – Biography – History and Criticism 3. Jesus Christ |
232.9 CRO |
Crotty, Robert | Three Revolutions | 1. Bible – history of doctrines 2. Bible as literature 3. Bible – criticism – textual |
220.5 CRO |
Crotty, Robert & Kiley, Bernadette | In the Beginning | 1. Bible O.T. – Biography | 221.922 CRO |
CRUGNALE, Jordan | FOOTPRINTS across our land | 1. Aborigine women – Social life and customs 2. Aborigine women – Writings 3. Aborigine artists |
305.488 FOO |
CRUMLIN, Rosemary | THE BLAKE BOOK: ART, RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY IN AUSTRALIA | 1. Art, Religious – Australia 2. The Blake Prize | Q 759.994 CRU |
CUDDY, Amy | Presence | 1. Self-confidence 2.Self-actualisation (Psychology) 3.Self-realisation 4. Self-esteem 5.Success – psychological aspects |
158.1 CUD |
CUGNO, Alain | Saint John of the Cross | 1. John of the Cross, Saint – Biography 2. Mysticism , Christian |
248.22 CUG |
Cullen, Vicky (ed) | This Land Our Water | 1. water quality management, Australia 2. Water resources development, Australia 3. Water supply & conservation, Australia 4. Sustainable development, Australia |
333.91 CUL |
CULLINAN, Colleen Carpenter | Redeeming the story | 1. Redemption–Christianity 2. Narrative theology 3. Feminist theology |
234.3 CUL |
CULLINAN, Cormac | Wild Law | 1. Social and Environmental Justice 2. Environment – Politics – Law – Ancient Wisdom |
CUNNINGHAM Scott | Wicca | 1 Witchcraft 2 Magic 3 Ritual |
299 CUN |
CV Eckermann | Koonibba | 1. Koonibba Mission – history 2. Lutheran church – Missions – SA 3. Aboriginal Australians – SA |
266.4 ECK |
da SILVA, CAROLINE | Sacred Spaces | 1. Sacred space – Miscellanea 2. Spiritual Life – miscellanea 3. Household Shrines | 203.5 SIL |
DACKMAN, Linda | Affirmations, mediations and encouragements for women living with breast cancer | 1. Breast–Cancer–Psychological aspects 2. Meditations |
362.19 DAC |
DAHILL Lisa E. (editor) | 40-Day Journey with Julian of Norwich | 1. Julian of Norwich 2. Devotional literature 3. Mysticism | 242 JUL |
DAHL, Joanne & LUNDGREN Tobias | Living Beyond Your Pain | 1. Chronic pain – treatment 2. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy | 616.04 DAH |
DALAI LAMA | The Art Of Happiness | 1. Religious Life 2. Hapiness – religious aspects – Buddhism 3. Buddhism – doctrines |
293.34 DAL |
Ancient Wisdom, Modern World | !. Spiritual life – Buddhism | 294.34 DAL |
DALTON – SMITH, MD, Saundra | Sacred Rest | 1. Rest – Religious aspects – Christianity | 248.4 DAL |
DALY, Mary | The church and the second sex | 1. Feminism 2. Women in the Christian Church |
261.8344 DAL |
DALY. Mary | Quintessence… Realising the archaic future | 1. Feminist theory 2. Ecofeminism 3. Patriarchy |
305.42 DAL |
DANAHER, Geoff, SCHIRATO, Tony and WEBB, Jen | Understanding Foucault | 1. Foucault, Michel 2. Philosophy, French – 20th century |
194 DAN |
DANIEL, Zoe | Storyteller | 1. Foreign correspondents – Australia – biography 2. Foreign correspondent’s – Australia – anecdotes 3. Journalists – Australia – biography 4. Journalism – political aspects |
920 DAN |
DARDESS, George and KRIER MICH, Marvin L. | In the Spirit of St Francis & The Sultan | 1. Islam – Relations – Christianity | 261.2 DAR |
DASS, Ram | Still Here | 1. Aged 2. Aging 3. Aging – Psycholigical aspects 4. Aging – Religious aspects 5. Ageism |
305.26 DAS |
David Attenborough | A Life on Our Planet | 1. Decline of our planet 2. Future vision 3. Biodiversity – critical nature of | 333.72 ATT |
David Bornstein | The Price of a Dream | 1. Grameen Bank 2. Banks and banking – Bangladesh 3. Rural poor – Bangladesh – economic conditions 4. Women – Bangladesh |
332.1 BRO |
DAVIDSON, Robyn | Tracks | 1. Australia, Central – Description and travel | 919.42 DAV |
DAVIDSON, Rosemary | Approaching the Sacred | 1. Cambodia – photos, poetry 2. Devotional poetry, photos |
294.3 DAV |
DAVIES Paul | God and the New Physics | 1. Science and Religion 2. Title 3. Cosmology 4. Biblical cosmology | 215.3 DAV |
DAVIS Courtney | Celtic Ornament | 1. Decoration and Ornament, Celtic 2. Illumination of books and manuscripts 3. Calligraphy, Celtic 4. Art, Celtic 5. Designs by Celts | 745.67 DAV |
DAVIS John | The Gift of Saint Francis | 1. Francis of Assisi, 1182-1226 2. Christian saints – Italy – Assisi – Biography 3. Assisi (Italy) – Biography |
282.45 DAV |
Davis, Angela Y | Freedom is a Constant Struggle | 1. Activism – essays | 361.91 DAV |
DAVIS, Megan & WILLIAMS, George | Everything You Need to Know About the Uluru Statement From the Heart | 1. Australia Constitution Act – Amendments 2. Constitutional Law – Australia 3. Constitutional History – Australia 4. Aboriginal Australians – Government relations, politics 5. Australian Indigenous material |
305.8 DAV |
DAVIS, Megan and LANGTON, Marcia (Ed) | It’s Our Country | 1. Aboriginal Australians – Legal status, laws etc. 2.Aboriginal Australians – government relations 3. Aboriginal Australians – Civil Rights 4. Constitutional law – Australia |
323.1 DAV |
DAWJEE, Haji Mohamed | Sorry,Not Sorry | Autobiography | 305.89 DAW |
de Beauvoir | A very easy death | 1. Beauvoir, Francoise de–Biography 2. Beauvoir, Simone de, 1908-1986 3. Authors, French–20th century–Biography 4. Novelists, French–20th century–Biography |
848 BEA |
DE BEAUVOIR Simone | My Life | 1 Autobiographies- France- Women 2 Mothers and daughters 3 Simone de Beauvoir – autobiography |
944.092 DE |
DE BOER, Esther | Mary Magdalene | 1. Mary Magdalene – Saint | 226.092 BOE |
DE BOTTON | The News | 1. Journalism – social and political aspects 2. Mass media – social and political aspects 3. News audiences |
302.23 BOT |
de Botton, Alain | Religion for Atheists | 1. Religion 2. Atheism – atheists |
211.8 DEB |
DE HAMEL, Christopher | The Book | 1. History – The Bible | 220 DEH |
DE MELLO, Anthony | Awareness | 1. Spiritual life. 2. Self-awareness 3. Meditation |
242.2 DE |
de Mello, Anthony |
Sadhana A Way To God | 1. Spiritual Exercises in Eastern Form | 248.3 MEL |
DE SAINT – EXUPERY, Antoine | The little prince | 1. French fiction | 843 DE |
DE SOUSA, Desmond | Sex tourism in Asia | 1. Prostitution – Asia 2. Tourism trade – Asia |
306.74 DE |
DE VRIES, Susanna | Blue Ribbons Bitter Bread | 1. Women (Authors – Journalists) – Australia – Biography 2. World War, 1939 – 1945 – Jews – Rescue 3. Political refugees – Greece, Poland, Soviet Union 4. Women philanthropists – Australia – Biography |
361.74 DEV |
DE WAAL Esther | A retreat with Thomas Merton | 1. Merton, Thomas – 1915-1968 2. Spiritual Retreats 3. Spiritual Life – Catholic Church | 269.6 DEW |
DEANE-DRUMMOND Celia | A Primer in Ecotheology | 1. Human ecology – Religious aspects – Christianity 2. Environmental protection – Moral and ethical aspects | 261.836 DEA |
Debra Dank | WE Come with this Place | 1. Racism, Australia 2. Gudanji country -family-ancestors spiritual, physical nourishment | 305.8 DAN |
Deidre Michell & Jude Noble (eds) | Women Journeying With Spirit | 1. Women – religious life – Australia 2. Spirituality – Australia 3. Spiritual life |
204.4 WOM |
DELANEY, Frank | The Celts | 1.Civilization, Celtic – History 2.Celts – History |
940.04196 DEL |
DELIO, Ilia |
From Teilhard to Omega | 1. Creationism 2. Creation – literary, artistic 3. Evolution (Biology )- Religious aspects 4. Evolution – Religious aspects – Christianity 5. Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre |
261.5 DEL |
Delys Sargeant & Anne Unkenstein | Remembering well | 1. memory 2. Age factors – memory 3. memory disorders |
153.12 SAR |
DEMARIAUX Jean-Christophe | How to understand Hinduism | 1. Hinduism 2. Hindu Religion | 294.5 DEM |
DESAI, Anita | Fire on the mountain | 1. American fiction | 813 DES |
DESMARCHELIER, Denise | Voices of Women | 1. Catholic Church – Australia 2. Women in the Catholic Church – Australia |
262.008 DES |
DESSAIX, Robert | The Time of Our Lives | ||
DEVEREUX, Paul | Earth mysteries | 1. Curiosities and wonders 2. Historic sites–Miscellanea 3. Sacred space–Miscellanea |
001.94 DEV |
Deveson, Anne | Resilience | 1.Resilience – personality trait | 155.24 DEV |
Di Chiera, Franca | Who Do You Think You Are? Ita Buttrose DVD | !. Ita Buttrose – biography | N/A |
Diangelo, Robin | Nice Racism | 1. Racism 2. White People 3. Race Relations |
305.8 DIA |
DICINOSKI Michelle | Telling Tiny Stories | 1. writing 2. memoir | 808.02 DIC |
DIDION, Joan | The Year of Magical Thinking | !. Loss – psychology 2. Husband’s death 3. Grief – bereavement 4. John Gregory Dunne |
155.937 DID |
DIECKMANN, Hans | Transference and counter-transference | 1. Jung, Carl – Psychology | 150.1954 DIE |
DIFFENBAUGH, Vanessa | We ever Asked For Wings | 1. Fiction – American 2. Family – Relationships – Parenthood – Fiction |
810 DIF |
DIGH Patti | Creative is a verb | 1. Creativity 2. Life 3. Self-help techniques | 153.3 DIG |
Digh, Patti | Life is a Verb | 1. Self-help techniques 2. Life |
158.1 DIG |
DILLARD, Annie | Pilgrim at Tinker Creek | 1. Nature 2.Life |
508.9 |
DINNERSTEIN, Dorothy | The mermaid and the minotaur | 1. Sexual habits – History 2. Feminism – Sexual aspects |
306.7 DIN |
DOBSON VERONICA PERRURLE Compiler | Arrernte Traditional Healing | 1. Aboriginal Australian healers – Australia 2. Aranda (Australian people) – Northern Territory – Alice Springs Region – Medicine 3. Aboriginal Australians – Northern Territory – Alice Springs Region – Health and hygiene | 615.8 DOB |
DOBSON, Rosemary | Rosemary Dobson | 1. Poetry–20th century | A821.3 DOB |
DOERR Anthony | All the Light we cannot see | 1. German occupation of France (1940 – 1945) 2. World War ll (1939 1945) 3. Historical fiction | 813.6 DOE |
DOERR, Anthony | About Grace | 1. Separation (Psychology) – Fiction 2. Fathers and daughters – Fiction 3. Runaway husbands – Fiction 4.Precognition – Fiction |
813.6 DOE |
DOHERTY, Berlie (Told by) | Fairy Tales | 1. Children’s Stories 2. Fairy Tales 3. Folklore |
398.2 DOH |
DOHERTY, Beth | All the Beautiful Things | 1. Truth, Beauty and Goodness – Catholic Church 2. Reform – Catholic Church |
282 DOH |
DOMINIAN, Jack | Cycles of affirmation | 1. Christian life–Psychological aspects 2. Prayer–Psychology |
158.2 DOM |
Dominican Sisters of Holy Cross Congregation | The Story of the Dominican Peace Gardens | 1. Dominican Peace Gardens, Clarence Gardens, SA | R 291 DOM |
Donna Ward | She I Dare Not Name | Memoir | 306.82 WAR |
DOOGUE, Geraldine and KIRKWOOD, Peter | Tomorrow’s Islam | 1. Islam and world politics 2. Islamic modernism 3. Muslims – attitudes 4. Islamic countries – Politics and government – 21st century – Philosophy |
305.692 DOO |
Doreen Kartinyeri & Sue Anderson | Doreen Kartinyeri | 1. Women, Aboriginal Australia – biography 2. Ngarrindjeri legal status 3. Sacred sites, SA, Hindmarsh Island 4. Stolen Generations |
920.009 KAR |
Doris Pilkington / Nugi Garimara | Follow the Rabbit Proof Fence | 1. Aborigines, Australian, fiction 2. Moore River region, WA 3. Jigalong region, WA |
A823.3 PIL |
DORMISCH, Loretta | A woman reads the gospel of Luke | 1. Women in the Bible 2. Feminist theology. 3. N.T. Luke- Criticism, interpretation etc. |
226.4 DOR |
Dougherty, Rose Mary | Group Spiritual Direction | 1. Spiritual direction 2. Church group work 3. Discernment of spirit |
253.53 DOU |
Douglas Klotz Neil | The Sufi book of Life | 1. Sufism | 297.44 DOU |
DOUGLAS- KLOTZ, Neil | Prayers of the Cosmos | 1. Lord s prayer – Meditations 2. Beatitudes – Meditations 3. Bible,N.T.Gospels – Language 4. Aramaic language – Translation |
226.9042 DOU |
DOWNING Christine | Psyche s Sisters | 1. sisters- mythology 2. sisters- psychology |
155.924 DOW |
DOWNING, Christine | Psyche s sisters | 1. Sisters – Mythology 2. Sisters – Psychology |
155.924 DOW |
DOWRICK Stephanie | Creative Journal Writing | 1 Diaries-Authorship 2 Creative Writing l Titile |
808.06 |
DOWRICK Stephanie | Free Thinking | 1 Self-actualization (psychology) 2 Happiness |
158.2 DOW |
DOWRICK, Stephanie | Tasting salt | 1.Australian fiction | A823.3 DOW |
DOWRICK. Stephanie | Your Name Is Not Anxious | 1. Psychology – managing anxiety | 158.2 DOW |
Dr Louise Newton | The Definitive Guide to Perimenopause and Menopause | !. Health – women | 618 NEW |
The Nostalgia Factory |
1. Reminiscing in old age 2. Reminiscing 3. Autobiographical memory 4. Memory – Age Factors |
155.67 DRA |
DRABBLE Margaret | The Seven Sisters | 1. English fiction | 823.914 DRA |
DRAKE Debra | An Uncommon Dialogue | 1 Drake, Debra J>, 1958 2 Mentally ill – Australia – Biography I Title |
305.908DRA |
DRANTELL, Jan Johnson | Mediations for women living with divorce and separation | 1. Divorced women–Prayer-books and devotions–English 2. Devotional characters |
158.1 DRA |
DREYER, Elizabeth A. | A retreat with Catherine of SIena | 1. Catherine of Siena, Saint, 1347-1380 2. Spiritual retreats–Catholic Church |
269.6 DRE |
DREYER, Elizabeth A., BURROWS, Mark S | MINDING THE SPIRIT | 1. Spirituality | 248 DRE |
DRIVER, G.R | Canaanite myths and legends | 1. Mythology, Canaanite 2. Mythology, Hebrew 3. Bible O.T. – History and criticism 4. Old Testament studies |
299.208 DRI |
Duane Hamacher | The First Astronomers | Astronomy-Indigenous | 920 HAM |
Dube, Musa W | Other Ways of Reading | 1. Bible – criticism, interpretation – Africa Sub-Saharan 2. Bible – feminist criticism – Africa |
220.60 OTH |
Duff, Kat | The Alchemy of Illness | 1. Illness and healing 2. Illness and culture 3. Meaning and illness |
615.8 DUF |
DUGGAN, Maura | In Search of Truth | 1. Dominican – Australia – History 2 Dominican sisters -Australia -history 3. Dominican history |
271.2 DUG |
DUMBLETON, Mike and SOMERVILLE, Hannah | Anisa’s Alphabet | 1. Refugees – pictorial – juvenile fiction 2. Alien detention centres – juvenile fiction 3. Boat people; immigrant families, refugee children – juvenile fiction 4. Australian | 325.2 DUM |
Dunant, Sarah | In the Company of the Courtesan | 1. Blind women – fiction 2. Courtesans – Fiction 3. Dwarfs – fiction 4. Venice )Italy) – History – 1508 – 1797 – fiction | 830 DUN |
Dunbar, Jennifer Mackenzie | Vivaldi’s Lost Concerto | 1. Australian fiction | A823 MAC |
DUNMORE, Helen | Inside the Wave | 1. English poetry 2. Dunmore, Helen |
821 DUN |
Dunn, Claire | Rewilding the Urban Soul | 1. Biography 2. Sustainable Living 3. Human ecology 4. Environment – city |
307.76 |
DUNN, Winnie (Editor) | Sweatshop Women | 1. Prose and Poetry written by indigenous, migrant and refugee women | A823.4 DUN |
DURKA, Gloria | Praying with Hildegard of Bingen | 1. Meditations 2. Hildegard of Bingen – Life and works |
248.22 DUR |
EALOM, Jaivet | Escape From Manos | 1. Refugees 2. Asylum / Citizenship 3, Manus Island Detention Centre |
323.6 EAL |
EARLE Mary C (annotation) | Julian of Norwich | 1. Julian of Norwich, 1343 – Revelations of divine love; annotated and explained | 242 EAR |
EARLE, Mary C | beginning again | 1 Chronically ill – Religious life 2 Benedict, Saint , Abbott of Monte Casino |
248.8 EAR |
EASON, Cassandra | Tarot Talks to the Woman Within | 1. Tarot Cards – Divination 2. Self help – Handbook |
133.3 EAS |
EASTMAN Berenice | Nan Chauncy A Writer’s Life | 1. Chauncy, Nan, 1900 – 1970 2. Women authors, Australian – 20th Century – Biography 3. Children’s Literature, Australian – 20th Century | A828.309 EAS |
EASWARAN,Eknath (Translator) | The Upanishads | 1. Vedic Hindu Philosophy 2. Scriptures – Hinduism |
294.5 EAS |
Eck, Diana L. | Encountering God | Christianity and other Religions | 291.1 ECK |
Eckermann, Ali Cobby | Ruby Moonlight | 1. Australian poetry – 21st century 2. Poetry – English – Australia 3. Australian Poetry – Aboriginal Australian authors – 21st century 4. Aboriginal Australians – History – Fiction |
A821 ECK |
ECKHART Meister | Meditations with Meister Eckhart | 1 Mysticism 2 Spiritual life 3 Prayer |
242 ECK |
Eckhart, Meister | Meister Eckhart | 1. Mysticism–History–Middle Ages, 600-1500 2. Sermons, Medieval–Hitory and criticism |
149.3 ECK |
ed by Sargent, Lydia | Women and Revolution | 1. Women and communism 2. Feminism |
335.4 WOM |
Ed. Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza | Searching The Scriptures | 1.Bible-Criticism,interpretation etc. 2.Bible and feminism 3.Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza |
R 220.6 SEA |
ed. ISHERWOOD Lisa | The Good News of the Body | 1. Sex- Religious aspects –Catholic Church. 2. Feminist theology. Isherwood Lisa |
261.8357 GOO |
ed. Jennifer Mills | Meanjin: Spring 2-22 | ||
ed. Lisa Isherwoood & Dorothea McEwen | An A to Z of feminist theology | Ref 1. Feminist theology -Dictionaries (1) Dorothea McEwan (2) Isherwood Lisa. | R291.2082 ATO |
ed. Marcus Borg. Co-editor Ray Riegert. | Jesus and Buddha : the parallel sayings | 1Jesus Christ –words.2.Gautama Buddha – Teachings. 3. Jesus Christ-Teachings. 4. Buddhist literature–relation to the New testament. 1.Riegert, Ray,1947- 2.Borg,MarcusJ | 232.954 JES |
ed. Muriel PORTER | Fabric, Faith and Friendship | 1. Women & Religion 2. Women in Church work 3. Women in Christianity (!) Porter Muriel,1948- |
253.082 FAB |
ed. Susan Lever | The Oxford book of Australian women s verse | 1. Australian poetry – Women authors I. Lever Susan |
A 821.008 OXF |
ed.Arvind SHARMA & Katherine K YOUNG. | Her voice, her faith: women speak on world religions | 1. Women & Religion | 200.82 HER |
EDEN, Elyn | Reflection of the Moon | 1. Romance – fiction 2. Emotions – fiction 3. Historical – fiction 4. Australian fiction 5. Elyn Eden (Gillian Cichowski) |
A823.3 EDE |
EDGAR Patricia | In Praise of Ageing | 1. Retirement 2. Ageing – anecdotes 3. Older people – anecdotes | 306.38 EDG |
Edited by Louise Partos | Warka irititja munu kuwari kutu. Work from the past and the present, | 1 Ernabella Arts Inc. _ Aust, art exhibition, 2. Aboriginal Australians – S.A. Art Exhibitions. 3.Aboriginal Australians – S.A. Ernabella art. 4.Batik. I.Partos. Louise M. | 746.662 WAR |
edited by Monica Furlong | MIRROR to the church | 1. Sexism – Religious aspects 2. Women in the Church |
261.15 MIR |
Edited by Norman C. Habel & Shirley Wurst | The Earth Story in Wisdom Traditions | 1. Bible O.T.-Criticism, interpretation etc. 2. Wisdom literature- Criticism, interpretatn. 3. Environmental protection-Religious aspects-Christianity 4. Habel,Norman C. 5. Wurtst, Shirley |
261.83628 EAR |
Edited by PATRICIA PAK POY | A Path is made by Walking it | 1 Landmines 2 Landmines – detection 3 Landmine Victims 4 Economic assistance – Australian 5 Technical assistance. Australian 6 Humanitarian assistance. Australian |
327.17 PAT |
Edited by Rosemary Crumlin | Aboriginal art and spirituality | 1. Aborigines – Art – Religion 2. Art, Australian – Aborigines |
Q 704.948 ABO |
edited by Rosemary Curb & Nancy Manahan | Lesbian Nuns: breaking silence | 1. Lesbian nuns – USA-Biography.2. Manahan,Nancy , 1946- 3. CURB,Rosemary,1940- , |
306.7663 LES |
Edited by Shireen Morris and Damien Freeman | Statements from the Soul | 1. Uluru statement- advocacy by multi-faith religious leaders and thinkers – essays 2. Reconciliation | 305.89 MOR |
Editor Rob Amary | Warra Kaurna | 1 Kaurna language 2 Kaurna language program |
R 499.15 WAR |
Editors- Marilyn J. Boxer, Jean H. Quataert; foreword by Joan W. Scott | Connecting Spheres | 1. Women-History-C ross- cultural studies. 2.Women U.S.A. – History 3. Women- Europe-History 4. Feminism-History- Cross-cultural studies cross -cultural studies |
305.4 CON |
EDWARDS, Betty | Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain | 1. Art – Drawing – Technigues 2. Psychology – brain function – drawing | 745 EDW |
Edwards, Denis | Jesus and the Natural World | 1. Jesus Christ – person 2. Human ecology – religious aspects |
261.88 EDW |
Bodiversity and ecology as interdisciplinary challenge | 1. Human ecology–Religious aspects–Christianity 2. Biodiversity–Religious aspects–Christianity 3. Ecology–Religious aspects–Christianity I. Edwards, Denis, 1943- II. Worthing, Mark William III. Australian Theological Forum |
261.8 BIO |
EGAN, Kerry | On Living | 1. Body, Mind and Spirit – Healing – Prayer and Spiritual 2. Self-help – Death, Grief, Bereavement |
306.9 EGA |
EGER, Edith Eva, Dr | The Choice | 1. Eger, Edith 2. Holocaust, Jewish (1939 – 1945) 3. Autobiography 4. Holocaust Survivors – biography |
150.92 EGE |
EHRENREICH, Barbara | Witches, midwives and nurses | 1. Women in medicine 2. Midwives 3. Witchcraft 4. Nursing–vocational guidance 5. History of nursing 6. Midwifery 7. Medicine–History |
610.73 EHR |
EHRENREICH, Barbara and ENGLISH, Dierdre | Witches, Midwives and Nurses | 1. Women in medicine – History 2. Medicine – United States – History 3. Women healers – United States 4. Midwifery – History – United States 5. Witchcraft – History – United States |
610.82 EHR |
EHRENREICH, Ben | The Way to the Spring | 1. Palestine – politics – history 2. Palestine – personal stories |
920 EHR |
EHRMAN Bart | Peter, Paul & Mary Magdalene | 1. Peter, the apostle, Saint 2. Paul, the apostle, Saint 3. Mary Magdalene, Saint I Title |
225.9 EHR |
EIESLAND, Nancy L | The disabled God | 1. Body, Human – Religious aspects, Christian 2. Church work with the handicapped |
261.8324 EIE |
EILBERG, Amy, Rabbi | From Enemy to Friend | 1. Peace – religious aspects – Judaism 2. Bible. Old Testament – criticism, interpretation etc 3. Rabbinical literature – history & criticsm |
296.38 EIL |
EISLER, Riane | The chalice and the blade | 1. Civilizations,Ancient – Social aspects 2. Sex roles – History |
305.2401 EIS |
EKBACK Cecilia | Wolf Winter | 1. Murder – Investigation – Fiction 2. Secrecy Fiction 3. Finns – Lapland 18th century – Fiction | 823 EKB |
Elaine Pagels | Beyond Belief | 1. Gospel of Thomas (coptic)- Criticism, interpretation etc 2. Bible N.T. John -criticism, interpretation etc 3. Christianity – Essence, genius nature | 229.8 PAG |
Elena Ferrante | Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay | Fiction – Italian | 853 FER |
ELIAS, Maurice J., TOBIAS, Steven E., FRIEDLANDER, Brian S | EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT PARENTING | 1. Child rearing 2. Parenting |
649.1 ELI |
ELIOT, George | The mill on the floss | 1. English fiction | 823 ELI |
ELIOT, T.S. | Collected poems 1909 – 1962 | 1. English poetry | 821 ELI |
Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza | Wisdom Ways | Bible- Feminist criticism | 220.6 FIO |
Elizabeth Hutchins | Troop Train | Fiction – second world war – rural Australia | A823 HUT |
ELLER, Cynthia | The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory | 1. Women , Prehistoric 2. Religion – Prehistoric 3. Matriarchy 4. Matrilineal Kinship 5. Patriarchy |
ELL 306.83 |
ELLIS, Kate | Sex, Lies and Question Time | 1. Politicians – Women – Australia 2. Australian Politics – Feminism 3. Parliament – Australia |
324 Ell |
ELLSBERG Robert (editor) | By Little and By Little | 1. Dorothy Day 2. Church and Social problems – Catholic Church – Addresses, essays, lectures | 261.8 ELL |
Headscarves and Hymens | 1. Muslim Culture – women – disempowerment 2. Muslim Culture – abuse – social and political revolution 3. Muslim Culture – social and political revolution |
305.48 ELT |
ELVA Thordis, Tom Stranger | South of Forgiveness | 1. Rape victims 2. Rapists 3. Forgiveness 4. Reconcilliation | 362.883 THO |
ELVEY Anne | Bent toward the thing | 1. Australian poetry | A821.3 ELV |
Emily Maguire | Love Objects | Australian Fiction | A823 MAG |
Emma Restall Orr | Living With Honour | 1. Paganism 2. Religious ethics |
299 ORR |
EMOTO Masaru | The Secret Life of Water | 1 Water-Philosophy 2 Water – Religious Aspects 3 Ice crystals 4 Spirituality 5 Vital force |
204 EMO |
Empereur, James | The Enneagram and Spiritual Direction | 1. Spiritual direction 2. Enneagram |
253.53 EMP |
Ensler Eve | The Vagina Monologues | 1. Monologue 2. Talking Books 3. Vagina 4. Women |
812.54 ENS |
Erica Jolly | Challenging the Divide | Science and the Arts | 306.45 JOL |
Esther Simbi | Beyond Calamity | Refugee’s South Sudan autobiography | 920 SIM |
EVANS, Kathleen & Minns, Sarah | Kath’s Miracle | 1. Cancer – patients- Australia 2. Cancer patients’ writing 3. St Mary MacKillop – miracles |
362.19 EVA |
EVANS, Mary | Love | 1. Love – a critique | 158.1 EVA |
Evans, Matthew | Soil | 1. Soil – management – science 2.Building soil 3. Compost 4. Food – quality – volume |
635 EVA |
Evelyn Araluen | Drop Bear | poetry – Australian | A821.3 ARA |
EXLEY Helen editor | This Too Will Pass | 1. Consolation – poetry 2. Death – poetry | 821 THI |
Eye Goddess Films | Pink Smoke Over the Vatican DVD | 1. Women’s ordination – Roman Catholic church 2. Excommunication – Catholic church |
N/A |
Fahey Diane | Sea wall and river light | 1. Australian poetry | A821.3 FAH |
Fahey, Diane | Listening to a far sea | 1. Mythology, Classical — Poetry | A 821.3 FAH |
FAHEY, Diane Mary | Places and spaces of the writing life | 1. Setting (Literature) 2. Place (Philosophy) in Literature 3. Space and time in literature 4. Authorship–Philosophy 5. Women authors–Criticism and interpretation 6. Dillard, Annie 7. Boland, Eaven 8. Sarton, May, 1912- |
R 820.9 FAH |
Fairbrother, Mary | Women alive | 1. Cancer — Patients — Biography I. Fairbrother, Mary II. Johnston, Fiona II. Hanson, Anne |
362.196 WOM |
FALK,Marcia | The book of blessings | Judaism – Prayers for daily life, the Sabbath and the New Moon Festival | 296.72 FAL |
FALUDI, Susan | Stiffed | 1. Men-US-Psychology 2. Men-US-Social Calendar 3. Masculinity-US |
305.31 |
FANTON, Michael FANTON, Jude |
The seed savers handbook for Austraia and New Zealand | 1. Seeds–Australia 2. Food crops–Australia–Seeds 3. Seeds–New Zealand 4. Food crops–New Zealand–Seeds I. Fanton, Jude, 1949- II. Seed Savers Network |
631.521 |
Farley, Margaret A. | Just Love | 1. sex – religious aspects 2. sex – Catholic Church | 241.66 FAR |
FARMER, Elaine | And the angels held their breath | 1. Preaching | 251 FAR |
FARRELL, Clare, GREEN, Alison, KINGHTS,Sam, SKEAPING, William (Edit) | This Is Not A Drill | 1. Ecological Crisis – Activism 2. Extinction – Survival Humanity |
333.72 FAR |
Fassler, Joe | Light the Dark |
!. Creative Writing 2. Language, art and disciplines |
153.35 FAS |
Father Iain Matthew | the Impact of God | 1. John of the Cross, Saint 2. Catholic Church – doctrines 3. Catholic Church, Mysticism 4. Spiritual Life – Catholic Church 5. Christianity – Mysticism | 248.22 MAT |
FEDELE Anna | Looking for Mary Magdalene | 1. Mary Magdalene, Saint 2. Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages – France 3. Christian stories – France | 263.04 FED |
FELDMAN Christina | The Buddhist Path to Simplicity | 1. Meditation 2. Spiritual Life – Buddhism | 294.34 FEL |
FELDMAN, Christina | Woman awake | 1.Meditations 2. Women – Spirituality |
248.208 FEL |
Feldman, Christine | Woman Awake | 1. Buddhist women – religious life 2. Meditation – Buddhism |
294.34 FEL |
Fenney, Joan | Marilyn Monroe by the Brooklyn Bridge and Other Portraits | 1. Poetry 2. Portraits |
A821 FEN |
Fergal Keane | The Story of Ireland (2 discs) | Irish History | n/a |
FERGUSON, John | An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Mysticism and the Mystery Religions | 1. Mysticism – Mystery Religions – Encyclopaedia | 248.22 FER |
FERGUSON, Kirstin and FOX, Catherine | Women Kind | 1. Anecdotes – Ferguson Kristen 2. Leadership 3. Women employees 4. Women executives 5. Business women 6. Monitoring 7. Success in business 8. Business networks 9. Australian | 305.4 FER |
FERGUSON, Sarah | On Mother | 1. Mothers and Daughters | 306.874 FER |
FERNANDO, Peter | Finding Freedom in Illness | 1. Mind and body therapies 2. Compassion 3. Self-care, health |
615.8 FER |
FERRUCCI. Piero | What we may be. Techniques for psychological and spiritual growth through psychosynthesis | 1. Spiritual life – Psychological aspects 2. Psychosynthesis-spiritual aspects. 3.Personality development |
158.1 FER |
FIELD,Joanna ( Marion Milner) | A life of one s own | 1. Self-realization | 158.1 FIE |
Film Australia | Who Do You Think You are? | DVD 1. Biography 2. Geoffrey Robertson |
nil |
Findhorn Foundation | When two or more are gathered | 1. Community singing | nil |
Findhorn Foundation Community Singers | Songs of Heaven and Earth | Community singing | nil |
FINLEY, James | Merton s palace of nowhere | 1. Merton, Thomas – Spirituality 2. Self perception – Religious aspects 3. Prayer |
248.22 FIN |
Fiona Maddocks | Hildegard of Bingen: The Woman of Her Age | 1.Hildegard, Saint. 1098-1179 2.Women Saints 3.Christian Saints – Germany -Biography 4. Women mystics – Germany – Biography 5. Mystics – Germany – Biography |
248.22092 |
Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schussler | The Power of Naming | Feminist Theology | 230.082 POW |
FIRESTONE, Shulamith | The Dialectic of Sex |
1. Feminism – Politics 2. Feminism – Sex 3. Feminism – Psychology |
305.42 FIR |
FISCHER, Kathleen | Moving on | 1. Women–Religious life 2. Aged women–Religious life |
248.843 FIS |
FISCHER, Kathleen R | Winter grace | 1. Older Christians–Religious life | 248.85 FIS |
Fischle Willy H | The Way to the Centre | 1. Mandala (Buddhism) 2. Tankas (Tibetan scrolls) 3. Buddhist Art and Symbolism – Tibet | 294.3FIS |
FITZGERALD, Helen | Ash Mountain | 1. Fiction – Crime and Mystery – Australian | A823.92 FIT |
FITZGERALD, L.P | The justice God wants | 1.Civil rights – Religious aspects – Islam 2. Human rights – Religious aspects – Islam 3. Islamic law 4. Australian Catholic Social Justice Council |
297.197 FIT. |
FITZGERALD, Penelope | Innocence | 1.English fiction | 823 FIT |
Partners | 1. Mate selection 2. Interpersonal relations 3. Intimacy (Psycholgy) 4. Marriage 5. De facto relationships 6. Interpersonal relations I. Henderson, Anne, 1949- |
306.82 FIT |
FITZJOHN, Sue; WESTON, Minda; LARGE, Judy | Festivals Together | 1. Holidays and celebrations – many cultures 2.Children, families – creativiity |
394.26 |
FLANAGAN, Richard | Toxic | 1. Tasmanian salmon industry 2. Environmental regulation 3. Land-based technology – salmon |
333.72 FLA |
FLANNERY Tim | The Weather Makers | 1. Climatology – observations 2. Climate changes – Effect of human beings on 3. Global warming | 551.6 FLA |
FLEMING Leah | The Glovemaker’s Daughter | 1. Domestic fiction 2. Family Secrets – fiction 3. Quakers – fiction 4. Correspondence – fiction 5. Pennsylvania – fiction | 823.92 FLE |
FLETCHER, Frank | Jesus and the Dreaming | 1. Catholic Church – Clergy – Biography 2, Aboriginal Australians – NSW – Religion |
282.94 FLE |
FLETCHER, John Benjamin, Andrew |
Abjection, melancholia, and love | 1. Kristeva, Julia, 1941- 2. Psychanalysis and literature 3. Feminism and literature–France |
801.95 KRI |
FLINDERS Carol Lee | Enduring grace : living portraits of seven women mystics | 1. Women mystics – Biography 2. Mysticism- Europe- History |
248.2209 FLI |
Flinders, Carol Lee (editor) | A Little Book of Women Mystics | 1. Women mystics 2. Mysticism – Catholic church – history |
248.22 LIT |
FOLBRE, Nancy | The Invisible Heart | 1. Economics – moral and ethical aspects 2. Feminist economics 3 . Social Justice 4. USA – Economic policy 1993 5. USA – economic conditions -1981 |
306.3 FOL |
FONTANA, David | Meditation Week by Week | 1. Meditation 2. Herbs – therapeutic use |
158.12 |
FORCADES Teresa | Faith And Freedom | 1. LCSH – Catholic Church – Doctrines – Meditations | 230 FOR |
FORD, Michael | Wounded Prophet | 1. biography 2. spiritual life – catholic church – clergy | 282.935 FOR |
Forest, Jim | Living With Wisdom | 1. Merton, Thomas 1915-1968 2. Trappists – United States – biography |
271.1 FOR |
FORMAN, Robert K.C. | Meister Eckhart | 1. Eckhart Meister, d. 1327 2. Mysticism 3. Mystics–Germany |
248.22 FOR |
FORSYTH, Holly Kerr | Remembered Gardens |
1. Gardens – Australia – History 2. Gardening – Australia – History 3. Women gardeners – Australia |
635.09 FOR |
FORTE, Margaret | Flight of the eagle | 1. Hammond, Ruby – Biography 2. Aborigines – Women – Biography 3. Aborigines – Women – Civil rights |
305.899 HAM.F. |
FOSTER Judy (with Marlene Derlet) | Invisible Women of Prehistory | 1. Prehistoric People 2. Women – history – to 500 | 305.42 FOS |
FOSTER Robert and NETTELBECK Amanda | Out of the Silence | 1. Frontier and pioneer life – South Australia 2. Aboriginal Australians – SA 3. South Australia – Race relations | 994.23 FOS |
FOX PHILLIPA | Artful Living in Celtic Homes (Reprinted) | 1 Celts – Great Britain – Social life and customs 2 Civilization, Celtic |
941 FOX |
FOX Matthew | Confessions | 1. Fox, Matthew, 1940 – 2. Episcopal Church – clergy – Biography 3. Anglican Communion – United States – Clergy – Biography | 283.092 FOX |
FOX, Mathew | MEISTER ECKHART | 1. Mysticsm 2. Sermons – german 3. Sermons – latin |
230.2 FOX |
FOX, Matthew | A spirituality named compassion and the healing of the global village, Humpty Dumpty and us. | 1. Spiritual life 2. Compassion 3. Economies – Religious aspects |
248.4 FOX |
FRAME, Janet | Owls do cry | 1. New Zealand literature–20th century 2. New Zealand fiction–20th century |
823 FRA |
Frances, Lynn & Bryant-Jefferies, Richard | The Sevenfold Circle | 1. Dance psychological aspects 2. Self perception – dance |
291.37 FRA |
FRANCIS Marigold | Embracing the New: a visualisation for the millenium | 1. Visualization 2. Contemplation |
153.32 FRA |
Frank, Arthur W | The Wounded Storyteller | !. Sickness – psychology 2. Discourse analysis, narrative |
306.461 FRA |
FRANKLIN, Margaret Ann | The force of the feminine | 1. Christian feminism 2. Women in the Church 3. Women^s rights |
261.8344 FRA |
FRANKLIN, Miles | My brilliant career | 1. Australian fiction | A823 FRA |
FRAZER, James George | The golden bough | 1, Mythology – Religious aspects | 291.13 FRA |
FREEMAN Laurence | The Art of Happiness – 3 CD’s | 1. Meditation 2. Happiness | N/A |
FREEMAN Mara | Kindling the Celtic Spirit | 1. Celts – Religion 2. Mythology, Celtic 3. Spiritual Life | 299.16 FRE |
FREEMAN, Dr Arthur, and DEWOLF, Rose, Preface by Aaron T Beck | Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda: | 1. Regret 2. Cognitive therapy 3. Self-care I DeWolf, Rose |
616.89 FRE |
FREEMAN, Laurence | a sort span of days | 1. Death – religious aspects 2. Meditation – Christianity 3. Church work with the terminally illl |
155.937 FRE |
Freeman, Laurence | First Sight |
! Faith – Religious aspects 2. Meditation – Christianity 3.Spiritual life – Christianity 4. Religion – devotional 5. Theology |
158.12 |
FRENCH Marilyn | Her mother s daughter | 1. Novel 2.Four generations of women 3. Mothers and daughters 4. American fiction |
813 FRE |
FRENCH, Marilyn | The women s room | 1. American fiction 2. Feminist fiction |
813 FRE |
FRENETTE, David | The Path of Centering Prayer | 1. Contemplation | 248.3 FRE |
Friedman, Abigail | The Haiku Apprentice | 1. Haiku – authorship 2. Poets, American – 20th C 3. Friedman, Abigail |
895.6 FRI |
Funder, Anna | All that I Am | 1. Australian fiction 2. World War 2 |
A823.4 FUN |
Furlong, Monica | Merton | 1.Merton, Thomas 2. Trappists – biography |
255.1209 MER |
GAARDNER, Jostein | Vita Brevis | Fiction | 843 GAA |
Gabrielle Kelly OP & Kevin Saunders OP eds. | Dominican Approaches in education | 1. Catholic church, education, philosophy 2. Dominican monasteries – education |
370.114 KEL |
Gahan, Luke & Jones, Tiffany (ed.) | Heaven Bent | 1. sexual minorities – Australia 2. religion and sociology 3. spirituality | 306.76 HEA |
Gail Honeyman |
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine |
Fiction | 823.92 OLI |
Gail Jones | Our Shadows | 1. Grandparents as parents – ficiton2. Kalgoorlie -fiction 3. Intergenerational relations – WA-fiction 4. Family secrets – fiction 5. Gold mines and mining WA fiction 6. Sydney -ficiton 7. Australian history – fiction | A823 JON |
Gale Mary-Anne & French Dorothy with the Ngarrindjeri Community | Ngarrindjeri Picture Dictionary | 1.Ngarrindjeri Language- Dictionaries Juvenile – English 2Aboriginals Australians-South Australia-Languages |
R 499.15 GAL |
Galland, China | Longing For Darkness | 1. Religious biography – US 2. Tara (Goddess) 3. Black madonnas 4. Women and religion |
291.211 GAL |
Gammage, Bill | The Biggest Estate on Earth | 1. Aboriginal Australia 2. Land use – Aboriginal 3. Natural resources – Australia |
305.8 GAM |
GAMMAGE, Bill & PASCOE, Bruce | Country | 1. Aboriginal Australians – Social life and customs 2. Traditional Farming; agricultural ecology – Australia 3. Traditional Australians – Agriculture – Fire Use 4. Fire management – Australia 5. Environment – conservation & sustainable development |
362 GAM |
GARDINER Paul SJ | Mary MacKillop | 1. MacKillop, Mary, 1842 – 1909 2. Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart – Biography 3. Nuns – Australia – biography | 271.97 GAR |
Gardner, Laurence | The Magdalene legacy | 1. Mary Magdalene, Saint 2. Jesus Christ 3. Jesus Christ–Genealogy 4. Brown, Dan, 1964-. Da Vinci Code 5. Church History |
225.9 GAR |
GARKAWE, Sam KELLY, Loretta FISHER, Warwick |
Indigenous human rights | 1. Human rights 2. Indigenous peoples–Legal status, laws, etc. 3. Aboriginal Australians–Legal status, laws, etc. 4. Indigenous populatoins 5. Human rights 6. Aboriginal children 7. Intellectual property |
323.11 IND |
GARNER Helen | The Spare Room | A823.3 GAR | |
GARNER, Helen | The feel of steel | 1. Garner, Helen, 1942- –Anecdotes 2. Garner, Helen, 1942- –Attitudes 3. Garner, Helen, 1942- –Family relationships 4. Women authors, Australian–20th century–Political and social views |
A828.3 GAR |
Garner, Helen | The First Stone | 1. Sexual harassment of women 2. Young women – Australia – attitudes 3. Feminism – Australia |
305.42 GAR |
Garth Davis (Director) | Mary Magdalene | 1. Mary Magdalene 2. Jesus Christ 3. Early Christianity |
N/A |
GARTH, Maureen | STARBRIGHT | 1. Meditation 2. Children | 158.12 GAR |
Gaskell, Elizabeth | The Old Nurse’s Story | 1. Short stories – selections | 823.8 GAS |
GASKELL, George Arthur | Dictionary of all scriptures and myths | 1. Symbolism – Dictionaries 2. Religions – Dictionaries 3. Mythology – Dictionaries |
R 294.1303 GAS |
Gass, Robert | Om namaha shivaya | 1. On Wings of Song – choir 2. Sanskrit chant |
Nil |
GATELEY, Edwina | Psalms of a laywoman | 1. Religious poetry | 811.54 GAT |
GAWAIN Shakti | Creative Visualization | 1. Visualization 2. Success – psychological aspects |
158.1 GAW |
Gawande Atul | Being Mortal | 1. Critical Care Medicine 2. Deth – Attidtudes 3. Aging – Physiological Aspects 4. Terminal Care | 362.175 GAW |
Gawler, Dr Ian | Understanding Death, Helping the Dying – CD | 1. Insight, advice and practical wisdom | N/A |
Gawler, Ian | The Creative Power of Imagery | 1. Mind & body 2. Imagery – psychology 3. Visualisation |
153.32 GAW |
GAY, Roxane | Bad Feminist | 1. Gay, Roxane 2. Gay, Roxane – anecdotes 3. Feminism – anecdotes 4. Women -Conduct of life – anecdotes |
305.42 GAY |
Gay’Wu Group of Women | Song Spirals | 1. Women – Aboriginal Australian NT2. Women – Aboriginal – Australia Arnhem Land Songs, Music 4. Aboriginal Women – Yolnju | 305.89 GAY |
GEBARA Ivone | Out of the Depths | 230.082 GEB | |
GEE Margaret | ON PURPOSE | 1. Quotations 2. Celebrities – quotations | 080 GEE |
Gemmell, Nancy | The Hambidge Sisters | 1.Alice, Millicent & Helen Hambidge 2. Hambidge family history in SA 3.Artists in SA 1890 – 1947 |
704.04 GEM |
Gemmell, Nikki | After | 1. Gemmell, Elayn 2. Suicide victims – biography 3. Mothers and daughters – biography 4. Bereavement – psychological aspects |
362.280 GEM |
GEORGE Margaret | Mary Called Magdalene | 1. Nth American Fiction 2. Mary Magdalene | 813.54 GEO |
GEORGE, Denise | Mary Lee | 1. Lee, Mary, 1821-1909 2. Suffragists – SA – Biography 3. Social justice – SA – History |
320.9 GEO |
George, Kathy | Sargasso | 1. Fiction- Australian 2. Gothic theme – mystery | A 823 GEO |
GEORGE, Susan | Another world is possible if… | 1. Social action 2. Social change 3. Social policy 4. Social justice 5. Globalization |
303.4 GEO |
Geraghty, Chris | Jesus :the forgotten feminist | 1. Jesus – feminism 2. Church – Christian – historical failure 3. Misogynist Church fathers | 261.83 GER |
Gerald A Arbuckle, Foreword by Jean Vanier | Laughing with God | 1. Wit and humour 2. Religious aspects of humour |
261.5 ARB |
GERGIS, Joelle | Humanity’s Moment | 1. Climate Change – Global Assessment 2. Climate Change – Solutions – Sustainability 3. Climate Change – Hope |
333.72 GER |
Germer, Christopher K | The Mindful Path To Self-Compassion | 1. Emotions 2. Compassion 3. Thought and thinking 4. Meditations – Therapeutic use. |
152.4 GER |
GEYER Mary | Behind the Wall | 1. Deatitute Asylum Adelaide, South Australia 2. Poor Women – SA – History 3. Poverty – Social Aspects – SA – Adelaide | 305.56 GEY |
GIBRAN, Kahlil | The prophet | 1.Poetry, Lebanese | 892.1 GIB |
GIBSON Tess | How Sophia Came To Be | 1. The Story of the Sophia Ecumenical Centre | R 305 GIB |
GIBSON, Andrea | We Will Be Shelter | 1. Poetry – Social Change 2. Human rights – poetry |
811 GIB |
GIDAL Nachum Tim | Jerusalem in 3000 years = 3000 jahren |
1. Jerusalem – Pictorial works 2. Jerusalem – History – Pictorial works 3. Chronological table |
956.9442 GID |
Gilbert, Elizabeth | Eat, pray, love (CD) | 1. American memoir | N/A |
Giles, Mary E (ed) | The Feminist Mystic | 1. Women and religion – addresses, essays lectures 2. Feminist mysticism |
248.22 FEM |
GILLARD, Julia | Not Now, Not Ever | 1. Misogyny – history – culture | 305.42 GIL |
GILLARD, Julia |
My Story | 1. women prime ministers – Australia – Biography 2. women politicians – Australia – Biography 3. Political leadership – Australia – History 4. Australia – Politics and government – 21st Century | 324.29 GIL |
GILLARD, Julia and OKONJO-IWEALA, Ngozi | women and leadership | 1. Leadership – women 2. Issues and ideas |
324.29 GIL |
GILLIGAN, Carol | In a different voice | 1. Women – Psychology 2. Moral development – Women 3. Women s rights |
305.42 GIL |
GILMAN, Charlotte Perkins | Herland | 1. Feminism – North America – History 2. Utopias, Feminist |
305.4 GIL |
GIMBUTAS Marija | The Living Goddesses | 1. Goddesses – Europe. 2. Religion, Prehistoric – Europe. 3. Neolithic period – Europe. 4. Religion – Europe – History. 5. Folklore – Europe. 6. Europe – Antiquities. |
291.14 GIM |
Gimbutas, Marija | The goddesses and gods of Old Europe, 6500-3500 BC | 1. Religion, Prehistoric–Europe 2. Goddesses–Europe 3. Man, Prehistoric–Europe 4. Europe–Antiquities |
291.042 GIM |
Ginger Lapid-Bogda PHD | The Art of Typing | 1. Enneagram 2. self-perception/typing 3. Perceiving/"typing" others 4. Psychology | 155.2 LAP |
Ginger Lapid-Bogda PHD and Russell ( Tres) Bogda | The Art of the Enneagram | 1. The Enneagram 2.Enneagram types – workbook 3. Self-hslp |
155 LAP |
GINIBI, Ruby Langford | Real deadly | 1. Aborigines – Women – Biography | 994.004 GIN |
GIRARD, Rene | Violence and the Sacred | 1. Rites and ceremonies 2. Sacrifice |
201.7 GIR |
GIROUX, Joan | The haiku form | 1.Japanese poetry 2. Haiku poetry – Study and criticism |
895.6 GIR |
GIVNER, Joan | Katherine Anne Porter | 1.Porter, Katherine A – Biography 2. Women – USA – Biography |
813.092 GIV.P. |
GLEN, Joanna | The Other Half of Augusta Hope | 1. Fiction | 823 GLE |
GLENNON Kathleen | Heartbeat of the Seasons (includes CD) | 1. Earth Rituals – seasons 2. Celtic rituals | 264 GLE |
Glennon Una | Ciara’s Gift | 1. Glennon, Ciara Edith, 1969-1997 2. Daughters – death – psychological aspects 3. Bereavement – psychological aspects 4. Parental grief |
155.9 GLE |
GLENVILLE, Marilyn | NATURAL ALTERNATIVES TO HRT | !. Menopause – alternative treatment 2. Menopause – hormone therapy |
613.71 GLE |
Gobbett, Don & Lumb, Peter (eds) | Men a-Musing | 1. Men – Australia – psychology 2. Masculinity – Australia 3. Men’s group |
305.31 |
GODDEN, Rumer | Black Narcissus | 1. Nuns – India – Fiction 2. Fiction – general 3. Nuns |
823 GOD |
Godfrey-Smith, Peter | Metazoa | 1. Biology – evolution of body and mind 2. Philosophy – origin of consciousness |
501 SMI |
GODREY-SMITH, Peter | Other Minds | 1. Biology – Evolution 2. Philosophy Roots of the Mind |
501 SMI |
GOLDBERG Michael J. | The 9 Ways of Working | 1. Enneagram 2. Organizational Behaviour | 155.2 GOL |
GOLDBERG Natalie | Writing Down the Bones | 1. Authorship | 808.02 GOL |
GOLDBERG, Natalie | Let The Whole Thundering World Come Home. | 1. Goldberg, Natalie – Health 2. Cancer – Patients – Biography 3. Authors – United States – Biography |
362.19 GOL |
GOLDEN Jill | Inventing Beatrice | 1. Biographical fiction , Australian 2. College Students – Victoria, Australia – Fiction 3. Australian Fiction 4. Novel – English – Australia – 20th Century – Texts | A823.3 GOL |
GOLDMAN, Sarah | Caroline Chisolm – an Irresistible Force | 1. Caroline Chisolm 1808 – 1877 2. Women Pioneers – Australia – Biography 3. Social reformers – Australia – Biography 4. Australia – Social Conditions – History |
990 GOL |
GOLDSWORTHY Anna | Piano Lessons | 1. Goldsworthy, Anna 2. Pianists – Australia – Biography | 6717 |
GOLDSWORTHY, Anna | Melting Moments | 1. Fiction – Women 2. Australian – Fiction 3. Families – Fiction 4. Veterans – Fiction 5. Motherhood – Fiction 6. Adelaide SA Fiction 7. Melbourne Australian Fiction 8. Women – Social life and customs – fiction |
A 823 GOL |
Goodall, Dominic | Hindu Scriptures | 1 Hinduism – sacred books i Zachner, R C (Robert Charles) 1913-1974 II Goudall Dominic |
294.5 HIN |
GORDON, Edmund | The Invention of Angela Carter | 1. Carter, Angela – Biography 2. Carter, Angela – Life and work |
920 GOR |
GORDON, James | Unstuck | 1. Depression – Causes – Self-help 2. Psychology |
158 GOR |
GORDON, Lyndall | Outsiders | 1. Social change 2. Women writers | 823 GOR |
GORRIE, Veronica | Black and Blue | 1. Aboriginal Australians – treatment of 2. Social discrimination 3. True stories of abuse and injustice – Australian 4. Memoirs – Indigenous peoples |
305.8 GOR |
GORSUCH Nancy J. | Introducing feminist pastoral care and counselling | 1. Pastoral theology 2. Feminist theology 3. Pastoral counseling |
253.082 GOR |
Gottlieb, Lori | Maybe You Should Talk to Someone | 1. Psychotherapists – Biography 2. Therapist and Patient – Biography |
158 GOT |
Gottman, John | Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child | 1.Emotions in children 2. Emotions in adolescence 3. Child-rearing 4. Parenting 5. Joan Declaire |
649.1 |
GOULART, Frances Sheridan | God has no religion | 1. Prayer 2. Prayers |
204.33 GOU |
GRABER, Ann V. | The Journey Home | 1. Near Death Experience – Ann V. Graber – Memoir 2. The process of dying 3. Preparing for death 4. Bereavement |
155.937 |
GRACE, Annie | This Naked Mind | 1. Controlled drinking 2. Alcoholism – Prevention |
362.29 GRA |
Grace, Patricia | baby no-eyes | 1. Fiction | A823 GRA |
GRAIN | The Great Climate Robbery | 1. Food supply – Environmental Aspects 2. Food industry and trade – Environmental Aspects 3. Climatic Changes – Economic Aspects | 338.19 GRA |
GRANT Stan | The Tears of Strangers | 1. Grant, Stan 1963 2. Grant family 3. Wiradjuri (australian people) 4 aborigines, Australian – Biography 5 Journalists – Australia – Biography I Title |
305.899 GRA |
GRANT, Stan | Australia Day | 1. Aboriginal Australians, treatment of 2. Aboriginal Australians, Social conditions 3. Racism – Australia 4. National characteristics – Australia 5. Race relations – Australia |
305.8 GRA |
Grant, Stan |
Talking to My Country | 1. Reconciliation 2. Aboriginal Australians – treatment of 3. Racism – Australia |
305.89 GRA |
GRANVILLE, David F | The song of songs | 1. | 812 GRA |
GRASSI Joseph A. | The hidden heroes of the Gospel:female counterparts of Jesus | 1. Bible. N.T. Gospels 2.Woman ( Christian theology) – biblical teaching 3. Women in the Bible |
225.83054 GRA |
GRAVES, Robert | The white goddess | 1.Mythology-Feminist aspects | 291.13 GRA |
GREEN Michael and DAO Andre | They Cannot Take The Sky | 1. Detention of persons – Australia – Anecdotes 2. Alien – Institutional care – Australia – Anecdotes 3. Refugees and human rights – Australia – Anecdotes 4. Political refugees – Australia – Anecdotes 5. I;;igal aliens – Australia – Anecdotes | 325.21 GRE |
GREEN, Jonathon (Editor) | Meanjin |
1. Periodical- Literature 2. Short works – varied authors |
GREEN, Marian | The path through the labyrinth | 1. Occultism 2. Initiation rites–Folklore |
133 GRE |
GREENSPAN, Miriam | Healing Through The Dark Emotions | 1. Affective disorders–Popular works 2. Grief–Popular works 3. Fear–Popular works 4. Despair–Popular works |
616.85 GRE |
GREENWOOD, Kerry | Away With The Fairies | 1. Fiction – Crime – Mystery | A823 GRE |
GREER Germaine | The Female Eunuch | 1 Women – Psychology 2 Feminism 3 Women – Conduct of life 4 Women – socila conditions |
305.42 GRE |
GREER, Germaine | On Rape | 1. Rape – definition 2. Rape – social change |
GRE 364.15 |
GREGOREVIC, Kate Dr | Before Dementia | 1. Dementia – Patients 2. Dementia – Prevention 3. Dementia – Treatment |
616.83 GRE |
GRENE, Marjorie | Introduction to existentialism | 1. Philosophy,Modern – 20c. 2. Existentialism- Criticism and interpretation |
142.78 GRE |
GRENET, Paul | Teilhard de Chardin | 1. Teilhard de Chardin – Biography 2. Paleontology – Biography |
560.1092 TEI. G |
GRENVILLE, Kate | Lilian s story | 1. Australian fiction 2. Women authors – Australia |
A823 GRE |
GREY, Mary | Introducing Feminist Images of God | 1. Feminist Theology 2. Christianity and Judaism – feminism 3. Women – Religious aspects |
230 GRE |
GRIECO Mary Hayes | The New Kitchen Mystic | 1. Self actualisation (psychology) 2. spiritual life | 204.4 HAY |
GRIFFIN Susan | Woman and nature: the roaring inside her | 1. Women 2. Feminism |
305.4 GRI |
Griffith M, Murray J, Howard P. editors | Shifting Perspectives | 1. Self discovery 2. Clemente Project 3. Spirituality | A 821.4 SHI |
GRIFFITH-JONES Robin | Mary Magdalene | 1 Mary Magdalene-Saint 2 Mary Magdalene Saint – in literature 3Mary Magdalene Saint-History of Doctrines 4 Jesus Christ 5Christianity & culture-History-Early church,cc 30-600 6 Women & christianity-History-Early church,cc30-600 7 Apocryphal Gospels |
226 GRI |
GRIFFITH, Saul | The Big Switch | 1. Climate change – electricity use 2. Electricity – infrastructure – social change 3. Electricity – future development |
551.6 GRI |
GRIFFITHS, Andy THOMPSON, Jim Blackmore, Sophie |
Fast food and no play make Jack a fat boy | 1. Children–Health and hygiene in Australia 2. Children–Australia–Nutrition 3. Health promotion–Australia 4. Fitness of exercise (Australia) 5. Dietetics and nutrition 6. Chilkd care & upbringing I. Blackmmore, Sophie II. Thomson, Jim (Jim William), 1956- |
649.3 GRI |
GRIFFITHS, Bede | The Golden String | 1. Griffiths, Bede – Biography 2. Benedictines – Biography |
271.1 GRI |
Griffiths, Billy | Deep Time Dreaming | 1. Aboriginal Australian History 2. Aboriginal Australians – Ethnic Identity 3. Archaeology – Australian |
305.892 GRI |
Griffiths, Josephine | The reclaiming of wisdom | 1. Bible – Criticism and interpretation 2. Wisdom ( Sophia) – Commentaries 3. Christianity and the feminine |
220.67 GRI |
GRIMASSI, Raven | Ways of the Strega | 1. Witchcraft – Italy 2.Magic – Italy 3. Series: Llewellyn’s world religion |
133.4 GRI |
Grishin, Sasha | Australian Art – A History | 1. Art – Australia – History | 709.94 GRI |
GROF, Lauren | Matrix | !. Fiction – novel – historical 2. Feminism – religion – nuns |
813 GRO |
GROSS Rita M | Feminism and religion. An introduction | 1. Women and religion 2. Feminism – Religious aspects 3. Religion – study and teaching |
261.8 GRO |
Gross, Rita M & Radford Ruether, Rosemary | Religious Feminism and the Future of the Planet | 1. Women – religious aspects – Buddhism 2. Christianity & other religions 3. Buddhism – relations – Christianity |
261.2 GRO |
GUTERSON, David | Snow falling on cedars | 1. English fiction | 823 GUT |
GYGER Pia | That we may join earth and heaven | 1. Religious institutes – 21st C 2. Meditations 3. Christian life – 21st C, 4. Theology, Catholic – Modern aspects |
255.095 GYG |
HABEL Norman C | Seven songs of creation | 1. Worship programs 2. Season of Creation — Prayer-books and devotions–English 3. Earth–Prayer-books and devotions–English I. Habel, Norman C |
265.9 SEV |
HABEL, N & WURST, S (Ed) |
The Earth Story in Genesis edited by Norman Habel/ S. Wurst |
1. Bible. O.T.. Genesis, Interpretation etc. 2. Nature-Religious aspects-Christianity. 3. Environmental ethics. 4.Ecology- Religious aspects- Christianity |
261.836 EAR |
HABEL, Norman (Ed) | READINGS from the perspective of earth | 1. Reading the Biblical text from the perspective of earth 2. ed. Norman Habel 3.Preface Veronica Brady |
261.8362 REA |
Habel, Norman &Trudinger, Peter (eds) | Water | 1. water in the bible 2. Water – religious aspects – Christianity |
220.855 WAT |
HAEBICH Anna | Broken circles: fragmenting indigenous families 1800-2000 | 1. Australian Aborigines .2. Australian Aborigines –Removal – Government Policy 3. Australian Aborigines – Treatment – History |
362.849915 HAE |
Haebich, Anna |
Dancing in Shadows | 1. Indigenous Australians – Nyungar People 2. Nyungar People – Peformance Culture – Community Wellbeing 3. Nyungar People – History – Culture |
305.8 HAE |
Hafiz & Ladinsky, Daniel (Translator) | I Heard God Laughing | 1. Hafiz – poetry 2. Ladinsky, Daniel James – translator |
891.55 HAF |
HAHN, Thich Nhat | Living Buddha, Living Christ | 1. Jesus Christ – Buddhist interpretations 2. Christianity and other religions 3. Buddhism 4. Buddhism related to Christianity |
261.24 HAN |
HAIG Matt | Reasons to stay alive | 1. Haig, Matt, 1975 – Psychology 2. Haig Matt 1975 – Mental Health 3. self actualisation (psychology) 4. Life Skills 5. Depressed persons – life skills guides | 158 HAI |
Hale, Meg | Mothers in Arms | 1. Australian Relinquishing Mothers Society 2. Adoption – Australia 3.Adoption – moral & ethical aspects |
362.7 HAL |
Halifax, Joan | Standing at the Edge | 1. Conduct of life 2. Suffering – Integrity 3. Compassion – Respect 4. Altruism – Empathy (Philosophy) |
128.4 HAL |
Hall, Sand – Curator | Amazon Acres, You Beauty | 1. History: Women and Environment NSW – Wauchope Region 2. Feminists NSW, Wauchope, Biography 3. Lesbians, Biography, Wauchope, NSW 4. Farms NSW, Camden History 5. Wuchope Region History | 305.4 HAL |
Halligen, Marion | SHOOTING THE FOX | 1. Fiction 2. Romance fiction 3. Sex – fiction 4. Erotica 5. Short Stories | A823.3 HAL |
HALLS Geraldine | This is My Friend s Chair | 1. Australian fiction | A823.3 HAL |
HALLS Gill Farrer- | A Gift of Inner Peace | 1. Religious life – Buddhism 2. Meditation 3. Peace of Mind | 158.128 HAL |
Halls, Geraldine | The Last Summer of the Men Shortage | 1. Australian fiction | A823.3 HAL |
HALPERN Steven with Louis SAVARY | Sound Health | 1. Health. 2. Sound — Physiological aspects. 3. Sound – Phsychological aspects . 4. Music- Physiological aspects. 5. Music — Psychological aspects. 6. SAVARY, Louis M. |
615.85154 HAL |
HAM, Rosalie | The Dressmaker | 1. Australian fiction 2. Comedy – love -revenge – haute couture |
A823.3 HAM |
HAMAD, Ruby | White Tears Brown Scars | 1. Racism 2. Minority Women – Social Conditions 3. Women, White – Attitudes 4. Feminists – Attitudes |
305.8 HAM |
HAMBY Louise (editor) | Twined Together | 1. Textile Crafts – NT – Oenpeli 2. Fibre work – NT – Oenpeli 3. Women textile designers – NT – Oenpeli 5. Kunwinjku (Australian people) 6. Myth in Art I. Hamby, Louise 1951 – II Injalak Arts and Crafts | 746 HAM |
HAMILTON Fiona | Pictures in my Heart | 1. Art therapy – Austr. 2. Narrative theory – Australia 3. Poetry + Arts, Afghanistan 4. Refugees; Rehabilitation Austr. Mental Health – Austr. Afghanistan – anecdotes 5. Hazaras – Austr. anecdotes 6. Taliban – Afghanistan 7. Persecution – Afganistan 8. Afghanistan – social life and customs. | 702.81 HAM |
HAMPSON Micheal | Head versus Heart and our gut reactions | 1. Heart, Mind, Gut 2. Mapping 3. Biblical Journey 4. Prayer | 155.2 HAM |
HAN, Thich Nhat | Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet | 1. Environment protection – religious aspects – Buddhism 2. Mindfulness (Psychology) |
294.33 HAN |
HAN, Zahra | Our Women on the Ground | 1. Women Journalists – Arab Countries – Biography 2. Reporters and reporting – Arab Countries 3. Women – Arab Countries- Social Conditions |
920 HAN |
HANH, Thich Nhat | Anger | 1. Anger–Religious aspects–Buddhism 2. Compassion–Religious aspects–Buddhism 3. Spiritual life–Buddhism |
294.3 NHA |
HANH, Tich Nhat | Transformation and healing | 1. Tipitaka. Abhidhammapitaka. Kathavathu–Commentaries | 294.3 HAN |
HANLEY,Mary Laurence | Pilgrimage and exile. Mother Marianne of Molokai | 1. Marianne of Molokai, Mother 1838-1918 2. Srs. of St. Francis (Syracuse, N.Y. – Biography) 3. Missions to lepers – Hawaii- Molokai |
266.209 HAN |
HANRAHAN Barbara | The Scent of Eucalyptus | 1. Hanrahan, Barbara 1939-1991 2. Australian fiction |
A823.3 HAN |
HANRAHAN, Barbara | Where the queens all strayed | 1. Australian fiction 2. Women authors – Fiction |
A 823 HAN |
HANSON-YOUNG, Sarah | En Garde | 1. Political process 2. Sexism in politics (bullying) | 324 HAN |
HANSON, Thor | Feathers | 598 HAN | |
HARDING, Esther M. | Woman’s Mysteries | Feminine Principle – myth – stories – dreams | 155.633 HAR |
HARI, Johann | Stolen Focus | 1. Distraction – psychology 2. Improving focus and attention – self-help |
158 HAR |
HARRIS Sam | Waking Up | 1. Spirituality 2. Irreligion 3. Meditation – (neuroscience + psychology informal | 204 HAR |
HARRIS, Judith Rich | The Nurture Assumption | 1. Child development – United States 2. Child rearing – United States 3. Nature and Nurture – United States 4. Children and the environment – United States |
305.231 HAR |
HARRIS, Maria | Dance of the spirit | 1. Women – Spirituality 2. Rituals – Women |
248.34 HAR |
HARRIS, Russell | The Happiness Trap | 1 Happiness 2 Conduct of life |
158.1 HAR |
HARRISON Eric | Mindfulness 101 | 1. Meditation – Buddhism 2.The Satipatthana Sutta |
294.34 HAR |
HARRISON Lorraine | A potted history of Vegetables | 1. Vegetables – History 2. Vegetables – Miscellanea | 635.09 HAR |
HARRISON, Beverly Wildung | Making the connections | 1. Feminism – Moral and ethical aspects 2. Christian ethics – Addresses, essaya, lectures 3. Social ethics – addresses, essays, lectures |
305.42 HAR |
Harrison, Eric | How To Meditate CD | 1. Short meditations 2. long meditations |
N/A |
HART, Deborah (editor) | GRACE COSSINGTON SMITH | 1. SMITH, Grace Cossington – 1892 – 1984 – Exhibitions 2. National Gallery of Austalia | 759.99 HAR |
Hart, Kevin (editor) | The Oxford Book of Australian Religious Verse | 1. Religious poetry – Australia | A821.008 HAR |
Harthan, John |
Books of Hours | 1. Art History 2. Books of Hours 3. Illuminated manuscripts |
745.6 BOO |
HARTLEY, Gemma | fed up | 1. Relationship equality 2. Equality in home environments – women and men 3. Equality in work distribution at home – feminism |
305.4 HAR |
HARUF, Kent |
Our Souls At Night | 1. Fiction – Colorado – Social Life and customs 2. Fiction – love story |
813.54 HAR |
HARVEY Andrew | The Direct Path | 1. Spiritual Life 2. Mysticism | 291.422 HAR |
Harvey, Andrew | The Hope | 1. Religious and Social Problems 2. Spiritual Life |
201.7 HAR |
HARVEY, Andrew (Translator) | Love is Everything | 1. Poems, Visions and Contemplations |
242 HAR |
Harvey, Shannon | The Connection DVD | 1. Body and mind link 2. Health & illness – scientific research |
N/A |
Harwood, Gwen | The Lion’s Bride | Australian Poetry | A821.3 HAR |
HARZ, Annabel | Journey into the Dark and the Light | 1. Australian poetry 2. Depression – poetry |
821A HAR |
HAUERWAS, Stanley and VANIER, Jean | Living Gently in Violent World | 1. L’Arche (Association) 2. Human Body -Religious Aspects – Christianity 3. Disabilities – Religious Aspects – Christianity |
261.83 HAU |
HAWKEN, Paul | Drawdown | 1. Global Warming – Reversal Strategies | 363.73 HAW |
HAWTHORNE,Susan | The spinifex quiz book. A book of women s answers | 1. Women-miscellanea l.Hawthorne,Susan1951- Spinifes book of women s authors 2.Title 3.Title:Spinifes book of women s answers |
305.42HAW |
HAY, Sarah | Skins | 1. Literary prizes–Australia–Fiction 2. Women, Aboriginal Australian–Western Australia–History 3. Sealers (Persons)–Western Australia–History 4. Aboriginal Australians–Western History–History 5. Historical fiction |
A823.4 HAY |
HAYES, Diana L | Hagar s daughters | 1. Womanist theology 2. Afro-American. Religious life |
230.082 HAY |
Hazel Harrison | An Introduction to Painting in Watercolor | Art – instruction | 750 HAR |
Hazel Rowley | Christina Stead | Women authors – Australian 20th century biography | A823.2 ROW |
Hazelton, Lesley | The First Muslim | Muhammad, Prophet | 297.63 MUH |
HEANEY, Seamus | Door into the dark | 1.Irish poetry | 821 HEA |
Hearon, Holly E | The Mary Magdalene tradition | 1. Mary Magdalene, Saint 2. Bible. N.T. Gospels — Socio-rhetorical criticism 3. Storytelling — Religious aspects — Christianity |
225.92 HEA |
Heather McDonald | "blood, bones ad spirit" | Aborigines – WA East Kimberley Christianity – WA East Kimberley Aborigines Australian – Missions , Religion – WA -East Kimberley |
270.08 MCD |
Hebb, Michael | Lets’s Talk About Death Over Dinner | 1. Death – conversations | 155.9 HEB |
HEILBRUN, Carolyn G | The last Gift of Time | 1. Ageing 2. Women friends 3. Solitude | 305.26 HEI |
HEINE, Susanne | Women and early Christianity | 1. Women and Christianity 2. Bible and feminism 3. Bible.N.T.–Criticism, interpretion, etc. |
225.01 HEI |
HEISS Anita (editor) | Growing Up Aboriginal in Australia | 1. Aboriginal Australians – Australia 2. Aboriginal Australians – Social life and customs 3. Aboriginal Australians – Anecdotes 4. Aboriginal Australians – History | 305.899 HEI |
Heiss, Anita | Not Meeting Mr Right | 1. Dating – social customs – fiction 2. Man-woman relationships – fiction |
A823.3 HEI |
Helen Elliot | Eleven Letters to You | Memoir | 920 MAL |
Helen Parsons | The Feeling of Bigness | Australian Poetry | A821.3 PAR |
HEMPHILL, Rosemary | Rosemary Hemphill s herb collection | 1. Herbs 2. Cookery (Herbal) |
641.6 HEM |
HENDERSON Anne | Enid Lyons | 1 Lyons, Enid Muriel, Dame 2 Politicians- Australia 3 Women politicians |
324.294 HEN |
HENDERSON, Anne | Mary MacKillop’s Sisters | 1. Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart – Interviews 2. Nuns – Australia – Interviews |
271.976 HEN |
HENG, Chan Lean and LEE, Molly N.N. | Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives | 1. Biographies – Women 2. Inspirational Women |
920.72 LEA |
HENRY Greg and MONTALDO Jonathan ed. | We are already One | 1. Merton, Thomas 1915 – 1968 | 271.1 MER |
HENRY, Kathleen M. | The book of ours | 1. Christianity–Liturgy | 264 HEN |
HERMAN Judith | Trauma and Recovery | . Post-traumatic stress disorder 2. Treatment – PTSD | 616.85 HER |
HERTZ, Noreena | The Lonely Century | 1. Loneliness – Social Aspects | 302.54 HER |
Heyward | The Irish world | 1. Ireland – History 2. Celtic art 3. Ireland, Prehistoric |
940 IRI |
HEYWARD Carter | The Redemption of God | 234 HEY | |
HEYWARD, Carter | Staying power | 1. Feminist theology 2. Homosexuality – Religious aspects 3. Christianity – Justice |
230.082 HEY |
HEYWARD, Carter and LEHANE Janine EDITORS | The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me | 1. Ordination of women ; Episcopal Church Sermon 2. Episcopal Church – Sermons | 262.14 HEY |
HICKS Gill | One Unknown | 1 Hicks, Gill 2 London Terrorist Bombings, London England, 2005 3 Victims of terrorism – England-London 4 Amputees- England-London-Biography |
303.62 HIC |
HIDE, Kerrie |
Gifted Origins to Graced Fulfillment | 1. Julian, of Norwich, b. 1343 – Contributions in doctrine of salvation 2. Salvation – History of doctrines – Middle Ages, 600 -1500 |
234.092 HID |
HIGGINS Reynold | Minoan And Mycenaean Art | 1. Art – history general 2. Art – history, ancient and classical | 709.38 HIG |
Hii, Susie | Happy, Healthy, Holy | 1. Spirituality 2. Spiritual life |
248.4092 HII |
HILDEGARD of Bingen | Illuminationsof Hildegard of Bingen | 1. Hildegard of Bingen – Biography 2.Hildegard of Bingen-teachings.3. Illuminations in books 4.Mysticism | 248.2 HIL |
HILDEGARD of Bingen | Scivias | 1. Catholic Church – Doctrines- Early works to 1800. 2. Mysticism – Catholic Church – Early works to 1800 |
248.22 HIL |
HILLESUM, Etty | Etty Hillesum | 1. World War, 1939 – 1945 – Diaries 2. Holocaust, Jewish, 1939 – 1945 – Personal 3. Letters-Etty Hillesum- June-Sept.,1943 accounts |
940.53 HIL |
HILLMAN Ken | A Good Life To The End | 1. Hospice Care 2. Taking control of journey through ageing and death 3. Medical ethics |
155.937 HIL |
HIPP Helene | A life half lived | 1. Middle aged women–South Australia–Attitudes 2. Middle aged women–South Australia–Biography 3. Middle aged women–South Australia–Interviews 4. Self-actualization (Psychology) I. Hipp, Helene |
305.244 LIF |
hIRSHFIELD Jane | Women in Praise of the Sacred | 1. Poetry – Women authors 2. Religious poetry -translations into english |
808.81 HIR |
Hirsi Ali, Ayaan | Heretic | 1. Islam – Reformation | 297 HIR |
His Holiness the Dalai Lama | The Good Heart | 1. Buddhism – Tibet 2. Dalai Lama |
294.3 GOO |
HIS Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu with Douglas Abrams | The Book of Joy | 1. Happiness – Religious aspects 2. Joy – Religious aspects | 294.3 DAL |
HJORTH, Noela | Journey of a fire goddess | 1. Painting, Australian 2. Hjorth, Noela – Autobiography |
Q759.944 HJO |
HOARE, Judith | The Woman Who Cracked the Anxiety Code | 1. Biography -Australian woman 2. Anxiety |
921 HOA |
HOBAN, Mary | An Unconventional Wife | 1. Julia Sorell Arnold – biography 2. Religious conflict in marriage – women’s rights |
920 HOB |
HODGE, Dino – Nightcliff, N.T | The Fall Upward | 1. Homosexuality – Religious aspects. 2. Spiritual life. 3. Self-realization.. Religious aspects. 4. Gays..Religious life. 5. Lesbians..Religious life. 6. Gays..Australia – Interviews. 7. Lesbians..Australia – Interviews. | 248.84 HOD |
HODGSON Elizabeth | Skin Painting | 1 Australian poetry-20th Century 2 Indigenous poetry |
A821 HOD |
HODGSON, Margaret | A field guide to Australian flowers | 1. Wildflowers – Australia – Field guides | 583.0994 HOD |
HOGAN, Linda | From women s experience to feminist theology | 1. Feminist theology 2. Theology–Methodology |
261.8 HOG |
HOLECEK, Andrew | Preparing to Die | 1. Death – Handbook 2. Death – Religious Aspects – Buddhism | 294.3423 HOL |
Fishing For Lightening | 1. Poetry Analysis – Australian 2. Poets, Australian |
808.1 HOL |
HOLLANDER, Julia | Why We Sing | 1. Memoir – Australian 2. Memoir – singing 3. Singing – healing aspect 4. Singing – science of |
920 HOL |
HOLMES Katie | Spaces in her day | 1. Women–Australia–Biography 2. Women–Australia–Socialization 3. Women–Austaralia–Diaries 4. Women–Austaralia–Historiography |
305.4 HOL |
HONORE, Carl |
In Praise of Slowness | 1. Self help – Personal Develoment | 340.068 HON |
Hoosan, Dujuan; Anderson, Margaret; Turner, Carol | In My Blood it Runs | 1. Aboriginal childhood 2. Aboriginal culture 3.History, learning, love, resistance |
305.89 HOO |
HORN, Mary | Pilgrimage | 1. Horn, Mary, 1937- –Exhibitions 2. Religious poetry, New Zealand |
759.9 |
Horton, David | Aboriginal Australia | 1. Aboriginal Australians – maps 2. Aboriginal Australians – land tenure – languages 3. Tribes – Australia – maps 4. Cartography & map- making (Australia) 5. Aboriginal Australian studies |
R341 MAP |
HOSSEINI, Khaled | And the Mountains Echoed | 1. Families – Fiction 2. Interpersonal relations – Fiction 3. Community Life – Fiction 4. Community Life 5. Families 6. Afghanistan – Fiction 7. Afghanistan |
813.6 HOS |
HOUSDEN,Roger | Retreat. Time apart for silence and solitude | 1.The way of knowledge – Buddhism etc. (2) The way of the heart-Christianity etc.(3) The way of the body – Tai Chi, Yoga etc. (4,5,6) The way of art, sound, wilderness (7) The solitary way | 248.34 HOU |
HOUSTON Jean | Life Force | 1.Self- actualization (Psychology) _ Problems excercises etc. 2.Consciousness- Problems.exercises, etc. 3. Group relations training 4. sychohistory |
158 HOU |
HOUSTON, Jean | The Search for the Beloved | 1.Consciousness 2. Mind and body 3.Imagery (Psycholgy) 4. Psychology, Religious |
153 HOU |
HOWELLS Arthur Canon (compiler) | The Little Book of Lent | 1. Lent – Prayers and devotions | 242.34 HOW |
Hudson, David | Rosie’s Freedom (CD) | 1. Homeland 2. Capture 3. Mission Life 4. Freedom |
N/A |
HUFTON, Olwen | The prospect before her | 1. Women–Europe, Western–History–16th century 2. Women–Europe, Western–History–17th century 3. Women–Europe, Western–History–18th century 4. WOmen–Europe, Western–Social conditions |
305.4 HUF |
HUGGINS, Jackie | Sister Girl | 1. Australian aborigines – Women 2. Australian aborigines – History 3. Australian aborigines – Ethnic identity |
305.489915 HUG |
HUGHES, Britanny | Helen of Troy | 1. Biography – Helen of Troy 2. History – Ancient Greeks |
920 HUG |
Hughes, Gerard | Walk to Jerusalem | 1. Palestine 2. Christian pilgrimages to Jerusalem 3. Biography |
248.46HUG |
HUGHS, Juliette (Editor) | in her voice | 1. Christianity – women preaching 2. Christianity – marginalisation of women – Australia |
251 HUG |
HUNT Mary E | Fierce Tenderness | 1 Feminist theology 2 Friendship- Religious aspects – Christianity 3 Lesbianism – Religious aspects – Christianity 4 Homosexuality – Religious aspects-Christianity |
241.6 HUN |
HUNT Mary E. and NEU Diann L. | New Feminist Christianity | 1. Feminist Theology 2. Feminism – religious aspects | 230.08 NEW |
HUNTER, Ruby | Feeling good | 1. Poopular music–Australia–1991-2010 | 782.6 HUN |
HUNTER, Sally | The structure of light | 1. Poetry 2. Haiku |
A821.4 HUN |
HUNTER, Sally Ann | Transfigured Sea | 1. Australian Fiction – poetic | A 823.3 HUN |
HURLEY Kathy & DONSON Theodore | Discover Your Soul Potential | 1. Enneagram 2. Spirituality | 155.2 HUR |
HURSTON Zora Neale | The Complete Stories | 1. Short Stories – Nrth American Lit. 2. African/American female writer |
813’52 HUR |
HUSAIN, Sharukh | The Goddess | 1. Goddesses | 291 HUS |
HUSSEIN Shakira | From Victims to Suspects | 1,. Muslim Women – Australia – History 2. Muslim Women – Australia – Social Conditions 3. War of Terrorism, 2001 – 2009 | 305.48 HUS |
HUSTON, Paula | The Holy Way | 1. Spiritual life – Catholic Church 2. Simplicity – Religious aspects – Catholic Church |
248.4 HUS |
HUTCHINSON Janet ed. | Fishtails in the Dust | 1. Australian literature – Australia Central 2. Other Authors/Contributors: Hutchinson, Janet 1952 – | 820.80 HUT |
Hutchinson, J ed. | Grandma Magic | 1. grandmothers – Australia – Anecdotes 2. True stories – grandmothers |
306.87 HUT |
HYLTON,Jane | Modern Australian Women. paintings and prints 1925-1945 | 1.Women painters – Australia 2. Painting,Modern -20th.C. Australia (1) Art Gallery of Australia (2) Title |
Q759.994 HYL |
IBRAHMIN, I.A. | A brief illustrated guide to understanding Islam | 1. Islam 2. Islam–Doctrines |
297 IBR |
Ibsen, Henrik | A Doll’s House DVD | N/A | |
ILIBAGIZA Immaculee with Steve Irwin | Left to Tell | 1. Ilibagiza Immaculee 2. Catholics – Rwanda – Biography 3. Rwanda – History, Civil war 1994 Personal memories | 282.092 ILI |
INAYAT Khan, 1832-1927 | The Sufi message of Hazrat Inayat Khan | 1. Sufism | 297.4 INA |
Indira Naidoo | The Space Between the Stars | Memoir-Australian; Memoir- grief, suicide; Healing-psychology; Healing-nature | 155.937 |
Inga Clendinnen | True Stories (Boyer Lectures) | 1. Australian History told through multiple stories | N/A |
INGERMAN, Sandra | The Book of Ceremony | 1. Shamanism 2. Rites and Ceremonies |
299 ING |
ISAACS Natalie | Every Woman’s Guide to Saving the Planet | ||
ISAACS Jennifer | WANDJUK MARIKA | 1. Marika, Wandjuk 2. Biography – Aboriginal Australians, Musicians, Art, Bark Painting 3. Land tenure – History 4. Aboriginal Australians – History, Politics and government 5 Yonigu | 994.004 ISA |
ISAACS Natalie | Every Woman’s Guide to Saving the Planet | 1. Climate change 2. Recycling 3. Renewable Energy 4. Waste Management 5. Pollution | 551.6 ISA |
ISAACS, Jennifer | The gentle arts | 1. Decorative arts–Australia–History 2. Women artists–Australia–History 3. Handicraft–Australia–History |
Q745.4 ISA |
ISAACS, Mark | The Kabul Peace House | 1. Isaacs, Mark J – Travel – Afghanistan 2. Afghan War 2001 – Personal narratives, Afghans 3. Society and social sciences, Politics and government 4. Peace building – Youth – Afghanistan |
958.104 ISA |
ISHERWOOD Lisa | Introducing feminist Christologies | 1. Jesus Christ –Person and offices. 2.Feminist theology | 232.082 ISH |
ISHERWOOD Lisa & STUART Elizabeth | Introducing Body Theology | 1. Feminist theology. 2.Sex–Religious aspects- Christianity. 3. Body,Human __ Religious aspects — Christianity | 261.8357 ISH |
ISHERWOOD Lisa and McEwan Dorothea | Introducing feminist theology | 1. Women–Religious aspects — Christianity. 2. Feminist theology. —McEwan Dorothea |
230.082 ISH |
ISHERWOOD Lisa and RUETHER Rosemary Radford | Weep Not For Your Children | 1. Violence – Religious aspects 2. Good and Evil |
201.7 ISH |
IYER, Pico | The Open Road | 1. Bstan-dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama 14 1935 – |
294.3 IYE |
J. Cheryl Exum |
Fragmented Women | 1. Women in the bible 2. Bible OT. Judges – criticism, interpretation, etc. 3.Patriarchy – religious aspects 4. Feminist Theology | 221.6 EXU |
Jack Maguire | The Power of Personal Storytelling | 1. Interpersonal communication 2. Interpersonal relations 3. Story telling | 302.34 MAG |
Jackie Wurm ed. | Long Way Home | 1. Flinders University of SA Yunggorendi First Nations Centre 2. Painting, Aboriginal Australia – 21st Century – Exhibitions |
707.4 LON |
JACKSON, Gabrielle | Pain and Prejudice | 1. Endometriosis – biography 2. Chronic Pain in women – treatment 3. Sexism in medicine and mental health services |
612.662 JAC |
JACKSON, Judith | Aromatherapy | 1. Aromatherapy | 615.8 JAC |
JACOBS Michael | Emotions and Needs | 1. Emotions 2. Psychotherapy 3. Personality and Emotions 4. Dawn Freshwater; Chris Robertson | 150.1982 JAC |
JACOBS Michael Editor | The Self and Personality Structure | 1. Self 2. Psychotherapy 3. Paul Brinich; Christopher Shelley | 150.1982 JAC |
JACOBS, Mignon R | Gender, Power, and Persuasion | 1. Bible O.T Genesis – Criticism, Interpretation 2. Sex role – Biblical teaching 3. Man – woman relationships – Biblical teaching |
222.11 JAC |
James Canton | The Oak Papers | 1. Trees -oak -ecosystem 2. Natural world – learning from 3. Human need for connection with nature | 333.4 CAN |
James Charlton | Luminous Bodies | 1. Australian poetry – Tasmania – 21st century | A821.4 CHA |
James Finley | The Healing Path | 1. Psychologists – USA – biography 2. Spiritual directors – USA – biography 3. trauma and recovery | 150 .19 |
James Lovelock | Gaia | 1. Geobiology – philosophy 2. Gaia hypothesis 3. Biosphere 4. Environmental protection 5. Nature conservation |
508 LOV |
JAMES, P.D. | The Murder Room | 1. Fiction – Crime – Murder 2. Mystery – Detective Novel |
823 JAM |
JAMES, William | The varieties of religious experience | 1. Experience (Religion) 2. Humankind – Religious aspects |
248.2 JAM |
JAMPOLSKY, Gerald G | Goodbye to guilt | 1. Self perception 2. Forgiveness 3. Personal development |
158.2 JAM |
Janet Malcolm | Two Lives | 1. Biography | 818.5 MAL |
Janice Brewi and Anne Brennan | Mid-life Spirituality and Jungian Archetypes | 1. Middle-aged persons – Religious life 2. Jungian psychology – Religious aspects – Christianity |
155.6 BRE |
JAXON-BEAR Eli | The Enneagram of Liberation | 1. Nature of Reality 2. Character Fixation 3. Essence, Transcendence and Silence | 155.2 JAX |
JAY, Katie | A Murder Most Vegan | 1. Australian fiction 2. Crime – murder mystery |
A823.3 JAY |
Jeanette Winterson | Art & Lies | Fiction | 823 WIN |
Jeanine Leane | Walk Back Over | Poetry Indigenous Wiradjun woman Australia Poetry – Indigenous history |
A821.3 LEA |
Jeffes, Jane | Silma’s School DVD | N/A | |
JEFFREYS Shiela | The Idea of Prostitution | 1 Prostitution 2 Sexual ethics 3 Feminist theory |
306.74 JEF |
Jen Hutchinson | Motherling | 1. Travel – Spain 2.Christion pilgrims and pilgrimmages – Spain- Camino de Santiago 4. Son’s death | 921 HUT |
JENKIN Graham | Meralte: an epic story of the northern stars | 1. Aboriginal Australians- Folklore – Juvenile literature. (1) Koolmateri, Janis. (2) Davis, Joedie | 398.2 JEN |
JENKINSON Stephen | Die Wise | 1. Death 2. Grief 3. Bereavement | 155.9 JEN |
Jenny Wightman | A Remote and Lonely Place | 1. Country life SA 2. Murray mallee 3. Biography |
920.72 WIG |
Jeong Mun Heo | Images of Torah | 1. Images of Torah 2. Relationship between Mystical experience, theology, and phenomenology 3. Jewish & Christian perspectives |
227.109 HEO |
Jeremy Harding | The Uninvited | 1. Refugees 2. Illegal aliens 3. Africa, West- Emigration and immigration 4. Europe- Emigration and immigration. |
304.8 HAR |
Jersak, Brad Eerdmans, William B |
Stricken by God? | 1. Atonement 2. Nonviolence–Religious aspects–Christianity I. Jersak, Brad, 1964- II. Hardin, Michael |
232.3 STR |
Jo Ann Kay McNamara | Sisters in Arms | 1.Monasticism and religious orders for women – history | 271.9 MCN |
Joan Chittister | The Cry of the Prophet | 1. Social Justice — Biblical teaching 2. Social Justice — Poetry |
261.8 CHI |
Joanna Swinney | Through the Dark Woods | 1. Swinney, Joanna 2. Depression, mental 3. Depressed persons – biography |
616.8 SWI |
Joanna Trollope | Daughters-in -Law | Fiction | 823 TRO |
Johann Hari | Lost Connections | 1. Psychology -depression – causes -solutions | 158 HAR |
John Matthews, ed | At the Table of the Grail | 1. Grail – legends – history and criticism | 398.353 MAT |
John Medina | ‘brain rules for aging well’ | aging-science | 571.8 |
John O Donohue | Eternal Echoes | 1. Celtic spirituality 2. Irish spiritual heritage 3. Desire |
282.41 ODO |
JOHN of the Cross | The poems of Saint John of the Cross | 1. Spanish poetry 2. Religious poetry – Spain |
861 JOH |
JOHN of the Cross, Saint | Meditations with John of the Cross | 1. Meditation 2. Mysticism. |
242 JOH |
John S. Dunne | The Circle Dance of Time | Spiritual Life – Catholic Church | 248.4 DUN |
John Shelby Spong | The Sins of Scripture | 1.Bible- quotations in political arena- use-criticism of 2. Abuse: slavery: apartheid, segregation: anti-semitism etc- influence on by Bible quotations distortion | 230 SPO |
JOHNSEN Linda | The Living Goddess | 1. Goddess tradition – Easters Aspects 2. Goddess of Western Scripture | 294.52114 JOH |
JOHNSON David | A Quaker Prayer Life | 1. Religion – Christianity – History 2. Religion Christianity – Quaker 3. Religion – spirituality | 230.96 JOH |
Johnson Robert A | She | 1. Women – psychology | 155.33 JOH |
JOHNSON Thomas H. – Editor | Emily Dickinson | 1. American poetry – 19th Century | 811.4 DIC |
Johnson, Elizabeth | Quest for the Living God | 1. God 2. Christianity |
231.66 JOH |
JOHNSON, Elizabeth A | She who is | 1. God – Theology – Feminist aspects | 231.4 JOH |
JOHNSON, Elizabeth A. | Truly our sister | 1. Mary Mother of Jesus Christ–Theology 2. Mary Blessed Virgin, Saint–Theology 3. Catholic Church–Doctrines |
232.91 JOH |
Johnson, Robert A | The psychology of romantic love | 1. Romantic love – Psychology. 2. Tristan and Iseult-Jungian Aspects. 3. Jungian psychology | 152.4 JOH |
JOHNSON, Robert A. | Owning your own shadow. Understanding the dark side of the psyche | 1. Shadow ( psychoanalysis) | 155.2 JOH |
JOHNSON,Elizabeth A | She who is | 1. God – Theology – Feminist aspects | 231.4 JOH |
JOHNSON,Robert A | The fisher king and the handless maiden | 1.Masculinity (Psychology) 2.Femininity ( Psychology) |
155.3 JOH |
JOHNSTON , Fiona | Getting a good Night’s sleep | 1. sleep | 154.6 JOH |
JOHNSTON William (Editor) | The Cloud of Unknowing | 1. Mysticism-History-Middle ages 600-1500 | 248.22 CLO |
JOHNSTON, Fiona | Kindling | 1. Poetry 2. Haiku |
A821.3 JOH |
JOHNSTON, William | ‘Arise My Love…’ | 1, Mysticism – Catholic Church – History 2. Comparative studies |
248.22 JOH |
JOHNSTON,Fiona | Thresholds | 1. Australian poetry 2. Women writers-Australian |
A821 JOH |
JOLLEY, Elizabeth | The well | 1. Australian fiction | A823 JOL |
JOLLEY, ELIZABETH author with Lurie Caroline editor | LEARNING TO DANCE | A823.3 JOL | |
JOLLY Erica | Making a Stand | 1. Australian Poetry | A821.4 JOL |
JOLLY, Erica | Pomegranates | 1. Australian poetry. 2. Poets, Australian I. Prichard, Maureen |
A821.4 JOL |
JONES EMMA | The Striped World | poetry – Australian | A821 JON |
Jones, Amelia (ed) | Sexual Politics | 1. Judy Chicago 2. Dinner Party 3. Feminism & art 4. Women in art – exhibitions |
709.2 JON |
JONES, Caroline | An authentic life. Finding meaning and spirituslity in everday life | 1.Jones, Caroline 2. Spiritual life 3.Interviews. 4.Life. 5. Radio journalists-Aust._Biography |
128.092 JON |
JONG, Erica | Love Comes First | Poetry – American | 811.54 JON |
JORDAN, Elizabeth | Reconciling Women | 1. Confession – Catholic Church 2. Women in the Catholic Church 3. Feminist Theology | 234.166 JOR |
JORDAN, Judith (Ed) | WOMEN S growth in diversity | 1.Women – Psychology 2. Minority women – Social conditions 3. Psychotherapy – Social aspects |
305.42 WOM |
JOSE Jane | PLACES WOMEN MAKE | 1. Women and city planning – Australia 2. Urban women – Australia – social conditions 3. Women – Australia attitudes 4. Community development, urban | 305.40 JOS |
JOYCE Rachel | The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry | 1. Fiction – Men 2. Fiction – walking 3. Fiction – Great Britain | 823 JOY |
JUCHAU, Mireille | The World Without Us | 1. Families – Fiction 2. Family secrets – Fiction 3. Environmental Death – Fiction 4. Bereavement – Fiction 5. Australian Fiction |
A 823 JUC |
Jude Aquilina, John Pfitzner & Ross Talbot | Season of a New Heart | 1. Poetry – Australia | A821.008 AQU |
Judith P. Siegal | stop overreacting | Emotions | 150.4 SIE |
Judith Plaskow | The Coming of Lilith | 1. Women in judaism 2. Feminism – religious aspects 3. Sex – religious aspects |
296.082 PLA |
Judy Chicago | The Dinner Party | 1. Chicago, Judy 2. Brooklyn Museum, Elizabeth A Sackler Center for Feminist Art 3. Women in art |
709.2 CHI |
Julia Baird | bright shining | Compassion, empathy, kindness , mercy | 233 BAI |
Julia Gillard | Julia Gillard DVD | 1. Julia Gillard – interview 2. Anne Summers – interviewer |
N/A |
JULIAN of Norwich | XV1 Revelations of Divine Love | 1. Mysticism – Middle Ages 2. Woman mystic – Middle Ages |
248.22 JUL |
JUNG C. G. | Psychological Reflections | 1. Psychoanalysis 2. Jacobi,Jolande Szekecs,1890 – ,ed. |
150.1954 JUNG |
JUNG C.C; translated by R.F.C.HULL | Dreams | 1. Dreams | 154.634 JUN |
JUNG, C.G | Psychological types | 1. Jung, Carl–Psychology | 150.1954 JUN |
JUNG, C.G. | The archetypes and the collective unconscious | 1. Archetype 2. Subconsciousness 3. Psychanalysis |
154.2 |
JUNG, Carl G | Four archetypes | 1. Jung, Carl–Psychology 2. Fairy tales–Psychological aspects |
150.1954 JUN |
JUNG, Carl, G | Symbols of transformation | 1. Jung, Carl–Psychology 2. Schizophrenia, Psychology of |
150.1954 JUN |
Kabat-Zinn, Jon | Full Catastrophe Living | 1. Stress management 2. Stress – Psychology 3. Self care, health |
155.9 ZIN |
Kabatz-Zinn, Jon | Wherever You Go, There You Are | 1. Meditation 2. Lifestyle | 155.0 ZIN |
KABILSINGH, Chatsumarn | Women in Buddhism | 1. Women in Buddhism 2. Women in Buddhism – India 3. Buddhist nun – Asia | 294.33 KAB |
KAFTAL, George | St. Catherine in Tuscan painting | 1. Catherine of Siena in art 2. Italian painting |
755.94863 KAF |
Kalle Lasn and Adbusters (editors) | Meme Wars | Economics – moral and ethical aspects; Capitalism – social, ethical and environmental aspects;Anti-globalization movement | 330.12 LAS 330.12 LAS |
Kamila Shamsie | Best of Friends | Fiction – Pakistan/ Britain | 823 SHA |
KANYORO Musimbi R.A. | Introducing feminist cultural hermeneutics; an African perspective. | 1. Bible- Hermeneutics. 2. Womanist theology. 3. Bible and feminism |
230.082 KAN |
KANYORO, Musimbi R.A. | In Search of a Round Table | 1. Women in Christianity – Congresses 2. Feminist Theology – Congresses 3. Ordination of Women, Church work with women – Congresses 4. Bible – Feminist Criticism – Congresses |
270.082 |
KAPUR, Manju | Home | 1. Fiction – Delhi, India | 823 KAP |
KARAOLIS, Jo | With Enough Love | 1. School principals – Australia -Biography 2. Teachers – Australia – Attitudes 3. Educational change – Australia |
371.2 |
Karen Armstrong | The Battle For God | 1. Fundamentalism 2. Islamic fundamentalism 3. Orthodox Judaism |
200.9 ARM |
Karen L. King | What is Gnosticism | Gnosticism | 299.93 KIN |
KARLE.Hellmutt W.A. | Thorson s introductory guide to hypnotherapy | (1) History of hypnosis (2) How does it work? (3) Where can you go for hypnotherapy? (4) Hypnosis and your life |
154.7 KAR |
KARTINYERI Doris | Kick the Tin | 1 Katinyeri, Doris 2 Aborigines, Australia-SA 3 Aborigines-child welfare 4 Aborigines-government policy |
305.899 KAR |
Kartinyeri, Doris | Poems | 1. Kartinyeri, Doris, 1945 2. Australian poetry – Aboriginal authors 3. Aboriginal Australians – poetry |
A821.3 KAR |
KARTINYERI, Dr. Doreen | Ngarrindjeri Anzacs | 1. Australian army – Aborigines, S.A. – History 2. Anzacs – South Australia – History |
904.403 KAR |
Kate Johnson | Radical Friendship | 1.LCSH: Interpersonal relations: 2 Self-acceptance 3. Relationship quality. | 302 JOH |
Katharine Smyth | All the Lives We Ever Lived | 1. Memoir 2. Literary Criticism 3. Biography | 920 SMY |
Katherine Mansfield | All Sorts of Lives | Biography | 921 HAR |
KATIE, Byron | Loving what is | 1. Self-actualization (Psychology) | 158.1 KAT |
KATOPPO, Marianne | Compassionate and free | 1. Women – Theology – Asia 2. Theology, Doctrinal – Asia – 20th.C |
261.8344 KAT |
KATSONIS, Maria and KOFMAN, Lee (Editors) | Rebellious Daughters | 1. Feminist literature – Australia 2. Memoirs – female Australians 3. Rebellion – psychology |
306.874 KAT |
Kavanaugh, Kieran & Otilio, Rodriguez (eds) | The Collected Works of St John of the Cross | 1. John of the Cross, Saint 2. Meditation 3. Mysticism |
242 Kav |
Kay Ferres ed. | The time to write | 1. Australian literature – women authors, history, criticism 2. Australian literature – 19th & 20th century |
A820.992 FER |
KAZA, Stephanie (Edit.) | A Wild Love for the World | 1. Macy, Joanna, 1929 – 2. Environmentalists – United States – Biography 3. Environmentalism – Religious aspects – Buddhism 4. Environmental justice – Religious aspects – Buddhism |
294.3 KAZ |
KEALEY, Imogen | Liberation | 1. Fiction – Servicewomen – World War Two 2. 2. Freedom Fighting – Spying |
823 KEA |
Keating, Thomas Father | The Daily Reader for Contemplative Living | 1. Devotional Calenders – Catholic Church | 242.2 KEA |
KEEL Hee-Sung | Meister Eckhart | 1. Eckhart, Meister d.1327 | 230.2 KEE |
Keiting, R & P O’Reilly (performers) | Celtic Christmas (CD) | 1. 14 Christmas Carols (English & Gaelic) | N/A |
KELEN, Betty | Confucius in life and legend | 1. Confucius – Biography 2. Confucianism – History |
293.512 KEL |
KELLY, Gabrielle O.P. | Tides of change | 1. Dominican School — Semaphore (S.Aust.) 2. Catholic Schools — South Australia– Semaphore — History |
371.0712 KEL |
Kelly, Tony | A New Imagining | 1. Sociology – Christian – Australia 2. Australia – religious life & customs |
261 KEL |
Kenneally Cath | Around here | 1. Australian poetry 2. Australian poetry – 20th. century |
A 821.3 KEN |
KENNEDY, Sally | Faith and feminism | 1. Women in the Catholic Church – Australia 2. Feminism in Australia – History |
267.442 KEN |
KENT Hannah | Burial Rites | Fiction – Iceland | A823 KEN |
Kent, Hannah | The Good People | 1. Australian Fiction | A823 KEN |
Kevin Treston | Who Do You Say I Am | Christianity – Spiritual Renewal Christian Practice – relevance of |
248 TRE |
KEYES, Margaret F. | Emotions and the enneagram | 1. Enneagram – Psychological aspects 2. Emotional life – Psychological aspects 3. Conflict resolution |
155.25 KEY |
Khan, Daisy | Born With Wings | 1. Muslim women – religious life 2. Islam 3. Khan, Daisy – biography |
297.09 KHA |
Kharel, Ambika | Butterfly | 1. Bhutan – refugees 2. Refugees – Australia memoir 3. Refugees – women |
305.9 KHA |
KHONG, Rachel | Goodbye, Vitamin | 1. Alzheimer’s disease – patients, care 2. Domestic fiction | 813.6 KHO |
KHOR, Gary | An introduction to Tai Chi and taoist energy meditation | 1. Tai Chi 2. Meditation, Chinese |
796.8 KHO |
Kidd, Sue Monk | The Mermaid Chair | 1. Fiction – US | 813.54 KID |
Kieren Kavanaugh, Otilio Rodriguez (translators) | The Collected Works of St . Teresa of Avila | 1. St Teresa of Avila 2. Catholic Church – Collected Works 3. Theology – 16th Century | 242 KAV |
KILEY, Bernadette | Jesus in Mark s gospel | 1.Bible,N.T, Mark – Criticism and interpretation | 226.306 KIL |
KIMM, Joan | A fatal conjunction | 1. Wife abuse–Australia 2. Women, Aboriginal Australian–Social conditions 3. Abused women–Australia 4. Family violence–Australia 5. Aboriginal women 6. Domestic violence 7. Aboriginal customary law 8. Sentencing 9. Social conditions 10. Codes (Law) |
362.8 KIM |
KING , Petrea | Gift of Forgiveness | 1. Meditation 2. Inner Peace and Wisdom 3. Self-confidence | N/A |
KING Laurel | A Whistling Woman is up to No Good | 1. Women – Psychology 2. Self-actualisation (Psychology) 3. Wild women | 155.63 KIN |
KING Petrea | Zen Garden – CD | 1. Meditation 2. Inner Peace and Wisdom 3. Self-confidence | N/A |
King, Judy (editor) | The Dancing Circle, Volume 4 | 1. Circle dance 2. Dance – healing |
291.37 KIN |
KING, Karen L. | Women and goddess traditions | 1. Women and religion 2. Goddesses–Cults |
200 WOM |
KING, Petrea | Sometimes hearts have to break | 1. Terminal illness – Psychological aspects 2. Terminally ill – Biography |
362.8 KIN |
KING, Ursula (Editor) | Feminist Theology from the Third World | 1. Feminist Theology 2. Feminist theology – third world countries |
230.082 KIN |
KINGSOLVER Barbara | PRODIGAL SUMMER | 1. Appalagian Region – Social Life + Customs – fiction | 813.54 KIN |
KIRBY, James |
Choose Compassion | 1. Compassion -importance – process 2. Compassion – psychology |
158.1 KIR |
KIRKWOOD, John | The Way of the Five Seasons | 1. Chinese Medicine – Emotional and Spiritual 2. The Five Elements – Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal 3. Acupuncture, accupressure |
610.951 KIR |
KIRSCH Jonathon | The Harlot by the /side of the Road | 1 Bible. O.T.-Criticism, interpretation etc. 2 Sex in the Bible 3 Violence in the Bible |
221.6 KIR |
KITZINGER, Sheila | Woman s experience of sex | 1. Women–Sexual behaviour 2. Sex |
306.7 KIT |
KLEIN Naomi | NO Is NOT Enough | 1. Civil disobedience – US 2. Political Culture – US 3. Political participation – US 4. Political Psychology – US 5. Political sociology 6. Government Resistance to – US | 303.484 KLE |
KLEIN, Naomi |
This Changes Everything | 1. Climatic changes 2. Environmental policy – economic aspects 3. Climatic changes – economic aspects 4. Climatic change – political aspects |
363.73 KLE |
Kleinman, Arthur | The Illness Narratives | 1. Chronic disease – psychological aspects 2. Chronic disease – therapy |
616.001 KLE |
KOCH Tina,ANNELLS Merilyn & BROWN Marina | Still Me | 1. Aged Women-Australia-interviews 2. Ageing-Australia |
305.260 KOC |
KOESTER, Helmut | History and Literature of Early Christianity | 1. Bible, N.T. – Commentaries 2, Bible, N.T. – History of early Christianity |
R 225.95 KOE |
Kofman, Lee | The Writer Laid Bare | 1. Emotional Honesty – Writing 2. Writing Techniques 3. Memoir – Lee Kofman – Writer |
808.02 KOF |
Kofman, Lee |
Imperfect | 1. Body image – psychology 2. Imperfections |
158.1 KOF |
KOLTUV Barbara Black | The book of Lilith | 1. Lilith ( Semitic theology) | 291.216 KOL |
KONDO, Marie | The Life – Changing Magic of Tidying | 1. House cleaning 2. Orderliness 3. Storage in the home 4. Organisational effectiveness 5. Self-actualisation (psychology) 6. Time management 7. Quality of Life 8. Interpersonal relations |
648.5 KON |
KONGTRUL, Dzigar | Peaceful Heart | 1. Patience – Religious aspects – Buddhism 2. Buddhism – doctrines |
294.3 KON |
Kornblatt, Sondra | Restful Insomnia | 1. Insomnia 2. Sleep 3. Rest |
616.8 KOR |
After The Ecstasy, The Laundry | 1. Enlightenment (Buddhism) 2. Spiritual life |
294.344 KOR |
Krisitin Neff Phd and Christopher Germer PhD | The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook | Self-acceptance 2. Compassion 3. Security ( Psychology) | 158.13 |
KRISTEVA, Julia | The Kristeva Reader | 1. Semiotics 2. Feminism I. Moi, Toril |
084 KRI |
KROLL, Una | Vocation to resistance | 1. Christian life 2. Christianity–Religious life |
248.4 KRO |
KUBLER-ROSS Elisabeth | Death the final stage of growth | 1. Death – Psychology 2. Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth |
155.937 KUB |
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth | Death | 1. Death–Psychology 2. Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth |
155.937 KUB |
Kura Yerlo Council Inc | Keepin It Real CD | !. Aboriginal Australians – SA – Ethnic Identity | 362.8 KEE |
Ladinsky, Daniel (translator) | Love poems from God | 1. Religious poetry–Translations into English | 808.81 LOV |
Laffin Josephine EDITOR | WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A SAINT | 1. MacKillp, Mary, 1842 – 1909 2. Christian Saints 3. Canonization | 235.24 LAF |
Laird, Martin | A Sunlit Absence | 1. Contemplation 2. Silence- Religious aspects- Christianity |
248.34 LAI |
LAIRD. Martin |
An Ocean of Light | 1. Contemplation – Christianity | 248.34 LAI |
LAKE, Meredith |
The Bible in Australia | 1. The Bible – Australia 2. religious Life – Australia 3. Culture – History – Bible |
220.6 LAK |
LAKUN, Ngarrindjeri | NGARRINDJERI WEAVING | 1. Weaving – South Australia Weavers – South Aust. anecdotes Ngarrindjeri (Aust. people) – social life and customs |
677.02 LAK |
LAMOTT, Anne | bird by bird | 1. Authorship – Handbooks, manuals etc. | 808 LAM |
Lamrabet, Asma | Women and Men in the Qur’an | 1. Sociopolitics of Islam 2. Women and Men – Islam 3. Patriarchy & Islam 4. Qur’an text |
297.2 LAM |
LAND, Clare | Decolonizing Solidarity | 1. Indigenous Activism – Australia 2. Dilemmas – Directions – Supporting Social Change |
305.899 LAN |
LANGFORD,Ruby | Don t take your love to town | 1. Aborigines – Women – Biography 2. Langford, Ruby – Autobiography 3. Aborigines – Women – Social conditions |
994.0049 LAN |
Langley, Eve | White Topee | 1. Fiction – Australian | A823.2 LAN |
LANGTON MARCIA | Well I heard it on the Radio and I saw it on the Television | 1 Northern Land Council (Australia) 2 Social Identity – Aboriginality 3 Media-Broadcast media-Radio 4 Media-Video recordings 5 Photography-Ethnographic 6 Walpiri language 7 Walpiri people 8 Northern Territory-Central N.T. |
791 LAN |
LANGTON, Marcia | Settling with indigenous people | 1. Indigenous peoples–Legal status, laws, etc. 2. Indigenous peoples–Land tenure 3. Indigenous peoples–Treatises 4. Aboriginal Australians–Legal status, laws, etc. 5. Aboriginal Australians–Land tenure 6. Aboriginal Australians–Treatises I. Langton, Marcia, 1951- |
323.11 |
Larkins, Lisette | Difficult People | 1. Alzheimers disease – care 2. Enlightenment – developing ‘presence’ 3. Eckhart Tolle |
133 LAR |
Laura S. | 12 Steps on Buddha’s Path | 1. Twelve-step program – religious aspects – Buddhism – Alcoholism | 294.3 LAU |
LAW, Benjamin (Editor) | Growing Up Queer in Australia | 1. LGBTIQA – identity 2. Queer relationships |
306.76 LAW |
Layla F. Saad | Me and White Supremacy | Social Science – anthropology/cultural and social.2.Political Science – Civil rights. 3. Self-help journalling/Personal Growth 4. Popular psychology 5. Human Rights | 305.80 SAA |
LE GUIN, Ursula | Rocannon s world | 1. American fiction | 813 LEG |
LE GUIN, Ursula K | The tombs of Atuan | 1. American fiction | 813 LE |
Le, Dai | Operation Babylift DVD | 1. Vietnam War 2 . Inter-country adoption |
959.7 OPE |
LEANE, Janine (Editor) | Guwayu – For All Times | 1. Poetry – Australian – Indigenous Poets | A 821 GUN |
Lee Miena Skye | Kerygmatics of the New Millennium | 1.Women Aboriginal Australian – religion 2. Feminism – religious aspects – Christianity |
230 SKY |
Leigh, Andrew | Battlers and Billionaires | Equality-Australia; social classes-Australia |
305.509 LEI |
Leigh, Barry | Men Surviving Cancer | !. Men’s experience of cancer 2. Family/Health |
610.9 LEI |
LELOUP Jean-Yves (translated by Joseph Rowe) | The Sacred Embrace of Jesus and Mary | 1. Mary Magdalene, Saint – miscellanea 2. Jesus Christ – miscellanea |
232.9 LEL |
Leloup, Jean-Yves | The Gospel of Mary Magdalene | 1. Gnosticism (1) Leloup, Jean-Yves (2) Rowe, Joseph, 1942- | 229.8 LEL |
LEMBKE, Anna, Dr. | dopamine | 1. Pleasure; Pain 2. Compulsive behaviour 3. Internet – Social aspects 4. Substance abuse |
152.42 LEM |
LENORE Miriel | drums & bonnets0 | 1. Australian poetry | A821.3 LEN |
LENORE, Muriel | Sun, wind and diesel | 1. Australian poetry 2. Women – Poetry |
A 821.3 LEN |
LEON, Donna | Falling In Love | 1. Fiction | 813.54 LEO |
LEONARD, Linda Schierse | Meeting the Madwoman | 1.Women – Psychology 2.Women – Religious life 3.Archetype (Psychology) |
305.4 LEO |
LERNER, Gerda | The creation of feminist consciousness | 1. Women – History ( to 1870) 2. Feminism – Theory – History 3. Civilization, Western – History 4. Women and History, Vol.2. |
305.4209 LER vol.2. |
LESSING Doris | The Golden Notebook | English fiction | 823 LES |
LESSING, Doris | Love, again | 1. English fiction 2. Woman writers |
823 LES |
LESSING,Doris | Martha Quest | 1. South African fiction 2. Women authors – South Africa |
823 LES |
Lester, Natasha | The Paris Seamstress | N/A | N/A |
LEUNIG M | When I talk to you | 1. Prayers | 242.8 LEU |
LEUNIG, M | Common Prayer Collection | 1 Prayers | 242.8 LEU |
LEUNIG, Michael | The prayer tree | 1. Prayers 2. Religious poetry |
242.2 LEU |
LEVENSON Claude B. | The Dalai Lama : a biography | 1. Bstan-dzin- rgya- mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV,1935 – 2. Dalai Lamas- biography |
951.5 TEN |
LEVERLAAN, Carla, Dr | Back Body & Soul | 1. Health and Fitness 2. Toning body 3. Pain management |
616 KLE |
LEVERTOV, Denise | The freeing of the heart | 1. American literature 2. Poetry |
811 Lev |
LEVINE Janet | The Enneagram Intelligences | 1. Enneagram 2. Typology (Psychology) | 155.2 LEV |
LEVINE Peter A |
Healing Trauma | 1. Psychic trauma 2. Mind and body therapies 3. Mental wellbeing | 616.85 LEV |
Levine, Amy-Jill | The Misunderstood Jew | 1. Jesus – a Jew 2. Christians and Judaism 3. Judaism – New Testament |
261.2 LEV |
LEVINE, Dr Amir and HELLER, Rachel | Attached |
1. Attachment styles – Relationship 2. Perfect match |
155.9 LEV |
LEVY, Deborah | Hot Milk | 1. British Fiction 2. Mother and daughter relationship 3. Illness |
823 LEV |
LEYSER, Henrietta | Medieval women | 1. Women–History–Middle Ages, 500-1500 2. Great Britain–History 3. Women–Social conditions 4. England |
305.4 LEY |
LIE, Foen Tjoeng | Tai chi chu uan | 1. Tai chi ch uan | 613.7 LIE |
LIGHT, Alan | What happened, Miss Simone? | 1. Nina Simone – biography 2. Soul singing 3. Black power |
920 LIG |
LIGHTFOOT, Elizabeth | Michelle Obama | 1. Obama, Michelle, 1964- 2. Obama, Barack 3. African American women–Biography 4. African Americans–Biography 5. African American women lawyers–Biography 6. African American lawyers–Biography 7. Legislators’ spouses–United States–Biography 8. Presidents’ spouses–United States–Biography 9. Chicago (Ill.)–Biography |
328.7 LIG |
Lindahl, Kay | Practicing the Sacred Art of Listening | 1. Spiritual life 2.Listening – Religious Aspects | 204.4 LIN |
LINDEMANN Sandra | To the Beat of his Own Drum | 1 Yengi Ben,1939 – 2 Kajokeji Aust. Development Institute 3Musicians-biography 4 Refugees-Sth.Aust.-Biography5 Sudanese-(Sth aust) Biography 5 Sudanese-History-Civil War 1983-2005 6 Sudan -History- CivilWar 1983-2005-Refugees-Biography |
305.9 LIN |
Lindhal, Kay | The Sacred Art of Listening | 1. Spiritual Life 2. Listening – Religious Aspects | 204.4 LIN |
LINDSAY, Ann | Our Earth and Our Children | 1. The Earth – Reflections – Children and nature 2. Environmental issues – Future |
363.7 LIN |
Lindsay, Elaine | Rewriting God | 1. Spirituality – Australia 2. Women and Religion – Australia 3. Women Authors – Australian 4. Women in Christianity – Australia |
830 LIN |
Lindsay, Elaine & Scarfe, Janet (eds) | Preachers, Prophets & Heretics | 1. Ordination of women- Anglican church 2. Women priests – Australia – history |
262.143 PRE |
Lindsey, Kiera | Wild Love | 1. Fiction 2. Adelaide Eliza Scott Ironside 1831-1867 3. Australian artist |
A823.4 LIN |
LINDSTEDT, Laura | Oneiron | 1. Philosophical 2. Experimental fiction 3. Future life – fiction |
894 LIN |
LIPSTADT, Deborah | Antisemitism | 1. Jewish people – antisemitism – violence 2. Social issues – Jewish people – racism |
362 LIP |
Lisa Genova | Still Alice |
1. Alzheimers Disease – fiction 2. Womens College teachers – fiction |
813.6 DEL |
Lisa Hannett…… | Viking Women. | History -Viking Women0 | 948.022 |
LIVINGSTONE, Gordon | Too soon old, too late smart and never stop dancing | 1. Conduct of life | 158 LIV |
LLEWELLYN Caro | Diving Into Glass | 1. Llewellyn, Caro, 1965 2. Multiple Sclerosis – Patients – Australia – Biography 3. Disability | 362.196 |
LLEWELLYN Kate | A Fig at the Gate | 1. Llewellyn, Kate, 1940 – diaries 2. Gardeners – South Australia – Adelaide – diaries 3. Gardening – South Australia – diaries 4. Women poets – diaries | 635.909 LLE |
LLEWELLYN, Kate | The Waterlily: | 1. Llewellyn, Kate, 1940–Diaries 2. Woemn poets, Australian,,20th century…Diaries. |
A821.3 LLE |
LOECHNER, Erin | Chasing Slow | 1. Self help | 158 LOE |
LOFTS Pamela | How the birds got their colours | 1. Birds–Australia– Folklore– Juvenile literature. 2. Australian aborigines — Legends– Juvenile literature . 3. Legends– Australia ( Australian Aboriginal tales and legends. Texts for children. This book is based on a story by Mary Albert of the Bardi tribe… front endpaper. For primary level children. |
398.2049915 LOF |
Lolo Houbein | One Magic Square | 1. Kitchen gardens 2.Vegetable gardening |
635 HOU |
LOON, Antonia van Kralik, Debbie |
Moving on after child sexual abuse | 1. Adult child sexual abuse victims 2. Adult child sexual abuse victims–Mental health 3. Sexually abused children I. Van Loon, Antonia Margaretha, 1956- II. Kralik, Debbie, 1961- III. Royal District Nursing Service of S.A. Research Unit. IV. Royal District Nursing Service Foundation of SA |
362.76 MOV |
LORD, Janice Harris LORD, Janice Harris |
No Time For Goodbyes | 1. Bereavement – Psychological aspects 2. Violent Deaths – Psychological aspects 3. Grief – Psychological aspects 4. Sudden death Psychological aspects |
155.9 LOR |
Lorde, Audre | Sister Outsider | !. Audre Lorde 2. The Crossing Press feminist series |
814.54 LOR |
Lorraine McGee-Sippel | Hey Mum, What’s a Half-Caste? | 1. Children, Aboriginal Australian, NSW 2. Ehnic identity – biography 3. Children – cultural assimilation |
305.89 MCG |
Lorraine McGloughlin | Barbara Roberston |
1. Robertson, barbara, 1921- 2. Painters -SA – Biography 3. Women artists – SA |
759 ROB |
LOTT Deborah A. | In Session | 1. Psychotherapist and patient 2. Women – Psychology 3. Psychotherapy parsonal narratives | 616.89 LOT |
Louise Penny | A Better Man | Fiction -police – Quebec 2.Detective and mystery stories |
813.52 PEN |
LOVELOCK, James | A Final Warning the vanishing face of Gaia | 1. geobiology 2. philosophy 3. ecology | 508 LOV |
LOVETT Patricia | The British Library Companion to Calligraphy Illumination & Heraldry | 1. Calligraphy 2. Illumination 3. Heraldry |
745.6 LOV |
Lucy Tatman | Knowledge That matters | 1. Feminist theology | 230.082 TAT |
LUDLUM, Rebecca | Helping Young People Cope with Death and Loss (for AGes 13-16 Years) | 1. Bereavement 2. Grief in adolescence 3. Loss (Psychology) 4. Death and dying 5. Grief |
155.937 HEL |
LUKE Helen M | Old Age | 1. Ageing – Jungian perspectives 2. Ageing – masterpieces of literature examinations 3. Ageing – suffering | 809.9 LUK |
LUKE,Helen M | Woman,earth and spirit. The feminine in symbol and myth | 1. Women- psychology 2. Women and religion 3. Femininity (psychology) |
305.42 LUK |
Lumby, Judy | The Gift | 1. Grandmothers – Australia – Anecdotes 2. Grandparent & child – Australia |
306.874 LUM |
LUNNEY, Tessa | April in Paris, 1921 | 1. Fiction – Australian Author – 1920’s Paris | A 823 LUN |
LUTERMAN, Alison | Desire Zoo | 1. Poetry – American – General | 811.54 LUT |
Lyndall Gordon | Lives Like Loaded Guns | 1. Dickinson, Emily 1830-1886 – family 2. Poets, American – 19th century 3. Amherst (Mass) – intellectual life |
811.4 GOR |
LYNDE, Maria | The History of Bees | 1. Fiction – bees 2. Earth – survival – bees |
823 LUN |
Maathai, Wangari | Unbowed | 1. Wangari Maathai 2. Biography 3. Kenya |
333.72 MAA |
MACARTNEY, MAC | The Children’s Fire | 1. Celtic history 2. Pilgrimage 3. Macartney, Mac – biography |
940.04916 |
MacCulloch, Diarmaid | SILENCE | 1. Silence – Religious aspects – Christianity | 248.3 MAC |
MacDONALD Ann-Marie | The Way the Crow Flies | 1. Families of military personnel – fiction 2. Military bases – fiction 3. Cold war – fiction 4. girls – fiction | 823 MACD |
MACKAY, Hugh | Beyond Belief | 1. The Search for meaning 2. Decline in belief 3. Role of religion |
204 MAC |
Mackenzie, Vicki | Cave in the Snow | 1. Buddhist nun – biography 2. Buddhism – Tibet Autonomous Region 3. Enlightenment – Buddhism | 294.3 MAC |
Mackieson, Penny | Adoption Deception | 1. Adoption – Australia – History 2. Adoption – Government Policy – Australia 3. Adoption – Law and Legislation – Australia 4. Australia – Politics and Government – 1965 5. Australia – Social Conditions – 1965 |
362.734 MAC |
Mackinnon, Alison | The New Women | 1. University of Adelaide – Alumni 2. Higher education of women – SA 3. Women graduates – biography |
376.65 MAC |
MACQUARIE John and CHILDRESS James EDITORS | A New Dictionary of Christian Ethics | 1 Christian ethics – Dictiionaries 2 Reference |
R 241.03 MAC |
Macquarie University NSW (reprint) | The MACQUARIE concise dictionary 3rd. ed. ( revised and updated) | 1. (Appendices – guide to punctuation -outline of English grammar) | R 423 MAC |
Macy, J & Johnstone, C | Coming Back To Life | 1. Self actualisation (psychology) 2. Human ecology – religious aspects 3. Nature – Effect of humans beings on 4. Conservation o 5. Environmental protection – Citizen participation | 158.1 MAC |
MACY, Joanna | World As Lover, World As Self |
1.Self-perception-Women. 2.Buddhism-Feminist aspects 3. Ecology and Buddhism | 294.34 MAC |
Macy, Joanna & Johnstone Chris | Active Hope | 1. Social change – environmental aspects 2. Social change – psychological aspects & religious aspects |
303.4 MAC |
MACY, Joanna & JOHNSTONE, Chris | Active Hope | 1. Social Change – Environmental Aspects 2. Social Change – psychological aspects |
MACY, Joanna Rogers | Despair and personal power in the nuclear age | 1. Nuclear warfare–Religious aspects 2. Spiritual life 3. Human ecology–Religious aspects |
155.9 MAC |
MADDISON Sarah | The Colonial Fantasy | 1. Race relations – Australia 2. Aboriginal Australians, Treatment of 3. Aboriginal Australians – Ethnic identity 4. Aboriginal Australians – Social conditions – Racism | 305.89 MAD |
Madeleine L Engle | The Ordering of Love | 1. North American poetry | 811.54 LEN |
MAGAREY, Susan | Unbridling the tongues of women | 1. Spence, Catherine Helen – Biography 2. Women, Australia – Biography |
324.623092 SPE. M. |
Magenta, Emma & Collette, Toni (narrator) | The Gradual Demise of Philippa Finch DVD | 1. Animated DVD | N/A |
MAGGIO Rosalie | The Non-sexist Word Finder | 1 English language-terms and phrases 2 English language-usage-dictionaries 3 English language -social aspects-dictionaries 4 Non-sexist language-dictionaries |
R 423.1 MAG |
MAHMOUD Olfat | Tears For Tarshih | 1. Refugee camps – Israel 2. Israel – Arab war 1948 – 9 3. Refugees – Palestinian Arab, biography 4. Internally displaced persons – Palestine -biography 5. Nurses – Israel | 920 MAH |
MAHOOD Kim | Position Doubtful | 1. Mahood, Kim 2. Authors, Aboriginal Australians 3. Artists, Aboriginal Australians – Biography | A828.3 MAH |
Mahood, Kim | Craft for a Dry Lake | 1. Mahood, Kim – childhood and youth 2. Artists, Australian – Journey 3. Alice Springs (N.T.) |
920.72 MAH |
MAI, Mukhtar | In the Name of Honour | 1. Memoir – Mai, Mukhtar | 305.409 MAI |
MAIN, John | The present Christ | 1. Meditation 2. Spiritual life |
248.34 MAI |
MAITLAND Sarah | Angel & Me | 1 Short stories | 823 MAI |
Maitland, Sara | Book of Silence | 1. Silence 2. Solitude |
155.9 MAI |
Maitri, Sandra | The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram | 1. Enneagram 2. Spiritual life 3. Personality – religious aspects |
155.26 MAI |
MAKRANSKY, John | Awakening Through Love | 1. Spiritual life – Buddhism 2. Love – Religious aspects – Buddhism 3. Compassion – Religious aspects – Buddhism 4. Buddhism – doctrines |
294.3 MAK |
MALCOLM, Janet | The silent woman | 1. English poetry – History & criticism 2. Hughes, Ted 3. Plath, Sylvia – Life and works |
821.09 PLA.M. |
MALIK, Sarah | Desi Girl | 1. Memoir 2. Feminism – race – faith – belonging 3. Media – journalism |
920 MAL |
Malle Babbe Women’s Choir | Paradise Road CD | 1. World War 2 – women in internment camp 2. Sumatra – Japanese army |
N/A |
MALLETT Ashley | The Boys from St Francis | Moriarty, John. Perkins, Charles. Copley, Vince. Kruger, George. Thomas, Harold 1. Priests , SA, Adelaide 2. Children, Aboriginal Australian – relocation 3. Stolen Generations, 4. Race Re | 994.93 MAL |
MANION, Margaret M and MUIR, Bernard J | The Art of the Book | 1. Books – Medieval – History 2. Books – Religious – Medieval – History 3. Books – Worship – Medieval – History |
745.67 MAN |
Manne, Anne | Motherhood | 1. Motherhood 0- social aspects 2. Work & family – social aspects 3. Feminism |
306.8743 MAN |
Manne, Joy | Soul Therapy | 1. Spiritual life, 2. Spiritual exercises | 131 MAN |
Manning, Jane | Who Do You think You Are? Catherine Freeman DVD | 1. Catherine Freeman – biography | N/A |
MANNIX, Kathryn | Listen | 1. Communication – difficult conversations 2. Psychology – communication |
158 MAN |
MANSFIELD Katherine | Bliss and Other Stories | 1 English fiction | 823 MAN |
MARBURG, Marlene |
Grace Undone | 1. Ignatius of Loyola, Saint, 1491 -1556 Exercitia spiritualia 2. Spiritual exercises #. Religious poetry |
248.3 MAR |
MARCAL, Katrine |
Who Cooked Adam Smith’s Dinner |
1. Capitalism 2. Feminist Economics 3. Economic Man 4. Capitalism |
330.122 MAR |
Marciniak, Catherine | Who Do You Think You Are? Jack Thompson DVD | 1. Jack Thompson – biography | N/A |
Marcus J Borg & John Dominic Crossan | The First Paul | 1. Paul, the Apostle, Saint 2. Bible, NT, Epistles of Paul – Criticism, interpretation 3. Bible NT Epistles of Paul – theology |
227.06 BOR |
MARECHAL, Elias | Tears of an Innocent God | 1. Spiritual Life – Christianity | 248.4 |
Margaret S Bain | White Men are Liars | 1.Aboriginal Australians – Communication 2. Aboriginal Australians – Languages – social aspects 3. Intercultural communication – Australia 4. Australia – race relations |
499.15 BAI |
Margaret Self | Close to the Heart | Prayer-Christianity | 248.32 SIL |
Margaret Silf | Sacred Spaces | 1. Sacred space 2. Celts – religion 3. Spirituality 4. Spiritual life – Celtic church |
299 SIL |
Maria Koukouvas and Rob Ferris ( editors) | Mimesis | poetry – Australian | A821 KOU |
Maria-Gabriele Wosien | Sacred Dance | 1. Art and imagination 2. Dance- religious aspects |
291.37 WOS |
Marian Sawer | Making Women Count | 1. Women s Electoral Lobby history 2. Women s rights Australia 3. Women, Australia, social conditions |
305.4 SAW |
Marie-Louise von Franz | Creation Myths | 1. Creation 2. Myth |
291.24 FRA |
MARIECHILD, Diane | The inner dance | 1. Spiritual life – Psychology 2. Personal development – Spiritual aspects 3. Meditations 4.Health. |
158.12 MAR |
Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal, Jon Kabat-Zinn | The Mindful Way Through Depression | 1. Depression, Mental 2. Happiness 3. Attention |
362.2 WIL |
Marr, David | Patrick White. A Life | 1. Australian biography 2. Patrick White 1912-1990 3. Novelists – Australian – 20th century |
A823.3 MAR |
MARR.David | The high price of heaven | 1. Christianity-Social Aspects- Australia 2.Christianity-Australia- Influence 3.Christianity and politics – Australia |
261.709 MAR |
Marsha Saxton & Florence Howe (Editors) | With Wings | 1 Physically handicapped women-personal observations I Saxton Marsha II Howe Florence |
362.4 WIT |
MARTIN ,Paul C. | The dynamic of sexuality in the mystic way: a comparative investigation into the divine imagery in the texts The Flowing Light of the Godhead and Saundaryalahari | 1. Mysticism-History-Middle Ages,600-1500 2.Tantrism 3. Women mystics 4. Mystical union |
R 291.422 MAR |
Mary Catherine Hilkert | Speaking With Authority | 1. Catherine of Siena, Saint 2. Women in Catholic Church 3. Authority – religious aspects |
282.082 HIL |
Mary Condren | The Serpent and the Goddess | Women, Ireland History 2. Patriarchy 3. Ireland religious life |
305.4 CON |
Mary Moody | The Accidental Tour Guide | 1. Women – Australia Memoir 2. Women – Horticultural writers 3. Men=women relationships Australia 4. Widows – Australia – autobiography 5. Aging phiosophy | 306.MOO |
Mary Oliver | New and Selected Poems Volume One | 1. Poetry 2. North American literature |
811.54 OLI |
Mary-Anne Gale | Ngarrindjeri Dictionary | 1. Ngarrindjeri language – dictionaries 2. Aboriginal Australians – SA – languages 3. Australian languages |
R 499.15 NGA |
Maryanne Saunders | Rainbow and Rollercoasters | poetry – Australian | A821.3 |
Masara Emoto | The Hidden Messages in Water | 1. Water – philosophy 2. Water Quality 3. Anthroposophy |
613 EMO |
MASOM, Caroline Alexander, Pat |
Picture archive of the Bible | 1. Bible–Antiquities 2. Bible–Illustrations I. Alexaner, Pat, 1937- II. Millard, A.R. (Alan Ralph) III Masom, Caroline |
R 220.9 PIC |
MASSY, Charles | Call of the Reed Warbler | 1. Food Supply – Australia 2. Sustainable Agriculture 3. Pasture Ecology – Australia – Management |
362 MAS |
MATHEWS, Caitlin | THE LITTLE BOOK OF CELTIC BLESSINGS | 1. Celtic – religion 2. Benediction 3. Prayer |
299 CEL |
MATHEWS, Freya | The ecological self | 1. Ecology – Philosophical aspects 2. Life – Philosophy |
113 MAT |
Matt Licata |
A Healing Space | Healing- self-compassion: Self-actualisation:Mindfuness(psychology): Self-acceptance | 158.1 LIC |
MATTHEWS John | Drinking from the Sacred Well | 1. Christian saints, Celtic – Biography | 270.092 |
MATTHEWS, Caitlin | The blessing seed | 1. Creation–Pictorial works–Juvenile fiction 2. Christian fiction 3. Children s stones–Pictorial works |
823.914 MAT |
MATTHEWS, Caitlin and John | THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF CELTIC WISDOM | 1. Celtic wisdom 2. Visionary poetry 3. Prophecy and divination |
299.1 MAT |
MATTHEWS, Iola | My Mother, My Writing and Me | 1. Matthews, Iola 2. Baby boom generation – Australia – Biography 3. Baby boom generation -Australia – Attitudes 4, Middle Aged Women – Australia – Biography |
305.209 MAT |
Matthews, Stephen | Telling Australia’s Truth | 1. Australian poetry 2024 2. Aboriginal Voice to Parliament Referendum 3. 130 Australian poets |
A821.008 MAT |
May Sarton | Mrs Stevens Hears the Mermaids | Fiction- American Fiction- women’s studies |
813.52 SAR |
MAY, Gerald C | Addiction and grace | 1. Compulsive behavior–Religious aspects–Christianity 2. Substance abuse–Religious aspects–Christianity 3. Christian life |
616.8 MAY |
May, Gerald G | The dark night of the soul | 1. Mysticism – psychology 2. Spiritual formation 3. Teresa of Avila, Saint 4. Suffering – religious aspects 5. John of the Cross, St |
248.2 MAY |
MAY, Katherine | The Electricity of Every Living Thing | 1. Asperger Syndrome 2. South West Coast Path, UK – walking 3. Wild landscapes – emotional & physical |
362.2 MAY |
MAY, Thomas | Dear Son | 1. Letters – Fathers and Sons – Indigenous Australians 2 Recollections – family life 3. Indigenous culture – family life |
306.87 MAY |
MAYER Musa | AFTER BREAST CANCER | 1. Breast – Cancer – Relapse – popular works | 616.994 MAY |
Mayer, Catherine & Mayer Bird, Anne | Good Grief | 1. Widows – mother and daughter 2. Grief – independence 3.Covid 19 |
155.937 MAY |
MAYOR, Thomas | Finding Our Heart | 1. The Uluru Statement – Children’s Book 2. The story of the Uluru Statement – Indigenous Australians – History |
305.8 MAY |
MCADAM Jane and CHONG Fiona | Refugees | 1. Refugees – Legal status, laws etc. 2. Refugees – Government Policy – Australia 3. Australia – Emigration and immigration – Government Policy | 362.87 McA |
McBride Trish | Exploring The Presence | 1. Faith – personal experience of 2. Women’ Spirituality | 211 McB |
McCabe, Helen & Rizvi, Jamila (Eds) | Work. Love. Body. | 1. Feminism 2. Inequality 3. COVID – lockdown – change – impact 4. Psychology – mental health |
305 MCC |
McCARTHY, David Matzko | Sex and Love in the Home | 1. Family – Religious aspects – Christianity 2. Marriage – Religious aspects – Christianity 3. Home – Religious aspects – Christianity 4. Families – Religious aspects -Christianity 5. Sex – Relgious aspects – Christianity |
248.8 McC |
McCOLMAN, Carl | The Big Book of Christian Mysticism | 1. Christian Mysticism 2. Contemplative Spirituality – Christianity 3. Practical Christian Mysticism | 248 MCC |
MCCREDDEN, Lyn | Luminous Moments | 1. Religion and culture 2. Religion in literature |
203 MCC |
McCRICKARD, Janet | Eclipse of the sun | 1. Mythology 2. Symbolism 3. Sky-gods 4. Sun–Mythology 5. Moon–mythology |
291.13 MCC |
McCRORY Moy | The fading shrine | 1. English fiction | 823 MCC |
McCUTCHEON Richard, SAWATSKY Jarem, SMITH Valerie – Editors | Voices of Harmony and Dissent | 1. Peace building, Canadian – case studies | 303.69 McM |
MCDONALD Kathleen | How to Meditate | 1. meditation 2. devotional ecxersises | 294.3 McD |
McDONALD Mary M | It Draws Me | 1. Works of Art – meditation 2. Sacred readings 3. Icons 4. Song Dynasty Paintings | 248.3 MCD |
MCDOWELL, Robert | Poetry As Spiritual Practice | 1. Religion and Poetry 2. Poetry 3. Poetry as spiritual practice |
808.1 MCD |
McEwan, Dorothea (ed) | Making Liturgy | 1. Liturgies 2. Ritual 3. Rites & ceremonies 4. Worship |
264 MCE |
McFAGUE, Sallie | The body of God | 1. Human ecology–Religious aspects–Christianity | 231.7 McF |
McFARLAND, Roslyn | The Lives We’ve Lived | 1. Fiction – short stories 2. Short stories – Australian fiction |
A823 MCF |
McFARLANE, Annette | Organic vegetable gardening | 1. Gardening–Australia 2. Vegetable gardening 3. Organic gardening |
635.04 MCF |
McGee, Margaret D | Haiku – The Sacred Art | 1. Writing haiku – exercises 2. Spirituality & haiku |
895.6 MCG |
McGILLION Chris & O’CARROLL John | Our Fathers | 1 Catholic Church-Australia-clergy 2 Priests-Australia 3 Church and social problems |
282.092 McG |
McGILLION, Chris and GRACE, Damien | Reckoning | 1. Catholic Church – Australia 2. Catholic Church – Clergy – Sexual behaviour 3. Child Sexual Abuse – Religious aspects – Catholic Church |
282 McG |
McGinn, Bernard [Editor] | Meister Eckhart and the Beguine Mystics | Mysticism – History – Middle Ages 600 – 1500 2. Mysticism – Catholic Church – History 3. Beguines 4. Hadewijch, 13th Century – Influence 5. Mechtild of Magdenburg ca 1212 – 1282 – Influence 6. Porete, Marguerite 1250 – 1310 – Influence 7. Eckhart, Meister 1327 8. Catholic Church – doctrines – History | 248.2.209 McG |
McGrath, Alister | In The Beginning | 1.King James Bible 2. The Reformation 3. Translation |
220 McG |
McInerney, Monica | the Godmothers | 1. Fiction – Australian 2. Fiction – family relationships 3. Fiction – Love – Lies – Hope – Sorrow |
A 823 McI |
McINTYRE Padma & WATERS Helena | Dru Yoga | 1. Yoga – handbook 2. Yoga – Hatha | 613.70 MCI |
MCKENNA, Megan | Harm not the earth | 1. Bible–Criticism, interpretation, etc. 2. Human ecology–Relgious aspects–Christianity |
261.8 MCK |
McKENZIE, John L | Dictionary of the Bible | 1.Bible–Dictionaries 2. Bible–Maps |
R 220.3 McK 1 |
McKibben, Bill | Oil and Honey | 1. Environmentalists -US – Biography 2.Conservationists 3.Oil and gas industries – environmental aspects |
333.72 MCK |
McKinnon, Catherine | storyland | 1. Historical – fiction 2. Australia – fiction |
A823.4 MCK |
McKinnon, Pauline | Living Calm in a Busy World | 1. Meditation – therapeutic use 2. Mind and body therapies |
158.12 MCK |
McKissock Mal and McKissock Dianne | Coping with Grief | 1. Grief 2. Bereavement 3. Death – Psychological aspects | 155.937 McK |
McLYNN, Frank | Carl Gustav Jung | 1. Jung, Carl Gustav – Psychologist – Biography 2. Jung, Carl Gustav – Psychology |
150.1954 MCL |
McMANUS, Sally | On Fairness | 1. Social injustice | 360 MCM |
McMONAGHY, Charlotte | Once There Were Wolves | 1. Fiction – novel 2. Wolves – nature 3. Romance – Thriller |
A 823 McC |
McMURCHY, Megan | For love or money | 1. Women – Employment – Australia 2. Women – Australia – History |
331.994 McM |
McMURRAY Madline | Illuminations | 1 Art therapy | 616.89 McM |
McNEILL, F. Marian | The silver bough | 1. Folk-lore, Scottish | 398.0941 McN |
McNeill, Sophie | We Can’t Say We Didn’t Know | 1. Stories behind the headlines 2. Devastation and hope 3. Despatches – War correspondence 4. Misinformation – hypocrasy |
920 McN |
McRAE- McMAHON, Dorothy | The glory of blood, sweat and tears | 1. Liturgies 2. Index of themes 3. Index of resources |
264 MCR |
McRae-McMahon | In this hour : liturgies for pausing | 1. Liturgies |
264 MCR |
McRae-McMahon Dorothy | Rituals for life, love and loss | 1. Ritual | 264.025 MCR |
McRAE-McMAHON, Dorothy | Everyday passions | 1. Uniting Church in Australia–Clergy 2. Women in the Uniting Church in Australia 3. Christian life 4. Self-actualization (Psychology) |
287.9 MAC |
McTAGGART, Lynne | The Power of Eight | 1. Power of Intentions and Thoughts to Heal 2. Power of Intentions and Thoughts of groups to heal |
McT |
MECHTILD of Magdeburg | Meditations with Mechtild of Magdeburg | 1. Mysticism 2 Spiritual life 3. Meditations |
242 MEC |
Medicine Eagle, Brooke | Buffalo Woman Comes Singing | 1. New Age movement – spiritual life 2.Indians of North America – religion | 299.7 MED |
MEEHAN, Aidan | Spiral patterns | 1. Decoration and ornament–Celtic 2. Spirals in art |
745.4 MEE |
MEEHAN, Bridget Mary SSC | Praying with Celtic Holy Women | Christian women saint, Celtic-British isles; Spirituality-Celtic church | 274.1 MEE |
Meehyun Chang | Breaking Silence | 1. Theology, Doctrinal – Asia 2. Women in Christianity – Asia |
230.082 BRE |
Meera Lester | Mary Magdalene | 1. Mary Magdalene | 226.092LES |
Megan McKenna | The Hour of the Tiger | 1. Courage – religious aspects – Christianity 2. Fear – religious aspects |
152.44 MCK |
Melissa Lucashenko | Too Much Lip | Fiction -Australian aboriginal | A823 LUC |
MELLO, Anthony de | The song of the bird | 1. Spiritual life–Catholic Church 2. Storytelling–Religious aspects–Christianity |
248.4 MEl |
MELLOR Doreen & HAEBICH Anna Editors | Many Voices | 1 Bringing them Home -Oral History Project 2 Aborigines-Australian-Biography 3Aborigines-Australian-children |
362.849 MAN |
Melvin, Sheridah | Kudlyo, the Black Swan Dreaming | 1. Brodie, Veronica 2. Kaurna – Australian people – SA – Glanville 3. Historic sites – SA – Glanville |
994.2 KUD |
MENDENHALL, Nicola | Fear, Folly & Freud | 1. Psychoanalysis – Freud 2. Memoir – Psychoanalysis |
150 MEN |
MENZIES, Jackie | Goddess | 1. Art, Buddhist–Exhibitions 2. Art, Hindu–Exhibitions 3. Art, South Asian–Exhibitions 4. Buddhist goddesses–Exhibitions 5. Buddhist goddesses in art–Exhibitions 6. Goddesses, Hindu–Exhibitions 7. Goddesses, Hindu in art–Exhibitions I. Art Gallery of New South Wales–Exhibitions |
Q291.2 MEN |
MENZIES, Rachel E., and MENZIES, Ross G | mortals | 1. Fear of death – psychological 2. Fear of death – social impact 3. Fear of Death – social issues – history |
362.175 MEN |
Mercadante, Linda A | Belief Without Borders | 1. Spirituality – history – 20th century | 200.97 MER |
MERCHANT, Carolyn | The death of nature | 1. Women in science – Social aspects 2. Philosophy of nature 3. Human ecology |
304.2 MER |
MERKEL, Jim | Radical Simplicity | 1. Human ecology 2. Sustainable Development 3. Nature – Effect of human beings on 4. Conduct of Life 5.Lifestyles |
333.7 MER |
MERRILEES Margaret | Big Rough Stones | 1. Fiction – Australia 2. Fiction – Lesbians | A823.4 |
MERRILEES, Margaret | Further Fables Queer and Familiar | 1. Family life – Fiction – Australian 2. Lesbians – Anecdotes 3. Humourous Stories – Australian |
A 823 MER |
MERTON Thomas | No Man is an Island | 1. Spiritual Life | 248.482 MER |
MERTON Thomas Edited by Patrick Hart |
The Other Side of the Mountain Journal | 1 Merton Thomas, 1915-1968 – Diaries 2 Trappists – United States – Biography The journals of Thomas Merton: v.7 Merton, Thomas 1915-1968 1967-1968 |
271.1 MER |
Merton, Thomas | A Book of Hours | 1. Devotional literature 2. Thomas Merton 3. Kathleen Deignan |
242.2 MER |
Merton, Thomas | Dancing in the Water of Life – journal | 1. Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968 – Diaries 2. Trappists – US 3. Merton – biography |
271.1 MER |
MESSINA, Laura Imai | The Phone Box at the Edge of the World | 1. Fiction – Grief 2. Faith – Hope |
823 MES |
METFORD. J.C.J. | Dictionary of Christian love and legend | 1.CHRISTIANITY — DICTIONARIES | R 230.03 MET |
Michael Barbato | Caring for the Dying | 1. Terminal care 2. Terminally Ill 3. Death – psychological aspects | 362.17 BAR |
Michael Epstein & Sue Hosking | Falling Apart | 1. Neurasthenia 2. Depression, mental |
616.89EPS |
Michael Leunig | You and Me | 1. Caricatures and cartoons – Australia 2. Australian wit and humour, pictorial |
751.59 LEU |
Michael Leunig |
Short Notes From the Long History of Happiness | 1. Caricatures and cartoons – Australia 2. Australian wit and humour, pictorial |
741.59 LEU |
MICHAEL, Michael | Piero della Francesca. The Arezzo Frescoes | 759.03 MIC | |
MICHELL, Deidre | Christian science | 1. Eddy, Mary Baker, 1821-1910 2. Christian Science–History 3. Christian Scientists–Psychology 4. Spiritual healing–History 5. Women–Religious aspects–Christian Science 6. Feminism–Religious aspects–Christian science |
289.5 MIC |
MICHELL, Deidre TAYLOR, Priscilla |
Recipes for survival | 1. Children–Institutional care–Australia 2. Children, Aboriginal Australian–Institutional care 3. Foster homecare–Australia 4. Child welfare–Australia 5. Orphans–Abuse of–Australia 6. Orphanages–Australia 7. Stolen generations (Australia) 8. Aboriginal Australians, Treatment of 9. Adoption–Australia 10. Child abuse–Australia |
362.73 REC |
MICHELL, John with Allan Brown | How the World is Made | 1. The Geometer’s Creation 2. Sacred Numbers 3. Atlantis | 113 MIC |
Mies, Maria & Shiva, Vandana | Ecofeminism | 1.Ecofeminism 2. Human ecology 3. Social Science – Human Geography | 364.20 MIE |
MILES, Margaret R | Carnal knowing | 1. Women – Theological aspects 2. Women in the Church – Religious aspects – History |
230.082 MIL |
MILLER Alice, translated by Hildegarde and hunter Hannum | Thou Shalt Not Be Aware | 1. Psychoanalysis. 2. Incest victims. 3. Sexually abused children | 616.85 MIL |
MILLER , Patti | Writing True Stories | 1. Authorship 2. Miller, Patti – 1954 – | 808.042 MIL |
MILLER Patti | The Mind of a Thief | 1. Aboriginal Australians – Australia – NSW – Wellington – History 2. Wiradjuri (Australian people) |
994.45 MIL |
MILLER, Alice | THE DRAMA OF THE GIFTED CHILD | 1. Adult child abuse victims – Mental health 2. Adult child abuse victims – Rehabilitation 3. Parent and Child 5. Narcisstic injuries 5. Depression (Psychology) | 616.85 MIL |
MILLER, Dusty | Women who hurt themselves | 1. Self-destructive behaviour 2. Women – Mental health 3. Post-traumatic stress – Women |
616.09 MIL |
MILLER, Karen Maezen | hand wash cold | 1. Religious life – Zen Buddhism 2. Women – Religious Life 3. Women – Conduct of Life |
293.3 MIL |
MILLIGAN, Louise | Cardinal | 1. Biography – Cardinal Pell 2. Child Abuse – Catholic Church – Australia |
920 MIL |
MILLIS, Diane M | Conversation – the sacred art | 1. Conversation – religious aspects 2. Communication 3. Awareness 4. Attention 5. Distraction – religious aspects 6. Listening – religious aspects |
205.6 MIL |
Mills, Jane | Womanwords | 1. Women – dictionary 2. Women – bibliography |
R305.403 MIL |
MILLWOOD, Kiran | The Mercies | 1. Fiction – novel – historical 2. Norway – women |
Milne, Christine | An Activist’s Life | 1. Milne, Christine 2. Green Party (Australia) – History 3. Women Politicians – Australia – Tasmania – biography |
324.29 MIL |
MINEHAN, Rita | Rekindling the Flame | 1. Brigid, Saint 2. Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages-Ireland- Kildare- Biography 4. Kildare (Ireland) – Church history. 5. Kildare (Ireland)- Guide books 6. Solas Bhride Community |
263.0424185 MIN |
MITCHELL SUSAN | Margaret Whitlam | 1 Whitlam Margaret 1919 2 Prime ministers spouses – Australia – Biography |
994 MIT |
MITCHELL, Susan | Be Bold! | 1. Praise 2. Encouragement 3. Interpersonal relations |
158.2 MIT |
MITCHEM Stephanie Y. | Introducing Womanist Theology | 1. African Anerican women – Religious Life | 230.082 MIT |
MODJESKA, Drusilla | exiles at home | 1. Women Authors – Australian – 20C – biography 2. Austraian Literature – 20C – Women Authors 3. Australian Literature – 20thC – history + criticism |
A823.20 MOD |
MOGGACH, Deborah | The Carer | 1. Fiction – General – Humourous | 823 MOG |
MOHI, Michael | The many faces of Christ | 1. Jesus Christ–Art 2. Jesus Christ–Crucifixion–Art 3. Art and religion 4. Christian art and symbolism 5. Holy Year, 2000 I. John Paul II, Pope, 1920-2005 II. Toohey, Chris |
Q 232 MAN |
MOLLENKOT, Virginia Ramey | Sensuous Spirituality | 1. Feminist Theology 2. Lesbian Clergy 3. 3. Feminism |
230.082 MOL |
MOLLISON, Bill | Introduction to permaculture | 1. Permaculture 2. Organic gardening |
631.58 MOLi |
MOLONEY, Angela M | Ought a male saviour be proclamed in a Christian feminist endeavour? | 1.Jesus Christ-Redemption 2.Christology and feminism |
Q & R 232.3 MOL |
MOLONEY, Francis | Woman first among the faithful | 1.Woman(Theology) 2.Bible.N.T.-Criticism, interpretation, etc. |
225.8 MOL |
MONAGHAN, Patricia | The book of goddesses and heroines | 1. Goddesses 2. Goddess religion – History and criticism 3. Feminist mythology-Dictionaries |
R 291.211 MON |
MONBIOT, George | Out of the Wreckage | 1. Social Science – Anthropology – Cultural 2. Nature – Environmental Conservation and Protection 3. Political Science – political process – general |
306.2 MON |
Monica Furlong | Visions and Longings | 1. Mysticism 2. Mysticism – Europe – History – Middle Ages, 600-1500 3. Women mystics – Europe |
248.22 FUR |
Monk Kidd | Soul Fire | 1. Love poetry – American | 811.54 BOZ |
MONK KIDD Sue | Firstlight | 1. Christian Life | 242 MON |
Monk Kidd, Sue | The Book of Longings | 1. Fiction | 823 KID |
MONTEIRO, Evelyn, SC and GUTZLER, MM (Edit) | Ecclesia of Women in Asia | 1. Women and Bible – Asia 2. Women and Church 3. Eco-feminism – Asia |
261.8344 MON |
MOORE, Sebastian | The contagion of Jesus | 1. Jesus Christ–Person and offices 2. Catholic Church–Doctrines I. McCarthy, Stephen |
230.2 MOO |
Moore, Thomas | Soul Mates | 1. Intimacy 2. Love 3. Conduct of Life | 158.2 MOO |
MOR, Caiseal | The Moon on the Lake | 1. Celts – Religion 2. Decision making |
299.16 MOR |
MORAN Rachel | Paid For | 1. Prostitution – Ireland – Biography 2. Prostitution – social aspects | 306.7 MOR |
MORETON-ROBINSON Aileen | Talkin up to the white woman: | 1. Feminism – Australia 2. Aboriginal women – Australian |
305.42 MOR |
MORGAN, Robin | The word of a woman | 1. Feminist literature 2. Literature and society – Feminist aspects |
808.88 MOR |
MORIARTY Ros | Listening to Country | 1. Indigenous peoples – Australia – 2. Australian Desert story 3. Aboriginal Australians – Social Life + Customs | 305.8 MOR |
MORRIS Heather | The Tattooist of Auschwitz | 1. Auschwitz (concentration camp) – Fiction 2. Tattoo artists – Fiction 3. Man – woman relationships – Fiction 4. Biographical fiction | A823.92 MOR |
MORRIS, Heather | Three Sisters | 1. Fiction – novel – historical 2. Jewish people – Auschwitz 3. Family bonds – sisterhood |
A823 MOR |
MORRIS, William Martin | Benedict, Me and the Cardinals Three |
MORRISON, Judith H | THE BOOK OF AYURVEDA | 1. Medicine – Ayurvedic | 615.53 MOR |
Morrison, Toni | Paradise | 1. Communal living – Oklahoma – fiction 2. African Americans – fiction 3. Women – Oklahoma – fiction 4. Historical fiction |
813.54 MOR |
MORRISON,Toni | The bluest eye | 1. North American fiction 2. Black American fiction |
813 MOR |
MORROW, Rosemary | Earth user s guide to permaculture | 1. Permaculture 2. Urban agriculture 3. Organic gardening |
631.58 MOR |
Morwood, Michael | Children Praying A New Story | 1, Prayer, Christian 2. Prayer – children |
248 MOR |
MOSELEY, Lorimer | Painful Yarns |
1. Pain – non-fiction 2. Pain -Physiological aspects – non-fiction 3. Rehabilitation – non-fiction |
616.04 MOS |
Moses, et al. | [Tanakh] = JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh | 1. Bible. Hebrew. O.T. | R222.44 BIB |
MOSTERT, Christian (editor) | Hope | 1. Hope–Religious aspects–Christianity 2. Theological virtues I. Mostert, Christiaan II. Australian Theological Forum |
234 HOP |
MOUNTAIN DREAMER, Oriah | The Dance | 1. Spiritual life 2. Mountain Dreamer, Oriah |
158 MOU |
MUELLER Joan | Clare of Assisi | 1. Clare of Assisi, Saint 1194 Correspondence 2. Agnes – Princess of Bohemia 1205 – 1282 3. Christian Saints – Italy – Assisi 4. Franciscan Nuns – Spiritual Life | 271.97 MUE |
MUIR, Gwynneth | My Rose in Winter | 1. Australian poetry 2. Love – Illness – Relationship |
A821 MUI |
MUNG MUNG LIRRMIYARRI, George | How the kangaroos got their tails | 1. Australian aborigines ..Legends ..Folklore 2. Kangaroos..Australia..Folklore..juvenile lit. 3. Readers..Australian Aborigines..Legends. 4. Readers (Primary) 5. Lofts, Pamela (compiler) |
398.20994 MUN |
MUNKARA Marie | Every Secret Thing | 1. aboriginal Australians – Missions – fiction 2. Missionaries – NT., Australia -fiction 3 Northern Australia – social conditions |
A823.4 MUN |
MUNRO, Alice | Dear Life | 1. Munro Alice 1931 – short stories – Canadian | 813.54 MUN |
Muriel Lenore | In the Garden | 1. Gardens – poetry | A821.3 LEN |
MURN Molly | Heart of the Grass Tree | 1. Contemporary women 2. Historical fiction 3. Fiction – Family life 4. Australian – Kangaroo Island 5. Aboriginal History | A823 MUN |
Murphy Catherine | Plus + Connection | 1. Dale Street Women’s Health Centre Port Adelaide SA 2. Art Therapy SA 3. Women’s Health Services SA 4. Community Art Project SA 5. Women’s Health Australia | 613.042 MUR |
MURPHY, Dervla | A Month By The Sea | 1. Gaza Strip – Description and Travel 2. Gaza Strip – Social Conditions – 21st Century 3. Gaza Strip – Social Life and Customs – 21st Century |
915.31 MUR |
MURPHY, Susan | Minding the Earth Mending the World | 1. Human ecology – religious aspects – Zen Buddhism 2. Zen Buddhism – social aspects |
294.3 MUR |
MURRAY, Les | The best Australian poems 2005 | 1. Australian poetry–21st century I. Murray, Les A. (Les Allen), 1938- |
A821 BES |
MYERS, Isabel Briggs | Gifts differing | 1. Self – perception 2. Personal development |
155.264 MYE |
MYERS, Isabel Briggs – with ,MYERS Peter B. | Gifts Differing | 1. Typology (Psychology) 2. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator |
155.2 MYE |
MYSS Caroline | Entering The Castle | 1. Teresa of Avila , Saint 2. Spiritual life 3. Mysticism | 248.22 MYS |
MYSS Caroline PH.D. | Anatomy of the Spirit | 1. Alternative medicine. 2. Self-care,Health. 3. Medicine, Psychosomatic. 4. Medicine and Psychology. 5. Mind and body 6. Personality-Health aspects |
616.0019 MYS |
Myss, Caroline | Sacred Contracts | 1. Self-actualisation (Psychology) 2. Goal (Psychology 3. Archetype (Psychology) I. Title | 158.1 MYS |
MYSS, Carolyn | Journal of inner dialogue | 1. Self-activation 2. Chakras (Theosophy) 3. Mind and body 4. Personality–Health aspects |
299.9 MYS |
n.a. | Charles Dickens Collection | 12 cd’s | n.a. |
Nagara, Innosanto | A is for activist | 1. Social justice – Juvenile Literature 2. Political activists – Juvenile literature 3. English Language – Alphabet – Pictorial works – Juvenile literature |
303.3 NAG |
NAGARO Innosanto | A is for activist | ||
NAGOSKI, Emily |
Come As You Are | 1. Sexual excitement 2. Sex instruction for women 3. Women – sexual behaviour |
613.96 NAG |
Nakashima Brock, Rita & Lettini, Gabriella | Soul Repair | 1. Military ethics – US 2. War – moral & ethical aspects 3. Veterans – mental health – US 4. Guilt & culture – remorse 5. Veterans – psychology – suicidal behaviour |
174.93 BRO |
Nancy Roth | An Invitation to Christian Yoga | 1. Christianity and yoga 2. Exercise – religious aspects – Christianity |
248 ROT |
NARANJO Claudio | Character and Neurosis An Integrated View |
1. Enneagram | 155.26 NAR |
NARANJO Claudio M.D. | Enneatype structures: self-analysis for the seeker | 1. Typology(psychology) 2. Enneagram 3. Self-evolution 4. Personality assessment |
155.26 NAR |
Narrated by David Attenborough | Planet Earth (DVD) | Definitive look at the diversity of our planet. | N/A |
NATARAJA, Kim (Edit) | Journey to the Heart | 1. Contemplation – History of doctrines 2, Mystics – Biography 3. Spirituality – History 4. Contemplation – History of doctrines 5. Women mystics |
248.3 NAT |
Nathans Hannah | The Enneagram at Work | 1. Oersonality assessment 2. Success in business 3. Business enterprises – employees – Psychology 4. Personality and occupation | 155.2 NAT |
NAZARI, Abbas | After The Tampa | 1. Refugee (Afghanistan) 2. Asylum / Citizenship 3. New Zealand Asylum |
323.6 NAZ |
NEALE Margo (editor) | SONGLINES | 1. Dreamtime (Aboriginal Australian Mythology) – exhibitions | 704.039 NEA |
Neale Margo & Kelly, Lynne | Songlines | 1. Songlines 2. Country – Aboriginal 3.Connecting to Country |
305.89 NEA |
NEAVE Rosemary (ed.) | Conversations in the Closet | 1. Sex – religious aspects 2. Spirituality | 306.7 NEA |
NEFF, Dr Kristin | Fierce Self-Compassion | 1. Self-Compassion 1. Self Healing and Empowerment |
158.1 NEF |
Neff, Kristin | Self Compassion | 1. Self realisation 2. Security – psychology 3. Compassion |
158.1 NEF |
NEIDJE, Bill | Story about feeling | 1. Aborigines – N. Territory – Stories 2. Art aborigines. 3. Aboriginal literature |
823 NEI |
Neil Oliver (presenter) | The History of Ancient Britain – cd | Celtic Britain | n/a |
NEPO Mark | Things That Join The Sea and The Sky | Life – Miscellanea | 204.32 NEP |
Nettelbeck, Amanda | Indigenous Rights and Colonial Subjecthood | 1. Indigenous Peoples – Great Britain – Colonies – History – 19th Century 2. Great Britain – Colonies – Race relations |
323.1 NET |
NEU Diann L. | Return Blessings | 1. Ecofeminism – Prayer books and devotions – English 2. Ecofeminism – Religious Aspects – Christianity 3. Feminist theology 4. Worship programs | 264 NEU |
NEWALL Peter | Silent Voices | 1 Newall, Peter, 1923- 2 Clergy -Australia – Biography |
280 NEW |
Newby, Jonica | Beyond Climate Grief | 1. Climate change 2. Grief – psychological aspect of climate change |
363 NEW |
NEWMAN, Barbara | Sister of wisdom | 1. Women–Theology 2. Hildegard of Bingen |
230.042 NEW |
NGARRINDJERI YUNNAN, Kungun | Ngarrindjeri Nation Yarluwar-Ruwe Plan | 1. Ngarrindjeri (Australian People) 2. Aboriginal Australians – South Australia i Meningie Region 3. National parks and reserves – South Australia – management |
333.72 NGA |
Ngitji Ngithi Mona Tur | Cicada dreaming | 1. Tur, Ngitji Ngithi (Mona Kennedy), 1936- 2. Women, Aboriginal Australian–SouthAustralia–Biography 3. Aboriginal Australias–Missions–South Australia–Oodnadatta |
305.4 TUR |
NHAT HANH. Thich | Love Letter to the Earth | 1 Environmental Protection – religious aspects – Buddhism | 294.33 |
Nicci Gerard | What Dementia Teaches Us About Love | Dementia – Social Aspects | 616.831 |
NICHOLAS, Louise and AQUILINA, Jude | Woman Speak | 1. Women – Poetry | A 821.3 NIC |
Nicol, Margaret | Loss of a Baby | 1. Grief 2. Bereavement – psychological aspects 3. Infants – death – Psychological aspects |
155.9 NIC |
NIN Anais | Under a Glass Bell | 1 American Literature | 818.54 NIN |
NIN, Anais | A woman speaks | 1.American literature 2.Women authors – collected works |
818.54 NIN |
NOBLE Joy and Johston Fiona, illustrated by Lucy Buxton | WOW! | 1. Australian children’s non-fiction 2. Wonder | 030 NOB |
Noffe, Suzanne (Edited by) |
The prayers of Catherine of Siena | 1.Prayers |
242.802 CAT |
Noffke, Suzanne | Catherine of Siena | 1. Catherine of Siena, Saint 1347-1380 2. Christian saints, Italy, biography |
248.22 NOF |
NOLAN Albert | Jesus Today | 1. Spirituality 2. Jesus Christ Spirituality relevance today | 248.2 NOL |
NOON, Karlie and DE NAPOLI, Krystal | Astronomy | 1. First Knowledge Series – Book 4 edited by Margo Neale 2. Aboriginal people – astronomical knowledge |
520.5 NOO |
Norman Doidge | The Brain’s Way of Healing | Healing- neuroplasticity | 610 DOI |
Norman Habel | An Inconvenient Text | 1. Bible – criticism, interpretation 2. Environmantal degradation 3.Environmental responsibility 4. Human ecology |
261.88HAB |
Norman James | Bob Brown | 1. Brown bob, 1944 – 2.Green Party ( Australia) 3.Politicians – Australia – Biography 4. Legislators – Australia – Biography 5. Conservationists – Australia – Biography 6. green Movement – Australia |
324.29 NOR |
NORRIS Kathleen | Acedia & Me | 1. Acedia 2. Melancholy – religious aspects, Christianity 3. Sadness, religious aspects, Christianity 4. Apathy 5. Monastic and religious Life 6. Norris, Kathleen | 818.5 NOR |
NORRIS, Kathleen | Amazing Grace | 1. Christian Life – Presbyterian authors 2. Christianity – terminology |
230.03 NOR |
NORTHEY, Helen | Living the truth | 271.972 NOR | |
NOUWEN, Henri | The road to peace | 1. Christianity and justice 2. Peace–Religious aspects–Christianity 3. Social justice |
261.8 NOU |
NOUWEN, Henri J M | The inner voice of love | 1. Nouwen, Henri J M (Henri Josef Machiel), 1932- –Diaries 2. Catholic Church–Clergy–Diaries 3. Distress (Psychology) 4. Anxiety–Religious aspects–Christianity 5. Spiritual life–Christianity |
248.8 NOU |
NOUWEN, Henri J M Roderick, Philip |
Beloved (Book + DVD) | 1. Nouwen, Henri J.M.–Interviews 2. Catholic Church–Clergy–Interviews 3. Christian life–Catholic authors 4. Spiritual life–Catholic Church I. Roderick, Philip |
282 NOU |
Nouwen, Henri J.M | The way of the heart | 1. Desert Fathers – spirituality 2. Ministry – Spiritual aspects |
248.34 NOU |
Nouwen, Henri JM | The Road to Daybreak | 1. Nouwen, Henri JM – diaries 2. Communaute de l’Arche |
282.092 NOU |
Nowotny-Keane, Elizabeth | Amazing Encounters | 1. Spiritualism 2. Clairvoyance 3. Future Life 4. Grief | 133.9 NOW |
Nunkuwarrin Yunti of SA Inc | Find Your Way Home with SA Link-Up | 1. SA Link-Up Program 2. Stolen generations 3. Family reunions – Australia 4. Aboriginal Australians – services for – SA |
362.84 FIN |
NUSSBAUM, Martha C. | Hiding from Humanity | 1. Law – Pscyhological aspects | 340.1 NUS |
O’Brien Wicker, Kathleen, Spencer Miller, Althea & Dube, Musa W (eds) | Feminist New Testament Studies | 1. Bible NT – Feminist criticism – Congresses 2. Globalisation – religious aspects – Christianity |
225.6 FEM |
O BRIEN, Anne | God s willing workers | 1. Women and religion–Australia–History 2. Women–Australia–Religious aspects–Christianity–History 3. Women–Religious life–Australia |
279.4 OBR |
O BRIEN, Barbary | Consequences | 1. Health – Caricatures and cartoons 2. Environmental protection – Caricatures and cartoons |
613.02 OBR |
O’BRIEN, John | Stories From 2030 | 1. Stories about life in 2030 2. Climate justice, collaboration across countries, companies and communities, adaptation of cities and economies, ecosystems and biodiversity, health and wellbeing |
303.4 O’BR |
O’BRIEN, Uncle Lewis Yerloburka | And the Clock Struck Thirteen | 1. O’Brien, Lewis Yerloburka 2.Aboriginal Australian – South Australia – Biography 3. Kaurna (Australian people) – Biography |
305.3 OBR |
O’CONNELL, Mary | The King’s Daughter: Hildegard of Bingen, a medieval romance | 1. Hildegard, Saint, 1098 – 1179 2. Women mystics – Fiction |
A 823.4 O’CO |
O’CONNOR, Kathleen M | The Wisdom Literature | 1. Wisdom literature – criticism, interpretation | 223.06 OCO |
O’CONNOR, Manjula Datta |
Daughters of Durga |
1. Domestic violence – Indian Culture – Australian 2. Patriarchy – love – abuse – power -women – Indian culture -Australia |
305.48 O’CO |
O’DELL Darlene | The Story of the Philadelphia Eleven | 1. Ordination of women – Episcopal Church 2. Ordination of women – history 3. Women priests | 270 ODE |
O DONOHUE John | Benedictus | 1 Prayer 2 Christian poetry. English |
242.8 ODO |
O Donohue, John | Divine beauty | 1. Aesthetics 2, Aesthetics — Religious aspects |
111.85 ODO |
To Bless the Space Between Us | 1. Celtic blessings and insights | N/A |
O Faolain, Nuala | Almost There | 1. Nuala O’Faolain 2. Biography 3. Dublin |
070 OFA |
O’Hara Graff, Ann | In The Embrace of God | 1. People (Christian theology) 2. Feminist theology 3. Catholic church – doctrines |
233.08 INT |
O LEARY Daniel J | Travelling Light: Your Journey to Wholeness | 1 Spiritual Life – Catholic Church- Meditations | 248 OLE |
O’LEARY, Daniel | Begin with the Heart |
1. Catechists – Catholic Church 2. Religious Education |
268.82 OLE |
O’LEARY, Daniel | Dancing to My Death | 1. Philosophy 2. Religion 3. Death and dying 4. Suffering – finding meaning |
155 OLE |
O’Leary, Daniel J. | Unmasking God | 1. Christian Life | 248 OLE |
O’Loughlin, Frank | This Time the Church | 1. Catholic Church – history – 21st C 2. Spiritual life – Catholic church 3. Religious pluralism – Christianity |
248.48 OLO |
O’Murchu, Diarmuid | Ancestral Grace | 1. Theological anthropology 2. Africa – religion 3. Christianity – Africa |
233 OMU |
O’Reilley, Mary Rose | The Barn at the End of the World | 1. Farm life – Religious aspects – Buddhism 2. Sheep rancehrs – France – Religious life 3. Human ecology – Religious aspects – Buddhism 4. Buddhism – doctrines |
294.3 O’RE |
O’ROURKE, Claire | Together We Can | 1. Healing our world – climate action – connection 2. Climate catastrophe – climate anxiety 3. Climate Change – people building solutions 4. Re-connection – communities – climate action |
363.7 ORO |
O SULLIVAN DEIRDRE | Dominican Sisters of North Adelaide | 1. Dominican Sisters, North Adelaide – History 2. Catholic education – South Australian History |
271.972 OSU |
O’Toole, Margaret | Who is Renewing the Face of the Earth? | 1.Feminist Theology 2. Pneumatology 3. Women’s experiences |
R230 OTO |
Oatley, Keith |
OBAMA, Barack | The audacity of hope | 1. Obama, Barack 2. Obama, Barack–Philosophy 3. United States. Congress. Senate–Biography 4. Legislators–United States–Biography 5. African American legislators–Biography 6. National characteristics–American 7. Ideals (Philosophy) 8. United States–Politics and government–Philosophy 9. United States–Politics and government–2001- |
328.7 OBA |
Oduyoye, Mercy Amba | Daughters of Anowa | Patriarchy – Africa – Sub Sahara | 276.6082 ODU |
OHLSSON, Ingrid DUFFY, Helen |
Women of Australia | 1. Women–Australia–Social conditions–Pictorial works 2. Women–Australia–History–Pictorial works 3. Australia–Social conditions–Pictorial works 4. Australia–Social life and customs–Pictorial works 5. Australia–History–Pictorial works |
Q 305.4 OHL |
OLIVER Mary | A Poetry Handbook | 1. English language – versification – handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. American Poetry – History and criticism 3. English poetry – History and criticism | 808.1 OLI |
OLIVER Mary | New and Selected Poems Volume Two |
811.54 OLI | |
Oliver, Dianne L (selected by) | Dorothy Soelle | 1. Theology 2. Dorothy Soelle |
230.044 OLI |
Oliver, Mary | A Thousand Mornings | 1. Poetry – United States | 811.54 OLI |
Olivia Dewhurst-Maddock | Healing With Sound | 1. Healing -sound, music, voice 2. Healing -sound, music, voice |
362.2 DEW |
OLUO, Ijeoma | Mediocre | 1. Racism 2. Sexism 3. White Male Power 4. Social Issues |
305.4 OLU |
Omer, Louise | Holy Woman (Copy 2) | 1. Memoir – Louise Omer 2. Feminist Theology 3. Spiritual life under patriarchy |
920 OME |
On Violence | STOTT DESPOYA, Natasha |
1. Literary essays 2. Gender Violence 3. Domestic Abuse 4. Violence and abuser in society 5.Sociology – family and relationships and abuse 6. Social Science – Gender Studies 7. Social Science/sociology Marriage and Family |
302 DES |
Ono no Komachi & Izumi Shikibu | The Ink Dark Moon | 1. Poetry – Japanese 2. Haiku |
895.6 KOM |
ORBACH, Susie | Fat is a Feminist Issue and its Sequel | 1. Food habits – South America – case studies 2. Reducing diets 3. Appetite disorders $. Weight loss |
616.3 ORB |
ORBUCH, Dr Iris Kerin and STEIN, Dr Amy | Beating Endo | 1. Endometriosis – Treatment Plan | 616 ORB |
Orevillo-Montenegro | The Jesus of Asian Women | 1. Christianity – Asia 2. Jesus Christ – Person and offices 3. Christian Women – Religious life – Asia | 232.082 ORE |
OSIEK Carolyn, MACDONALD Margaret Y with Janet H Tulloch | A Woman s Place | 1. House Churches 2. Sex role – religious aspects – Christianity 3. Women in church work 4. Women in Christianity 5. Church history – primitive and early church |
270.1 OSI |
The Five Invitations | 1. Death 2. Death – Religious aspects 3. Buddhism |
155.937 OST |
Ostriker, Alicia Suskin | Stealing the Language | 1. American poetry 2. Women authors |
811.009 OST |
PADOVANO, Anthony T. | A retreat with Thomas Merton | 1. Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968 2. Spiritual retreats–Catholic Church |
269.6 PAD |
PAGE, Stephen and BARRETT, Greg | clan | 1. Photogrphs – Bangarra Dance Theatre 2. Performing Arts |
760.09 PAG |
PAGELS Elaine and KING Karen L | Reading JUDAS | 1. Judas Iscariot 2. Gospel of Judas – criticism, interpretation Church 3. Bible, New Testament, Apoclyphes | 229 PAG |
PAGELS, Elaine | Adam, Eve, and the serpent | 1. Bible. N.T.–Criticism, interpretation, etc. 2. Sex–Biblical teaching 3. Sex–Religious aspects–Christianity–History of Doctrines–Early church, ca. 30-600 |
241 PAG |
PAGOLA, Jose A. | Jesus | 1. Jesus – Life – History 2. Jesus – Message 3. Christianity – Jesus |
232.9 PAG |
PAINTNER Christine Valters | The Artist’s Rule | 1. Creation (literary, artistic) Religious Aspects – Meditations 2. St Benedict 3. Creative ability | 248.3 PAI |
PALLOTTA-CHIAROLLI, Maria | Girls’ Talk | 1. Teenage girls – Australia 2. Young women – Australia 3. Teenage girls – Australia- psychology 4. Young women – Australia -psychology |
305.23 PAL |
PALMER Helen and Brown Paul B | The Enneagram Advantage | 1. Enneagram 2. Typology (Psychology) | 155.26 PAL |
Palmer, Amanda | The Art of Asking | 1. Crowd sourcing 2. Asking – how to 3. Self help |
782.42 PAL |
Palmer, David | Between men and feminism | 1. Men 2. Men–Psychology 3. Sex role 4. Feminism I. Porter, David, 1965- |
305.3 MEN |
PALMER, Helen | The Enneagram | 1. Self-perception 2. Women – Psychology |
155.2 PAL 2 |
PALMER, Helen ED. | Inner Knowing | 1. Consciousness 2. Intuition (psychology) 3. Insight | 153 INN |
PAPAGEORGIOU, Costas Goring, Hannah & Haslam, Justin | Coping with Depression | 1. Depression 2. Strategies and treatments 3. Selfhelp | 158 PAP |
Parini, Jay | Why Poetry Matters | A thumbs up for poetry | 808.1PAR |
PARKINSON Lorraine | The World according to Jesus | 1. Jesus Christ – Teachings 2. Christian Life – biblical teaching | 248.4 PAR |
Parkinson, Lorraine | Made on Earth | 1. Jesus Christ – Biblical teaching 2. Bible. Gospels 3. Divine man (Christology) 4. Christian Life – biblical teaching |
232.9 PAR |
Parliament House Embroidery Committee | The Parliament House embroidery | 1. Parliament House (Canberra, A.C.T.) 2. Embroidery–Australian Capital Territory–Canberra |
746.3 PAR |
Parsons, Jacinta | Unseen | 1. Memoir – Jacinta Parsons 2. Memoir – Chronic illness |
920 PAR |
Parsons, Susan Frank (ed) | The Cambridge Companion to Feminist Theology | 1. Feminist theology – Christian 2. Intercultural discourse 2. Feminist theology – themes |
230.082 CAM |
PASCOE Bruce | Dark Emu Black Seeds | 1. Aboriginal Austtralians-Antiquities 2. Aboriginal Australians – social life and customs 3. Agriculture 4. Land use, Rural Australia 5. hunting and gathering societies – Australia | 338.763 PAS |
Pascoe, Bruce | Dark Emu Black Seeds | 1. Aboriginal Australians – agriculture and land use 2. Aboriginal Australians – social life and custome |
338.763 PAS |
PASCOE, Bruce and SHUKUROGLOU, Vicky | Loving Country | 1. Sacred space – Australia 2. Australia – Description and travel 3. Australia – Social life and customs 4. Australia – History |
305.8 PAS |
PASCOW. Judith | Standing Again at Sinai | 1. Women in Judaism 2. Feminism – Judaism – Religious aspects |
296.082 PLA |
Paton, David Cleland | At the End of the River | 1. Ecology – SA Coorong, The 2. Lagoons -SA Coorong, The 3. Wetlands – Murray River (NSW-SA) 4. Nature conservation, SA Coorong, The |
333.7 PAT |
Pattel-Gray, Anne | Tiddas talking business | 1. Women, Aboriginal Australian 2. Aboriginal Australians–Social conditions 3. Aboriginal Australians–Religion 4. Church and social problems–Australia 5. Race relations–Religious aspects–Christianity 6. Australia–Race relations |
261.8 TID |
Paul Lockyer | Return to Lake Eyre (DVD) | N/A | |
PAUL, Camille | Equal or different? | 1. Catholic Church–Doctrines–History–20th century 2. Women–Religious aspects–Christianity 3. Women in the Catholic Church 4. Social justice |
261.8 PAU |
PAUL, Pamela | Pornified | 1. Pornography – Social Aspects – United States 2. Popular Culture – United States |
306.7 PAU |
PAUL, Sharad P. | The Genetics of Health | 1. Genes – health – handbook | 615 PAU |
Paul, Sheryl | The Wisdom of Anxiety | 1. Anxiety – Popular works | 152.46 PAU |
PAULSELL, Stephanie | Honoring the Body | 1. Body – Hyman – Religious Aspects, Christianity | 233.5 PAU |
Pavlau, Kay – director | Who Do You Think You are? DVD | autobiographical | dvd |
Peace Direct (editors) | Unarmed Heroes | 1. Peace movements – personal narratives 2. Non violent conflict resolution | 327 PEA |
PEARSE Meic | The Age of Reason | 1. Church History 16th, 17th 18th Century | 270.6 PEA |
PEARSON, Elaine | Chasing Wrongs and Rights | 1. Oppressed peoples – confronting injustice 2. Human rights – struggle for 3. Personal story of championing for human rights |
363 PEA |
PEARSON, Patricia | Opening Heaven’s Door | !. Near death experiences 2. Future life |
133.9 PEA |
PECK, M Scott | Denial of the Soul | euthanasia | 179.7 PEC |
Peck, M. Scott | Glimpses of the Devil | 1. exorcism 2. demeniac possession | 235.4 PEC |
PEDERSON Rena | The Lost Apostle | 1 Junia (Biblical figure) 2 Apostles 3 Christian saints |
227.109 PED |
Pelikan, Jaroslav | Whose Bible is It? | 1. Bible – History | 220 PEL |
PEMA, Jetsun | My Story | 1. Jetsun Pema – Sister of the Dalai Lama 2. Tibet |
920 PEM |
PENNY, Laurie | UNSPEAKABLE THINGS | 1. Social and political philosophy 2. Women’s studies 3. Modern feminism |
305.4 PEN |
PEPPER, Elizabeth & WILCOCK, John | Magical and Mystical Sites | 1. Occultism – Europe – History 2. Occultism – British Isles – History | 914.04 PEP |
PERERA, Sylvia Brinton | Descent to the Goddess | 1. Women–Pyschology 2. Dreams 3. Identity, Pyschology 4. Jung, Care |
155.633 PER |
PERETTI, Alina and Jaques | Little Bird of Auschwitz | 1. Biography – Alina Peretti 2. Life in Auschwitz – Second World War – concentration camp |
920 PER |
PERKINS, Angela WRIGHT, Verena |
Healing priesthood | 1. Priesthood 2. Catholic women 3. Women in the Catholic Church 4. Ordination of women–Catholic Church 5. Women in church work–Catholic Church |
282 HEA |
PERKINS, Hetti | Art + Soul | 1. Art 2. Aboriginal artists | Q704.039915 |
Perkins, Rachel director | First Australians | DVD | nil |
PERNOUD, Regine | The retrial of Joan of Arc | 1. France – Middle Ages – History 2. Joan of Arc, Saint 3. Trials – History |
944.026092 PER |
PHOCA, Sophia WRIGHT, Rebecca |
Introducing postfeminism | 1. Feminist theory–France 2. Feminist theory 3. Feminism–History |
305.42 PHO |
Phyllis Cole-Dai and Ruby R. Wilson (editors) |
Poetry of Presence | Poetry – Collection – mindful | 821 COL |
PIERCE Brian J. OP | We Walk the Path Together | 1 Spirituality-Catholic church 2 Eckhart, Meister d. 1327 3 Nhat Hahn, Thich 4 Zen Buddhism |
248.22 PIE |
PIERCY, Marge | STONE, PAPER, KNIFE | 1. Poetry | 811.54 PIE |
Pinkola Estes, Clarissa | The Gift of Story | 813.54 EST | |
PINNOCK, Sarah K. | The theology of Dorothee Soelle | xi, 260p.; 23cm | 230 SOE |
PIPER, Ailsa | Sinning Across Spain | !. Piper, Ailsa – Journey – Spain 2. Pilgrims and Pilgrimages – Spain 3. Hiking – Spain 4. Walking – Spain 5. Spain – Description and Travel |
796.51 PIP |
PIPER, Ailsa and DOHERTY, Tony | The Attachment | 1. Doherty, Tony 1934 – Correspondence 2. Piper, Ailsa – Correspondence 3. Catholic Church – Clergy – Correspondence 4. Catholic Church – Clergy – Australia – Correspondence |
A826.4 PIP |
PIPHER Mary | Reviving Ophelia | 1. Teenage girls–psychology– Case studies | 305.235 PIP |
PIPHER, Mary | Women Rowing North | 1. Feminism and feminist theory 2. Psychology – Developmental – Adulthood and Ageing 3. Health and Fitness – Women’s Health 4. History of Ideas | 305 PIP |
PIZAN Christine de | The Treasure of the City of Ladies | 1 Imaginary conversations 2 Women – Conduct of life – Early works to 1800 3 Women-History-Early works to 1800 4 Feminism-Early works to 1800 |
170 PIZ |
PLASKOW, Judith (Ed) | Weaving the Visions | 1. Women – Religious Life 2. Feminism – Religious Aspects 3. Women-Theology (Christian) |
291.088 WEA |
PLATH Sylvia | The Colossus | 811.54 PLA | |
PLATH, Sylvia | Ariel | 1. Plath, Sylvia. Ariel 2. Poetry |
811.54 PLA |
Pocock, Barbara, Skinner, Natalie & Williams, Philippa | Time Bomb | 1. Work-life balance – Australia 2. Quality of work life – Australia 3. Work and family – Australia |
306.361 TIM |
PONIATOWSKA, Elena – Preface of Anthology of Writers | The Sorrows of Mexico | 1. Social issues – Mexico – Journalism 2. Violence – exploitation 3. Anthology – journalists |
362 PON |
Pope Francis | Laudato Si’ | 1. Encyclicals, Papal 2. Climactic changes 3. Nature and nurture |
262.91 FRA |
PORTER Muriel | Women in purple | Women Bishops – Australia 2. Women Clergy – Australia 3. Consecration of Bishops |
262.120 POR |
Porter, Fran | It will Not be Taken Away From Her | 1.Women in Christianity 2.Feminist theology |
230 Por |
PORTER, Muriel | Beyond the twelve, Women diisciples in the gospels |
1.women in the bible 2.Bible.N.T.-Criticism, interpretation, etc |
225.092 POR |
PORTER, Muriel | Sex, Marriage and the Church | 1. Interpersonal relations – Religious aspects – Christianity 2. Intimacy – Religious aspects – Christianity 3. Sex – religious aspects – Christianity 4. Marriage – Religious aspects – Christianity |
261.83 POR |
POTOK, Chaim | The gift of Asher Lev | 1. Jewish fiction | 892.4 POT |
POTTER, Jennifer | The taking of Agnes | 1. English fiction | 823 POT |
PRADERVAND, Pierre | The Gentle Art of Blessing | 1. Blessing 2. Benediction 3. Love 4. Forgiveness |
203.8 PRA |
Pramuk, Christopher | Sophia | 1. Merton, Thomas 2. God (Christianity) – Wisdom 3. Jesus Christ – person and offices |
231.6 PRA |
PRESS, Margaret | Three women of faith | 1. Baker, Elizabeth Anstice, 1849-1914. 2. Woods, Mary Tenison 3. Abbott, Gertrude 4. Catholic Church–Australia–Clergy–Biography 5. Catholic women–South Australia–Biography 6. Women in the Catholic Church–South Australia 7. Nuns–Australia–Biography 8. Catholic women–Australia–Biography |
271.9 PRE |
PRIEST, Anne-Marie | A Free Flame | 1. Gwen Harwood; Dorothy Hewett; Christina Stead; Ruth Park; 2. Authors – Australian – 20th century 3. Biography, Literature and Literacy Studies 4. The Arts |
820.9 PRI |
PRIMAVESI, Anne | Making God laugh | 1. Ecofeminism–Religious aspects–Christianity 3. Gaia hypothesis |
261.8 PRI |
Professor Kerryn Phelps | How to Keep Your Brain Young | 1.Ageing – brain health 2. Neuroplasticity – ageing | 612.8 PHE |
PROGOFF, Ira | The well and the cathedral | 1. Meditations | 248.3 PRO |
Proulx, Annie | Bird Cloud | non fiction | 813.54 PRO |
PRYOR Boori (Monty) | Maybe Tomorrow | 1. Pryor, Boori, 19502. Pryor, Boori, 1950 – childhood and youth 3. Entertainers – Australia – biography 4. Aborigines, Australian – biography | 791.092 PRY |
PUJJI, Jane |
Follow Yourself Home | 1. Healing Words 2. Poetry – Women’s lives 3. Meditation and Reflection |
158.12 PUJ |
PURCELL, Leah | black chicks talking | 1. Aborigines, Australia – Women – Interviews 2. Aborigines, Australian – Women – Social Life and Customs 3. Aborigines, Australia – Government Policy 4. Aborigines, Australian – Adoption |
305.899 PUR |
PYBUS, Cassandra | Truganini | 1. Truganini – aprox 1812 -1876 2. Aboriginal Tasmanians – biography, history 3. Bruny Island (Tas) – history 19th century 4. Tasmanian history 19th century – social conditions |
305.8 TRU |
QUATTROCCHI, Marina, Dr | Dreamwork Uncovered | 1. Dream interpretation 2. Dreams |
154.63 QUA |
QUIGLEY Sarah | Facing Fear, Finding Courage | 1. Fear 2. Courage 3. Peace of Mind | 152.4 QUI |
Quilty Ben – editor | HOME Drawings by Syrian Children | 1. Syrian refugees – children 2. Art – Syrian children 3. Richard Flanagan, forward | 305.2 QUI |
Rachel Kohn | The Spirit of Things – Sophia CD | 1. Sophia – our story | N/A |
RADCLIFFE, Timothy | TAKE THE PLUNGE | 1. Christian Life – Catholic authors 2. Baptism – reaffirmation of covenant 3. Confirmation 4. Clericalism | 234.16 RAD |
RADFORD RUETHER, Rosemary | My Quests for Hope and Meaning | 1. Ruether, Rosemary Radford 2. Theologians – USA – biography |
261.8344 |
Radio National | Street Stories – program on Sophia | ||
RAEBURN Jane Editor | The Pagan’s Muse | 1. Neo paganism 2. American Poetry – 21st Century | 811.6 PAG |
Rainbow Spirit Elders | Rainbow Spirit Theology | 1. Aboriginal Theology 2. Land and culture 3. Land and Crying 4. Land and Christ 5. Land and Reconciliation | 261.29 RAI |
RAINER, Tristine | The new diary | 1. Self-actualization (Psychology) 2. Diaries–Therapeutic use |
158.1 RAI |
RAINES, Tristine | The new diary | 1. Self-realization 2. Self-discovery |
158.1 RAI |
RAKOCZY, Susan | In her name | 1. Feminist theology 2. Feminist theology — South Africa |
230.082 RAK |
RAMANI, Natesan | The magic flute of Natesan Ramani | 1. Flute music–India 2. Carnatic music–India |
788.3 RAM |
RAMIREZ, Janina | FEMINA | 1. Women – History – Middle Ages 500 -1500 2. Women – Social conditions – History to 1500 3. Feminism – History |
909.07 RAM |
RANFT, Patricia | Women and Spiritual Equality in Christian Tradition | 1. Women in Christianity – History 2. Spirituality – History of doctrines 3. Equality – religious aspects – Christianity |
270.08 RAN |
RAPHAEL Melissa | Introducing Thealogy; Discourse on the Goddess | 1. Matriarchy — Religious aspects. 2. Feminist theory. 3. Goddess religion.4,Feminisy theology. | 291.2114 RAP |
Ratatouille | Red Pepper | CD | nil |
Rawlence, Ben | The Treeline | 1. Taigas – Arctic region 2. Taiga & forest ecology – Arctic regions 3. Global warming 4. Trees – climate factors |
577.37 RAW |
RAYNES Cameron | The Last Protector | 1. Children – Aboriginal Australia, SA – Removal 2. Aboriginal Australians – treatment of – government policy | 362.84 RAY |
REBANKS James | The Shepherd’s Life | 1. Rebanks James 1974 2. Homes and haunts – England – Lake District 3. Country Life 4. Hill Farming | 636.3 REB |
The Cherry Picker’s Daughter | 1. Memoir Aboriginal Women – Australian – biography 3. GIlbert, Kevin, 1933 – 1993 – family 5. Wiradjun language |
920 REE |
Reeves, Lyn; Proctor, Vanessa; Scott, RobREE | Under the Same Moon | 1. Australian haiku 2024 | A821.3 REE |
REEVES, Paula M | Women’s Intuition | 1. Intuition (Psychology) 2. Women – Pyschology |
153.4 REE |
REGAN Hilary D editor | Child Sexual Abuse, Society and the Future of the Church | 261.83 CHI | |
Regan Penaluna | How to think like a Woman | 1. Feminist Philosophers 2. Patriachy and sexism in academia | 190.82 |
REYNOLDS Thomas E. | Vulnerable Communion | 1. Disability and Theology 2. Theology & Vulnerability | 261.8.324 REY |
Reynolds, Henry | Forgotten War | 1 Aboriginal Australians – history 2. Australians – wars 3. Genocide – Australia | 994.0049915 REY |
Rhymes, Joseph | The Bible in order | 1. Bible | R 220.5 BIB |
Rhys, Jean | Smile please | 1. Rhys, Jean – Autobiography 2. Women – Biography |
818.092 RHY |
Rich, Adrienne | On Lies, Secrets and Silence | 1. Women 2. Women in literature 3. Prose in English American writers 1945-. Texts |
814.54 RIC |
Richard Flanagan | Seize the Fire | Essays – social comment | 302 FLA |
Richardson, Nick ed. | Kitchen Table Memoirs | 1. cooking 2. anecdotes | 641.5 RIC |
RICHTER, Georgia and HUNN, Deborah | How To Be An Author | 1. How to be an author – Australia 2. Being an author – handbook – Australia |
808.02 RIC |
RIDLER, Anne | Some time after and other poems | 1.English poetry | 821 RID |
RILKE, Rainer Maria | Duino elegies | 831 RIL | |
RINGMA, Charles | Dare to Journey with Henri Nouwen | 1. Nouwen, Henri | 248.4 RIN |
RINPOCHE, Sogyal | The Tibetan book of living and dying | 1. Meditation, Buddhist 2. Spirituality- Tibet 3. Death – Philosophy, Tibetan |
294.3923 RIN |
RINTOUL, Stuart | Lowitja | 1. Lowitja, O’Donoghue – Biography 2. Indigenous Issues |
920 RIN |
RISO Don & HUDSON Russ | The Wisdom of the Enneagram | 1 Spiritual Life 2 Enneagram |
155.26 RIS |
RISO, Don Richard | Understanding the enneagram | 1. Enneagram – Psychological aspects 2. Self-perception |
155.2 RIS |
Ritchie, Therese & Mackinolty, Chips | Not Dead Yet | 1. Posters, Australian – Exhibitions 2. Posters – North Territory – Exhibitions 3. Prints – Northern Territory – History |
Q759.9 RIT |
RIWOE, Mirandi | The Burnished Sun | 1. Fiction | A823 RIW |
ROACH David,SULLIVAN Susan,ASHFIELD John | Calming the Storm |
1 Caregivers 2 Bereavement-psychological aspects 3Grief Therapy 4 Terminal care |
155.9 CAL |
ROBERTS Bernadette | The Experience of No-Self | 1. Contemplation – case studies 2. Depersonalisation – religious aspects – Christianity – case studies 3. Catholics – United States – biography | 248.2 ROB |
Roberts Gaventa, Beverly | Blessed One | 1. Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint – Theology 2. Protestant churches – Doctrines |
232.91 ROB |
ROBERTS, Elizabeth and AMIDON, Elias | Earth Prayers | 1. Earth – religious aspects 2. Earth – prayer books and devotions – English 3. Nature – religious aspecst |
291.21 ROB |
ROBERTS, Michele | During mother s absence | 1. English fiction | 823 ROB |
ROBERTSON, Geoffrey |
The Justice Game |
1. Civil Rights 2. Lawyers – biography |
340.092 |
ROBERTSON, Matra | Starving in the silences. An exploration of anorexia nervosa | 1 Anorexia nervosa- psychological aspects 2.Feminism 3.Body image |
362.25 ROB |
ROBINSON, Marilynne | Gilead | 1. clergy – fiction 2. grandfathers – fiction 3. children of clergy – fiction 4. conflict – generations – fiction | 813.6 ROB |
Robinson, Marilynne | When I was a child I read books | 1. Essays – USA | 814.54 ROB |
Robinson, Mary | Everybody Matters | 1. Women heads of state – Ireland 2. Ireland – politics and government 3. Women human rights workers – Ireland |
941.708 ROB |
Rohr Richard | Discovering the Enneagram | 1 Spiritual life – Catholic Authors 2 Enneagram |
248.2 ROH |
ROHR Richard and Ebert Andreas | Discovering the Enneagram | 1. ENNEAGRAM | 155.26 ROH |
Rohr, Richard | Falling Upward | 1. Spiritual formation 2. Spirituality |
248.4 ROH |
Rohr, Richard & Friends | Contemplation in Action | 1. Contemplation 2. Christian life |
242.22 ROH |
ROLFE, Margaret | Australian quilt heritage | 1. Quilting–Australia–Patterns 2. Quilting–Australia–History |
746.46 ROL |
ROMANOWSKI, Nick | Water and wetland plants for southern Australia | 1. Water gardens–Australia 2. Aquatic plants — Australia 3. Gardening — Australia |
635.9 ROM |
Rosalie Fraser | Shadow Child | 1. Fraser, Rosalie, 1958- 2. Aborigines, Australian – biography 3. Aborigines, children – welfare |
306.089 FRA |
ROSE Martial and HEDGECOE Julia | Stories in Stone | 1. Medieval Art – 1300 to 1515 2. Pagan, Christian folk subjects 3. Photographs | 726.5 ROS |
ROSE, Lyn |
Coming Down From the Mountain | 1. Biography – Catholic upbringing 2. Women and Christianity 3. Rose, Lyn – Australian biography |
261.835 ROS |
Rosemary Catalano & Gail Anderson Ricciuti eds | Birthings and Blessings | 1. Women – prayer books – devotions 2. Liturgies |
264.008 CAT |
Rosemary Crumlin | Images of Religion in Australian Art | 1. Art, Religious – Australia 2. Aborigines -religion – art |
Q 759.994 CRU |
Rosemary Radford Ruether | Goddesses and the Divine Feminine | 1.Goddesses 2.Women & religion 3.Goddess religion |
202.114 RUE |
Rosemary Radford Ruether ed. | Women Healing Earth | 1. Ecofeminism – religious exercises 2. Human ecology – philosophy 3. Feminism – religious aspects 4. Women & religion |
291.178 RUE |
ROSS, Gillian, Dr | Easy Yoga to Mainly Mozart | !. Yoga | N/A |
ROSSETTI, Christina | Goblin Market | !. Poems – selections | 821.8 ROS |
ROSSETTI, Stephen J | When the Lion Roars | !. Mysticism 2. Mystics |
248.2 ROS |
ROSSITER, Heather | Sweet Boy Dear Wife | 1. Women Archeologists – Middle East – Biography 2. Women Authors, French – Biography 3. Iranologists – Biography 4. Ceramics – Iran – History 5. Iran – travel, Social Conditions, life, customs 19th Century |
955 ROS |
Rothluebber, Francis B | Nobody Owns Me | 1. Sex – religious aspect – Christianity 2. Feminism – religious aspects |
248.47 ROT |
ROTHMAN Barbara | The tentative pregnancy: amniocentesis and the sexual politics of motherhood | 1. Amniocentesis-Sexual aspects 2.Pregnancy -Psychological aspects 3. Prenatal diagnosis 4. Choice ( psychology) 5. Loss ( Psychology) 6. Prenatal diagnosis — Social aspects |
618.32075 ROT |
ROWLAND, Christopher & ROBERTS Jonathan | The Bible for Sinners | 1. Liberation Theology 2. Same-sex relationships 3. Christian radicals 4. Marriage and divorce | 230. ROW |
ROY, Arundhati | The Ministry of Utmost Happiness | Fiction- India | 823 ROY |
RTEDDING, Maggie | The life and times of Daffodil Mulligan | 1. English fiction | 823 RED |
Ruether, Rosemary & McLaughlin, Eleanor | WOMEN of spirit | 1. Women in Christianity -Address, lectures etc. 2. Women in Judaism – addresses, lectures etc. 3. Womenm ( Theology ) |
261.834 WOM |
RUETHER, Rosemary Radford | At home in the world | 1. Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968–Correspondence. 2. Ruether, Rosemary Radford–Correspondence 3. Catholic Church–United States–Clergy–Correspondence 4. Catholic Church–United States–History–1965- 5. Theologians–United States–Correspondence 6. United States–Religions–1960- |
271.1 MER |
RUETHER,Rosemary Radford | Womanguides | 1. Women and religion – Mythology 2. Feminism – Religious aspects 3. Women (Theology ) |
291.8 RUE |
RUMI | Rumi: the book of divine love | 1. Jalal al-Din Rumi, Maulana, 1207-1273–Translations into English | 891.5 RUM |
RUMI, Jalalal-aD Din, Banks, Coleman (Editor) |
A Year With Rumi | 1. Spiritual poetry 2. Jalalal -a Din Rumi |
891.55 RUM |
RUNCIE, James | The Colour of Heaven | 1. Fiction – UK 2. Venice in 1295 – fiction |
823 RUN |
Rupp Joyce | God’s Enduring Presence | 1. Catholic Church – prayers and devotions 2. Church year meditations |
242.3 RUP |
Rupp, Joyce | God’s Enduring Presence | 1. church year meditations 2. Catholic church – prayers + devotions | 242 RUP |
RUPP, Joyce |
Prayers of Boundless Compassion | 1. Prayers 2. Compassion – Religious aspects Christanity 3. Self, suffering, marginalisation creation, presence l |
241.4 RUP |
RUSSELL, Letty M | Human liberation in a feminist perspective | 1. Freedom – Theology 2. Woman – Theology 3. Salvation |
261.834 RUS |
RUSSELL, Sarah | A Lifelong Journey | 1. Manic – depressive illness 2. Manic – depressive illness – Anecdotes |
616.895 |
Ryan Judith | GINGER RILEY | 1. Riley, Ginger 2. Painting – Australian – Aboriginal Artists – Biography 3. Art – Australian – Aboriginal Artists – Biography | 750.92 RYA |
RYAN Lyndall | Tasmanian Aborigines | 1. Aboriginal Tasmanians History 2. Tasmania – history 3. Truganini, 1803? – 1876 4. Aboriginal Tasmanians – Social conditions 5. Aboriginal Australians – History | 994.6 RYA |
SAADAWI Nawal El | A Daughter of Isis – Autobiography | 1. Sa’d wi Naw l 2. Women authors, Arab-Egypt – Biography 3. Women physicians – Egypt – Biography | 892.736 SAA |
Saban, Sinem | Our Generation DVD | N/A | |
SACKS, Oliver | Gratitude | 1. Gratitude 2. Aging 3. Death |
616.80 SAC |
Saheeh International | The Quran | 1. QURAN Translation | R 221.4 SAH |
SALES Leigh | Any Ordinary Day | 1. Television journalists – Australia – Biography 2. Victims of Crimes – Australia – Interviews 3. Disaster victims 4. Life change events – Australia | 155.254 SAL |
Sales, Leigh | On Doubt | 1. Leigh Sales – political journalist 2. Doubt -truth, accountabiltiy 3. Media and political trends | 364.15 SAL |
SALISBURY, Joyce E | PERPETUA S Passion | 1. Perpetua, Saint 2. Christian martyr -Tunisia-Biography. 3.Christian woman saints – Biography. 4. Salisbury, Joyce E. author |
272.1092 PER.S |
Sallie McFague | A New Climate for Theology | 1. Global warming – religious aspects – Christianity | 261.88 MCF |
SALZBERG Sharon | REAL LOVE | 1. Interpersonal relations – popular works 2. Love 3. Mindfulness (Psychology) – popular works | 158.2 SAL |
Salzberg, Sharon | Faith | 1. Salzberg Sharon 2. Buddhists – USA – biography 3. Spiritual biography 4. Faith – Buddhism | 294.3 SAL |
SAMALIN, Nancy | Loving Your Child Is Not Enough | 1. Discipline of children 2. Parenting |
649.64 SAM |
SAMARAYI, Ibithal | Refugee to Resident |
1. Refugees – Australia – Biography 2. Iraqis – Biography 3. Samarayi, Ibithal |
305.90 SAM |
SAMSON, Martin | Festivals in the Southern Hemisphere | 1. Steiner, Rudolf, 1861 – 1925 2. Church year – Festivals – Christianity 3. Seasons – Religious aspects – Christianity |
263.9 SAM |
SAMWAYS, Margaret |
of Magpies and Kookaburras | 1. Poetry – Australia | A821 SAM |
SAMY, Ama | Zen and Christianity | 1. Zen Buddhism – Christian aspectc 2. Christianity and Buddhism |
294.3927 SAM |
SANDMAIER, Marian | Original kin | 1. Sibling rivalry 2. Brothers and sisters 3. Adulthood–Psychological aspects |
155.6 SAN |
SANDS, Sarah |
The Interior Silence | 1. Sands, Sarah – travel 2. Monasticism and religious orders |
206.57 SAN |
SANFORD, John A | The invisible partners | 1.Human relations 2.Women-Pyschology 3.Men-Pyschology |
155.3 SAN |
SAPPHO | Sappho | 1. Sappho — Translations into English 2. Women — Greece — Poetry 3. Lesbos Island (Greece) — Poetry I. Barnard, Mary |
884 SAP |
Sardello, Robert | Silence | 1. Silence 2. Conduct of life 3. Silence-religious aspects 4. Spiritual life |
248.3 SAR |
SARTON May | Journal of a Solitude | 1 Sarton, May-Biography 2 Authors American-20th Century-Biography |
818.52 SAR |
Sarton, May | Anger | 1. North American fiction 2. Anger |
813.52 SAR |
SAUNDERS, Kay | Notorious Australian Women | 1. Women – Australia – Biography | 305.409 SAU |
SAVIGE Petrea | After Eve Waiting for Angels |
1. Australian Poetry 21st Century | A821 SAV |
SAWATSKY, Jarem | Healing Justice | Essays | 301 SAW |
Dancing with Elephants |
!. Mindfulness (psychology) 2. Mental Health – Aging – pyschological aspects 3. Chronic diseases – pyschological aspects 4. Peace of Mind – self-actualisation 5. Self-help techniques |
158.1 SAW |
SAWIN, Leslie, CORBETT, Lionel and CARBINE, Michael (Editors) | Jung and Aging | 1. Psychology – Jungian 2. Aging |
155.67 SAV |
SAYERS, Janet | Mothering psychoanalysis | 1. Psychoanalysis 2. Women and psychoanalysis I. Deutsch, Helene, 1884-. II. Horney, Karen, 1885-1952. III. Freud, Anna, 1895-1982 IV. Klein, Melanie |
616.89 DEU |
SCHABERG, Jane | The Resurrection of Mary Magdalene | Mary Magdalene, Saint | 226.092 SCH |
SCHABERG, Jane BACH, Alice FUCHS, Esther |
On the cutting edge | 1. Bible–Feminist criticism I. Schussler Fiorenza, Elisabeth, 1938- II. Schaberg, Jane III. Bach, Alice IV. Fuchs, Esther, 1953- |
220.6 ONT |
SCHAUP Susanne | SOPHIA | 1. Femininity of God 2. Women and religion 3. Feminist theology | 291.2 SCH |
SCHILLEBEECKX, Edward | Mary yesterday, today, tomorrow | 1. Mary, Virgin – Theology – 20th. C 2. Mariology – History I. Halkes, Catherina, Joint author |
232.91 SCH |
SCHIPFINGER Thomas | Sophia – Maria | 1. Mary, Blessed Virgin, 2. Wisdom (Biblical personification) 3. Wisdom: Religious aspects-Christianity- History of doctrines 4. Wisdom- Religious aspects- Comparative studies |
232.91 SCH |
SCHMIDT Tracey | I have fallen in love with the world | Poetry – U.S.A. | 811 SCH |
SCHNEIDERS, Sandra M | The revelatory text | 1. Bible. N.T.–Hermeneuticw | 225.6 SCH |
SCHOEN Robert | What I Wish My Christian Friends Knew About Judaism | 1 Title 2 Judaism |
296.02 SCH |
Quilting and Braiding | 1. Jesus Christ – Person and offices 2. McFague, Sallie – contributions in Christology 3. Johnson, Elizabeth A, 1941 – contributions in Christology 4. Feminist theology | 232.082 SCH |
Schussler Fiorenza, Elisabeth | The Power of the Word | 1. Bible – influence & criticism 2. Bible – feminist criticism |
220.601 SCH |
SCHWARTZ-Salant, Nathan STEIN, Murray |
Gender and soul in psychotherapy | 1. Jung, C.G. 1875-1961 2. Anima (Psychoananlysis) 3. Animus (Psychoanalysis) 4. Psychotherapy |
150.19 GEN |
Scott-Maxwell, Florida | The Measure of My Days | 1. Old age 2. Aged Women USA – biography | 301.45 SCO |
SCOTT, Kim | Taboo | 1. Australian fiction 2. Australian literature 3. Noongar People SW of W Australia |
A 823 SCO |
SEBOLD, Alice | The Lovely Bones | 1. Fiction – Bereavement 2. Death – Fiction 3. Murder Victims and Families – Fiction |
813.6 SEB |
SEGAL Lynne | Slow Motion | 1 Men-Psychology 2 Masaculinity-Psychology 3 Sex role |
305.31 SEG |
SEIERSTAD, Asne | The Bookseller of Kabul | !. Afghanistan – Kabul 2. Afghanistan – Social life and customs 3. Afghanistan – Booksellers and bookselling |
921 SEI |
Selby Wynn Schwartz | After Sappho | Fiction – Australia | A823.4 SCH |
SELIGMAN, Martin | Flourish | 1. Positive psychology 2. Self-actualisation – psychology 3. Conduct of Life 4. Well-being |
158.1 SEL |
Seligman, Martin E.P. | The Optimistic Child | 1. Optimism in Children 2. Resilience (personality trait in children) 3.Child-rearing |
155.4 SEL |
SELLERS, Stephanie A. | Daughters Healing From Family Violence | 1. Rejection (psychology). 2. Daughters – Family Relationships 3. Families – Violence |
158.2 SEL |
Selway, Deborah | Women of Spirit | 1. Women and religion – Australia 2. Religious biography – Australia |
291.09 SEL |
SENTILLES Sarah | Draw Your Weapons | 1. Art and War 2. Military History 3. Peace in Art | 701.08 |
several musicians | Flute and Sitar Music of India | cd | nil |
Sewell, Marilyn (Editor) | Cries Of The Spirit | 1. Christian literature, American – Women Authors 2. Women – Religious life – Literary Collections 3. Christian literature – Women authors |
810.8 DEW |
SHAH Idries | The way of the Sufi | 1. Classical authors 2.Themes for solitary contemplation |
297.4 SHA |
SHAH, Idries | Tales of the dervishes | 1. Tales, Sufi 2. Sufism |
398.2 SHA |
Shakespeare | Anthony & Cleopatra DVD | N/A | |
SHAKESPEARE, Nicholas | Priscilla | 1. Biography and autobiography and military 2. World War 1939 – 1945 – Women France – Women England |
944.08 SHA |
SHAKESPEARE, William | King Richard II | DVD Theatre | Nil |
SHAMSALIPOOR Mojgan and JAFARI Milad with KNIGHT James | Under the Same Sky | 1. Shamsalipoor, Mojgan 2. Jafari, Milad 3. Human rights advocacy – Australia 4. Human rights – moral and ethical aspects – Australia 5. Asylum, Right of – Australia – Government Policy | 325.21 SHA |
Shange, Ntozake | Three Pieces | 1. Three plays 2. Theatre |
812.54 SHA |
SHAPIRO Rami (rabi) (translation) | The Divine Feminine in Biblical Wisdom Literature | 1. Wisdom (biblical personification) 2. Bible O.T. criticism, interpretation | 223.06 SHA |
Sharon Salzburg (editor) | Voices of Insight | 1. Vipasyana (Buddhism) 2. Compassion 3. Theravada Buddhism |
294.3 SAL |
SHEEHY Gail | The Silent Passage | 1. Menopause | 612.665 SHE |
Sheldrake, Merlin | Entangled Life | 1.Ecosystem – fungi impact on |
579.5 SHE |
SHERIDAN Susan and DALLY Shirley | Twenty Yeasrs: Women s Studies at Flinders, 1986 – 2006 | 1 Flinders University. Women s Studies Dept.- History 2 Women s Studies – South Australia – History 1 Dally Shirley |
305.42 SHE |
Sherman, Louise & Mattingley, Chrstobel | Our Mob, God’s Story | 1. Christian Art & Symbolism – Australia 2. Art, Aboriginal Australia 3. Artists, Australia – 21st Century |
760.09 SHE |
SHETTERLY Margot Lee | Hidden Figures | Non Fiction 1. Women mathematicians 2. NASA | 510.9252 SHE |
SHIARELLA, Robert | Journey to joy | 1. Spiritual life–Hinduism | 294.5 SHI |
SHINNICK Maurice | This Remarkable Gift | 1. Homosexuality – religious aspects of 2. Catholic – being gay 3. Being gay – religious life |
282.086 SHI |
SHINODA BOLEN, M.D., Jean | Close to the Bone | 1. Sick – Psychology | 616 BOL |
SHIOSAKI, Elfie | Homecoming | 1. Aboriginal archival excerpts – poetic 2. Restorative Story work Intergenerational struggle 3. Noongar Women – history of 4. Generations |
A821 SHI |
SHIVA, Vandana (Edit) | Seed, Sovereignty, Food Security | i. Plant genetic engineering – moral and ethical aspects 2. Food security – moral and ethical aspects 3. Women in agriculture |
581.4 SHI |
SHLAIN, Leonard | The Alphabet Versus The Goddess | 1. Written communication – social aspects 2. Literacy – social aspects 3. 3. Alphabet – history 4. Language and Culture 5. Patriarchy 6. Misogyny |
302.2 SHL |
SHORTER,Bani | An image darkly forming | 1. Women – Psychology | 155.6 SHO |
SHOWALTER, Elaine | A literature of their own. | 1.Women Authors ( British ) – History and criticism | 823.09 SHO |
Sian Hughes | Pearl | Fiction-UK | 823 HUG |
SIDDALL, Ann | Contemplate | 1. Contemplation 2. Christian life 3. Australian |
242.22 SID |
SILF, Margaret | Wise Choices | 1. Choice (psychology) 2. Decision making 3. Choice (psychology) – religious aspects 4. Decision making – religious aspects |
153.8 SIL |
SILVA, Freddy | Secrets in the fields | 1. Crop circles–Miscellanea 2. Curiosities and wonders–Miscellanea |
001.94 SIL |
Silva, Marlee & Paddick, Rhys | For 60,000 Years | 1. Children’s picture book 2. Aboriginal life & achievements |
305.89 SIL |
SILVEY, Craig | Honeybee | 1. Australian fiction 2. Transgender youth – fiction 3. Older Men – fiction 4. Intergenerational relations – fiction 5. Self-realisation |
A823 SIL |
Simard, Suzanne | Finding the Mother Tree | 1. Ecology – cycle of forest life 2.Philosophy – resilience, kinship 3. Conservation – forest |
333.75 SIM |
SIMMONS, Sylvie | I’M YOUR MAN | 1. Leonard Cohen – biography 2. Music industry |
782.42 SIM |
SIMMS G.O. | Irish Illuminated Manuscripts | 1. Illumination of books and manuscripts, Irish | 745.67SIM |
Simon Shama (DVDs) | A History of Britain | A history of Britain | N/A |
SIMON, Tami (Edit) | Darkness Before Dawn | 1. Depression, Mental – Case Studies 2. Psychology – depression |
616.85 SIM |
Simone Weil | Waiting on God | 1. Christianity – philosophy 2. Crawfurd, Emma translator |
248.22 WEI |
SIMONS Margaret | The meeting of the waters: the Hindmarsh Island affair | 1. Sacred sites (Australian aboriginal ) — South Australia –Hindmarsh Island 2. Environmental protection –South Australia — Hindmarsh Island. 3. Hindmarsh Island Bridge. ( S. Aust) 4. Hindmarsh Island ( S. Aust.) |
363.60899915 SIM |
SIMONS, Margaret | Tanya Plibersek | 1. Biography – Tanya Plibersek 2. Australian Politics – Women |
324.29 SIM |
SIMONS, Margaret |
Penny Wong |
1. Penny Wong – biography 2. Politicians – Australia – biography 3. Gay activists – Australia – biography |
920 SIM |
SIMPSON Ray | High Street Monasteries | 1. New monasticism 2. Spirituality – Christian | 248.2 SIM |
SIMPSON, D.P. [compiler] | Cassell s concise Latin-English, English-Latin dictionary | 1. Latin language–Dictionaries–English 2. English language–Dictionaries–Latin I. Simpson, D.P. |
R 473 CAS |
Simpson, Nardi | Song of the Crocodile | 1. Fiction – Australian Aboriginal | A823 SIM |
SIMPSON, Ray | Exploring Celtic spirituality | 1. Spirituality, Celtic – Europe- History 2. Celtic spirituality – Practice – 20th. C. – British Isles |
248.2 SIM |
Simsic, Wayne | Praying With Meister Eckhart | 1. Eckhart – meditation 2. Reflection – prayer |
242 SIM |
SINCLAIR-WOOD, Lynne | Creating form from the mist | 1. Women, Celtic–History 2. Women, Celtic–Folklore 3. Mythology, Celtic 4. Goddesses, Celtic 5. Goddess religion |
305.4 SIN |
Sinetar, Marsha | Ordinary People as Monks and Mystics | 1. Spiritual life – Christianity | 248.2 SIN |
SINGER, June | Modern Woman in search of Soul | 1. Psychoanalysis and religion 2. Subconsciousness 3. Gnosticism $. Jung, C.G. (Carl Gustav), 1875 – 1961 |
150.19 SIN |
Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred | Encountering St Mary Mackillop | 1. Saint, Australian | 271.97 ENC |
Skakespeare, William | The Winter’s Tale DVD | N/A | |
SLAUGHTER Anne-Marie | Unfinished Business | 1. Sex role – United States 2. Sex role in the work environment 3. Women’s rights | 305.4 SLA |
Slee Nicola | Women’s Faith | 1.Women – religious life 2. Faith development 3. Feminist theology |
261.8 SLE 261.8 SLE |
SLIMANI, Leila | Sex and Lies | 1. Sex – political aspects – Morocco | 306.7 SLI |
Smart, Ninian | The World’s Religions | 1. Religions | 291 SMA |
SMILEY, Jane | Early Warning | 1. Rural families – Iowa – Fiction 2. Social change – United States – History – 20th century |
813.54 SMI |
SMITH Dominic | The Last Painting of Sara De Vos | 1. Baalbergen, Sarah van, 1607 – approx 1638 Fiction 2. Women artists – – Netherlands – Fiction 3. Painting, Dutch – 17th Century – Fiction 4. Art Forgeries – Fiction 5. Art historians – Fiction | 813.6 SMI |
SMITH, Christian | Lost in Transition | 1. Young adults – United States – Attitudes 2. Young Adults – US – Social life and customs 21st Cent. 3. Young adults – US – conduct of life I. Christoffersen, Kari Marie II. Davidson, Hilary III. Herzog, Patricia Snell | 305.242 SMI |
SMITH, Delia | You Matter |
1. Human beings – Origin – Popular Works 2. Social change 3. Cosmology – Popular works |
128 SMI |
SMITH, Karen Ingala. | Defending Women’s Spaces | 1. Women’s rights, needs 2. Femicide, violence against women and girls – history 3. Refugees, spaces |
305 SMI |
SMITH, Margaret | Rabi’a The Mystic and her Fellow-Saints in Islam | 1. Rabi’a al-‘Adawiyya Al-Qaysiyya of Basra 2. Sufism – biography | 297.4 SMI |
SMITH, Paul | Seven Great Female Sufi Poets | 1. Poetry 2. Mysticism 3. Sufism 4. Women’s Poetry 5. Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Indian Poetry |
811 SMI |
Sobel, Dava | The Glass Universe | 1. Harvard College Observatory 2. Women in astronomy – Massachusetts – History 3. Women Mathematicians – Massachusetts – History 4. Astronomy – History – 19th Century 5. Astronomy – History – 20th Century |
522.1 SOB |
SOELLE Dorothee | To Work and to Love | 1 Creation 2 Work (theology) 3 Sex-Religious aspects-Christianity 4 Liberation Theology |
231.7 SOE |
SOELLE, Dorothea | The silent cry | 1. Mysticism | 291.422 SOE |
SOELLE, Dorothee | The strength of the weak | 1. Feminism – Religious aspects – Christianity 2. Women (Christian Theology) |
248.843 SOE |
Solding, Anna | The Hum of Concrete | 1. Australian fiction 2. Malmo, Sweden |
A823.4 SOL |
SOLLE, Dorothee | Creative disobedience | 1. Obedience–Religious aspects–Christianity 2. Christian ethics 3. Women–Religious aspects–Christianity |
214.4 |
Solle, Dorothee (commentary), Kirchberger, Joe, Haag, Herbert | Great Women in the Bible | 1. Ancient & Medieval sources 2. Post- Medieval sources 3. Women in the Bible – art works |
Q 759 SOL |
SOLNESS Peter | Tree Stories | 1. Trees – symbolic aspects 2. Tress – folklore |
582.16 SOL |
SOLNIT, Rebecca |
Recollections of My Non-existence | 1. Memoir | 920 SOL |
SOLOMON, Annabelle | Seasons of the soul | 1. Quilting–Australia 2. Women–Australia 3. Spirituality |
746.46 SOL |
Some, Malidoma Patrice | The Healing Wisdom of Africa | 1. Dagari (African people) – rites & Ceremonies 2. Spiritual healing |
299.64 SOM |
Sonja Dechian, Jenni Devereaux, Heather Millar and Eva Sallis Editors | No Place Like Home | 1. Short Stories, Australian – 21st century 2. Children’s writings, Australian 3. Youth’s writing, Australian | A 823.01 DEC |
Sophia | First Conference "Liberating Women" CD | Recording of Conference – Liberating Women | N/A |
Sophia Liturgy Group | Sophia Liturgy for the God of Space and Time | Space and time – poetry; hymns; liturgy; rituals | R782.3 SOPq |
Sophia Singers | Sophia Singers 2020 |
1. The Sophia Singers 2. The Covid 19 Year |
305.23 SOP |
Sophie Strand | Madonna Secret | Fiction | 813 STR |
Soskice, Janet Martin & Lipton, Diana (eds) | Feminism and theology | 1. Feminist Theology 2. Christianity & Judaism – feminism |
230.082 FEM |
Speaight, Robert | Teilhard de Chardin | 1. Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre | 271.5309 TEI |
Speck, Catherine | Women Artists of the Two World Wars | 1. Australian women war artists 2. World War 1 & World War 2 3. War |
759 SPE |
SPENCE, Catherine Helen | Clara Morison | 1. Australian fiction 2. South Australia – History – Fiction |
A 823 SPE |
Spencer, F Scott | Dancing Girls, Loose Ladies and Women of the Cloth | 1. Women in the bible 2. New Testament gospels – feminist criticism |
266.092 SPE |
SPINK Kathryn | Mother Teresa | 1. Teresa, Mother, 1910 – 1997 2. Missionaries of Charity – History 3. Nuns – India – Calcutta – Biography | 271.97 SPI |
SPINK,Kathryn | A sense of the sacred | 1. Griffiths, Bede-Biography 2. Benedictines – Biography |
271.1 GRI.S |
SPONG, John Shelby | Resurrection. Myth or reality? | 1. Jesus Christ – Resurrection – Controversial literature 2. Christianity – Origin 3. Future life – Christianity |
232 SPO |
SPRINGETT, Ulli | Symbol Therapy | 1. Symbol Therapy 2. Accessing Higher Consciousness 3. Solving Physical and Emotional Problems |
615.85 SPR |
Staal, Stephanie | Reading Women | 1. Feminism 2. Motherhood – Biblical teaching 3. Marriage 4. Interpersonal relations |
306.87 STA |
STAMPFER, Judah | John Donne and the metaphysical gesture | 1. Donne, John, 1572-1631–Criticism and interpretation 2. Metaphysics in literature |
821.3 DON |
STARBIRD, Margaret | The woman with the alabaster jar | 1. Mary Magdalene, Saint–Miscellanea 2. Grail–Miscellanea 3. Jesus Christ–Miscellanea 4. Femininity (Philosophy)–Miscellanea |
232.9 STAw |
Starhawk | Webs of power | 1. Globaisation–Social aspects 2. Protest movements 3. Demonstrations 4. International economic relations 5. Mondialisation–Aspect social 6. Contestation 7. Manifestions |
303.48 STA |
The twelve wild swans | 1. Witchcraft 2. Goddess religion 3. Magic |
299 STA |
STARK Jill | High Sobriety | 1. Drinking of alcoholic beverages – Scotland 2. Drinking of alcoholic beverages – Australia | 362.292 STA |
STARR, Mirabai |
God of Love | 1. Christianity & other religions 2. Religious – relations 3. Abrahamic religions |
200 STA |
Starr, Mirabai | The Interior Castle | 1. Spiritual life – Catholic church early works to 1800 | 248.482 TER |
STAUDACHER, Carol | A time to grieve | 1. Bereavement – Psychological aspects 2. Grief 3. Death – Psychological aspects 4. Meditations |
155.937 STA |
STEAD, C.K. | Katherine Mansfield | 1. Mansfield, Katherine, 1977 – Correspondence 2. Mansfield, Katherine – Diaries 3. Authors, New Zealand – 20th C – Diaries |
823.2 STE |
STEIN, Edith | The collected works of Edith Stein | 1. Philosophy, Modern 2. Stein, Edith–Philosophy 3. Carmelite, women–Biography |
193.092 STE |
STEINDL-RAST brother David | Gratefullness, the Heart of Prayer | 1. Gratitude 2. Prayer – Christianity 3. Spiritual Life – catholic church | 248.4 STE |
Steindl-Rast, David & Lebell, Sharon | Music of Silence | 1. Monastic and religious life 2. Divine Office 3. Chants (Plain, Gregorian) |
264.15 STE |
Steinem, Gloria | My Life on the Road | 1.Gloria Steinem 2. Feminist activism – US 3. Women journalists |
305.42 STE |
Steve and Karen Alexander | Crop Circles | 1. Crop Circles | 001.94 ALE |
STEVENS, Maryanne editor | Reconstructing the Christ Symbol | 1. Jesus Christ – person and Offices 2. Feminist Theology |
232.082 REC |
STEVENSON, Charles | The millionth snowflake | 1. Society of Friends (Quakers) – History | 289.69 STE |
STEWARD, John | From Genocide to Generosity | 1. Peace – building – Rwanda 2. Genocide Surviviors – Rwanda – Attitudes |
303.6 STE |
Stewart Annette | Barbara Hanrahan | 1. Hanrahan, Barbara, 1939 – 1991 2. Printmakers, 20th century, biography 3 Novelists – australia |
769.92 STE |
STOCKER, Margarita | Judith Sexual Warrior | 1. Bible, O.T. Apocrypha, Judith – Criticsm, interpretation etc – History 2. Judith (Jewish heroine) 3. Women in the Bible |
229.24 STO |
Stoker, Margaret | Simply Engage Me | 1. Working with Aboriginal clients 2. Guide for non Aboriginal people 3. Cultural and safe behaviour |
305.8 STO |
Stone, Merlin | When God was a woman | 1. Goddess religion 2. Women and religion |
291.2 STO |
STRAND, Clark and FINN, Perdita | The Way of the Rose | 1. Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint – Apparitions and miracles 2. Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint – Devotion to 3. Mysteries of the Rosary |
242.74 CLA |
STRAUB, Gail | The rhythm of compassion | 1. Conduct of life 2. Caring |
177.7 STR |
STRONG Susan | The greatness of girls: famous women talk about growing up. | 1. Teenage girls. 2.Adolescence. 3. Women –Biography | 305.4092 STR |
STROUT, Elizabeth |
Amy and Isabelle |
1. Fiction – Mothers and Daughters | 813.6 STR |
STYRON, William | Darkness visible | 1. Styron, William, 1925- –Mental health 2. Depressed persons–United States–Biography 3. Authors, American–Biography 4. Depressed persons–Suicidal behavior–United States |
616.85 STY |
SUBRAMANIAN, Mathangi | A People’s History of Heaven | 1. Fiction – Indian & South Asian Culture 2. Fiction – Friendship – women |
823 SUB |
Sugirtharajah, RS | Exploring Postcolonial Biblical Criticism | 1. Bible – postcolonial criticism | 220.601 SUG |
SULLIVAN Paula Farrell | The Mystery of my Story | 1. Spiritual Life 2. Autobiography – religious aspects 3. Christianity 4. Autobiography – authorship | 248.2 SUL |
SUMMERS Anne | The end of equality. | 1. Women-Government policy – Australia. 2.Women- Aust.-social conditions. 3. Women – Aust. economic conditions |
305.4 SUM |
SUMMERS, Anne | Ducks on the pond | 1. Foreward by Ruth Park 2.Australian Society – Changes |
361.4209 SUM |
Susan Gordon Lydon | The Knitting Sutra | 1. Knitting, philosophy 2. Spirituality |
746.43 LYD |
Susan Haskins | Mary magdalene | 1. Mary Magdalene – Saint 2 Mary Magdalene, Saint- Culture- History Mary magdalene, Saint – Art 4 Mary magdalene, Saint- In Literature |
225.9 HAS |
Susan Sullivan | All Shall Have Power and Bread | 1. Women in the Catholic church – Australia 2. Feminism – religious aspects – Christianity 3. Women – religious aspects – Christianity |
282 SUL |
Susan Sullivan, Ros Gill, Bernadette Kiley Eds | Liberating Women: Sophia Conference papers, October 1992 | 1. Feminist theology – Australia – congresses 2. Sophia organisation 3. Sophia inaugural conference, 1992, Adelaide SA |
230LIB |
SUZUKI, David | The sacred balance | 1. Human ecology 2. Social ecology |
304.2 SUZ |
Suzuki, David & Dressel, Holly | Good News for a Change | 1. Green movement 2. Environmentalism |
363.7 SUZ |
SUZUKI, Shunryu | Zen mind, beginner s mind | 1. Meditation–Zen Buddhism 2. Zen Buddhism–Doctrines |
294 SUZ |
SWAFFER Kate & LOW Lee-Fay | Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or Another Dementia | 1. Alzheimer’s disease – Patients – family relationships 2. Dementia – Patients – Family relationships 3. Alzheimer’s disease – Diagnosis | 616.83 SWA |
Swan, Laura | The forgotten Desert Mothers | Monastic and religious life of women-History; Women in history-early Church | 270.2 SWA |
Sweet, Corinne | Birth Begins at Forty | 1. Childbirth in middle age 2. Pregnancy in middle age – Popular Works 3. Pregnancy in middle age – Anecdotes 4. Older Parents – Interviews 5. Motherhood |
618.20 SWE |
Szanto, Gregory | Astrotherapy | !. Astrology & psychotherapy |
133.5815 SZA |
Szubanski, Magda | Reckoning | 1. Entertainers – Australia – Biography 2. TV Personalities – Australia 3. Magda Szubanski |
790.2092 SZU |
TACEY, David | Remaking Men | 1 Men-Psychology 2 Masculinity-Psychology 3 Sex role |
305.31 TAC |
TAGORE Rabindranath | Show yourself to my soul | 1. Prose poems, Bengali – translated into English by James Talarovic | 891.4 TAG |
TAMARO, Susanna | Follow Your Heart | 1. Fiction – Italian | 853.91 |
TAMPKE, Ilka | Songwoman | 1. Fiction – Iron Age Britain 2. Life, people, culture – Iron Age Britain |
A823.4 TAM |
TAN Amy | The Kitchen God’s Wife | 1. Fiction – North American | 810 TAN |
Tankard Reist, M ed. | Getting Real | 1. girls in popular culture 2. sex in advertising | 306.408 |
TAPSELL Kieran | Potiphar’s Wife | 1. Catholic Church – Government – History 2. Popes – conduct of life 3. Papeay – Vatican city – History 4. Secrecy – religious aspects – aspects – Catholic Church | 262.13 TAP |
TAPSELL, Miranda | Top End Girl | 1. Memoir – Tapsell, Miranda 2. Indigenous issues – acting world |
920 TAP |
Tara June Winch | The Yield | 1. Australian fiction 2. Indigenous peoples – Australia – fiction 3. Wiradjuri language | A823 WiN |
Tarrant, John | Bring Me the Rhinoceros | 1. Koans 2. Zen Buddhism |
294.3 TAR |
TARTT Donna | The Goldfinch | 1. Young men – fiction 2. Loss (Psychology) – fiction 3. Artists – fiction 4. Self realisation – fiction 5. Fiction – literacy | 813 TAR |
TASCHEN Benedikt | Georgie O Keefe,1887-1986; Flowers in the desert. |
1. O Keefe, Georgia, 1887-1986 – criticism and intertpretation | 709.2 BEN |
TATAR, Maria | The Annotated Classic Fairy Tales | 1. Fairy Tales | 398.2 TAT |
TATELBAUM Judy | The courage to grieve | 1. Grief | 155.937 TAT |
Tatman, Lucy | Numinous Subjects | 1. Feminist theology and theory 2. Religion 3. Philosophy |
230.082 TAT |
TAYLOR Barbara Brown | An Altar in the World | 1. Taylor, Barbara Brown 2. Episcopal Church – Clergy – Biography 3. Anglican Communion – United States – Clergy – Biography 4. Spiritual life – Christianity | 283.092 BRO |
TAYLOR Jenny | A Wild Constraint | 1. Chastity 2. Sex – Religious Aspects – Christianity | 241.66 TAY |
TAYLOR Johnson Heather (editor) | shaping the fractured self | 1. Healing – Poetry 2. Poetry – Psychological aspects 3. Australian poetry – 21st Century | A821.4 TAY |
TAYLOR, Debbie | My children, my gold | 1. Single mothers–Cross-cultural studies 2. Poverty–Cross-cultural studies |
306.856 TAY |
Taylor, Dena | Red Flower | 1. Menstruation | 612.662 TAY |
Taylor, Dena & Sumrall, Amber Coverdale (editors) | Women of the 14th Moon | 1. Menopause 2. Women – Health and hygiene |
612.665 WOM |
Taylor, Sarah McFarland | Green Sisters | 1. Human ecology – religious aspects 2. catholic woman – political activity 3. Nuns – political activity |
261.88 TAY |
TEILHARD de CHARDIN | Le Milieu Divin | 1. Spiritual life 2 Prayer |
242 TEI |
TEILHARD DE CHARDIN Pierre | Christianity and Evolution | 1 Theology – Addresses, essays, lectures | 201.1 TEI |
TEILHARD DE CHARDIN, Pierre | Hymn of the universe | 1. Universe- Religious aspects 2. Prayers |
242 TEI |
TEISH, Luisah | Carnival of the Spirit | !. Religious calendars 2. Rites and ceremonies 3. Seasons – religious aspects 4. Yoruba (African People) |
299.64 TEI |
TEPPER Sheri S | The Gate to WOMEN’S COUNTRY | 1. Fantasy Fiction 2. Science Fiction 3. Sex role – fiction 4. Feminism – Fiction 5. Social Norms – Fiction | 813.54 TEP |
TERESA of Avila | The life of Saint Teresa of Avila by herself | 1. Teresa of Avila, Saint – autobiography 2. Carmelites – Biography |
271.971 TER |
TERESA of Avila , Saint | Meditations with Teresa of Avila | 1. Prayer. 2.Meditations. |
242 TER |
TERESA of Avila, Saint | TERESA of Avila : the interior castle | 1. The interior castle ( Teresa of Avila – History and criticism ) 2. Women mystics. |
248.22 TER |
TEUBAL, Savina J | Hagar the Egyptian | 1. Women in the Bible. O.T. 2. Hagar |
222.11092 TEU |
The Findhorn Community | The Findhorn Garden Story | 1. Findhorn Community 2. Alternative lifestyles – Scotland 3. Spiritual retreat centres – Scotland 4. Gardens – organic gardening |
133 FIN |
The Other Side of the World | BISHOP, Stephanie | 1. Fiction – Emigrating 2. Romantic relationship 3. Sense of belonging |
A823 BIS |
The Refugee Art Project | The Key of the Sea | 1, Detention of Persons – Anecdotes 2. Asylum Seekers – Australia – Anecdotes |
325.21 KEY |
The Sophia Community | Sophia – Spirals of Connection | 1. Sophia, Cumberland Park, South Australia 2. History, creative community 3. Feminist organisation 4. Spiritual community |
267.4 |
The Voice to Parliament Handbook | Thomas Mayo, Kerry O’Brien, Cathy Wilcox | !. Aboriginal People – Uluru Statement from the heart 2. Politics – parliament participaton – Aboriginal voice | 305.8 MAY |
THIBAULT, Jane Marie | A deepening love affair | 1. Older persons–Religious life 2. Church work with older people–United States |
248.85 THI |
THICH NHAT HANH | Peace is every step : the path of mindfulness in everday life | 1. Meditation – Zen Buddhism 2. Spiritual life – Zen Buddhism. 3. Zen Buddhism – Meditation |
294.3443 NHA |
THIERING, Barbara | Jesus of the Apocalypse | 1. Jesus Christ–Biography–Public life 2. Bible. N.T. Revelation–History of Biblical events 3. Christianity–Controversial literature |
232.9 THI |
Thomas Berry | The Christian Future and the Fate of Earth | 1. Human ecology – religious aspects – Christianity 2. Ecotheology |
261.8 BER |
THOMAS Gwyn & CROSSLEY-HOLLAND Kevin | Tales From The Mabinogion | 1. Folklore – Wales 2. Tales – Wales 3. Legends – Wales 4. Mabinogion. English |
398.209429 THO |
Thomas Merton | Learning to Love Journal | 1. Merton, Thomas 1915-1968 2. Trappists USA Diaries 3. Catholic church USA clergy |
271.1 MER |
Thomas Moore | The Eloquence of Silence | 1. Silence, emptines – peace of 2. Spirituality – awareness, spaciousness |
158.1 |
Thomas, Steve | Film Australia’s Wilderness DVD | 1. Wilderness – Australia 2. Wilderness – Tasmania |
333.78 FIL |
THOMPSON, Helen | Journey toward wholeness | 1. Spiritual life 2. Jung, Carl 3. Consciousness – Religious aspects |
248.2 THO |
Thompson, Liz (compiler) | Aboriginal Voices | 1. Art, Australian – Aboriginal artists 2. Australian literature – Aboriginal authors 3. Entertainers – Australia |
709.94 THO |
THOMSON, Clarence | Parables and the enneagram | 1. Jesus Christ–Parables 2. Enneagram |
226.8 THO |
THOMSON, Clarence and CONCON Thomas | Enneagram Applications | 1. Enneagram 2. Interpersonal Relationships 3. Personality and Occupation 4. Typology (Psychology) | 155.2 THO |
THOMSON, Mike | Syria’s Secret Library | 1. Civil War (Syria:2011) 2. Libraries – Social aspects 3. Manners and Customs 4. Communities – Syria |
956.91 THO |
Thornell, Kristel | Night street | 1. Painters – fiction 2. Melbourne Vic – fiction |
A823.4 THO |
THROOP, Priscilla (translator) JACOBSEN, Mary Elder (illustrator) |
Hildegard von Bingen s Physica | 1. Medicine, Medieval I. Throop, Priscilla, 1946- II. von Bingen, Hildegarde (1098-1179) |
610 HIL |
THROSBY, Margaret | Talking with Margaret Throsby | 1. Celebrities – interviews 2. Interviews – Australia |
082 THR |
THUNBERG, Greta | The Climate Book | 1. Climate change – history 2. Climate Change – facts and figures 3. Climate change – implications for the future |
333.72 THU |
THUNIG, Amy | Tell Me Again | 1. Memoir 2. Aboriginal Australian – Biography , kinship 3. Women – Aboriginal, biography |
920 THU |
THURER Shari L | The Myths of Motherhood | 306.874 THU | |
TICKERHOOF, T.O.R | Conversion and the enneagram | 1. Enneagram – Religious aspects | 248.24 TIC |
Tiwi College Alalinguwi Jarrakarlinga students | Nginingawila Ngirramini | 1. Australian Aboriginal – Indigenous Literacy Foundation 2. Tiwi Islands – girls of | 305 JAR |
TOIBIN Colm | The Testament of Mary | A Novel | 823.914 TOI |
TOLHURST, James (Ed) | Man,woman and priesthood | 1. Priesthood 2.Ordination of women – Christianity 3.Man (Christian Theology) 4. Woman (Christian theology) 5. ed. James Tolhurst |
262 MAN Book |
Tolle, Eckhart | The Power of Now | 1. Spiritual formation 2. Self – Actualization 3. Spiritual healing and spiritualism |
151.1 |
Tolle, Eckhart |
A New Earth | 1. Spiritual life 2. Human consciousness 3. State of humanity |
151.1 TOL |
TORDAY, Paul | Salmon Fishing in the Yemen | 1. Salmon Fishing in the Yemen | 823.92 TOR |
TORJESON, Karen Jo | When women were priests | 1. Women in Christianity – History 2. Women in early Church ca.30 – 600 3. Women clergy – History |
262.14082 TOR |
TOULSON, S | The Celtic Alternative | 282.41 TOU | |
TOWNES, Emilie M. | Embracing the spirit | 1. Womanist theology 2. Spiritual life I. Townes, Emilie Maureen, 1955- |
230 EMB |
TOWNES, Emilie M. (Edit.) | A Troubling in my Soul | 1. Suffering – Religious aspects – Christianity 2. Theodicy 3.Feminist theology 4. Black theology |
231.8 TOW |
Tracy Chevalier | Falling Angels | !. Fiction – England 2.Socail classes – fiction 3.History Edward V11 1901-1919 4.Friendship – fiction |
823.91 CHE |
Tracy Tresideer, Margaret Loftus, Jacqui Pollock | Knowing Me, Knowing Them | Personality assessment 2. Parenting, psychological aspects 3. Parents, psychology 4. Emotional intelligence | 155.64 |
TRAFLET Dianne Marie | Saint Edith Stein | 1. Edith Stein, Saint 1891 – 1942 2. Carmelite Nuns, Germany, Biography 3. Philosophers, Germany – Biography 4. Spiritual Biography | 282.09 TRA |
TRANTER John | The best Australian poems 2011 | 1. Australian Poetry | A821 TRA |
TREDINNICK Mark (ed.) | Australian Love Poems 2013 | 1. Love Poetry – Australia 2. Australian Poetry 21st Century | A821 AUS |
TREMAIN Rose | Trespass | 1. Suspense – fiction, Alcoholics – fiction , Antique dealers – fiction, Cevennes Mountains (France) – fiction, Brothers and sisters – fiction | 823.92 TRE |
TREMAIN, Rose | The Way I Found Her | 1. Fiction 2. Missing Persons 3. Mothers and Sons 4. Novelists 5. Teenage Boys |
823 TRE |
TREMAIN,Rose | The garden of the Villa Mollini and other stories | 1. English fiction 2. Women authors – Fiction |
823 TRE |
TRETHEWEY, Natasha | Memorial Drive | 1. Memoir\2. White racism – domestic abuse 3. Murder |
920 TRE |
TRIBLE Phyllis | God and the rhetoric of sexuality | 1.Sexuality-Moral and religious aspects 2.Bible.O.T.–Criticism, interpretation, etc. 3.Sex (Theology) 4.God (Theology) |
221.6 TRI |
TRIGGS Gillian | Speaking Up | 1. Human rights 2. Indigenous Australians 3. Freedom of Speech 4. Asylum Seekers 5. Freedom of Religion 6. Marriage Equality 7. Racism | 327.17 TRI |
TRIOLI, Virginia | Generation f. | 1. Feminism – Australia – 20th. C. | 305.42 TRI |
TRUDGEN Richard | Why warriors lie down and die: towards an understanding of why the Aboriginal people of Arnhem Land face the greatest crisis in health and education since European contact. DJAMBATJ MALA | 1. Yolngu (Australian People) – health and hygiene. 2. Yolngu ( Australian people). 3.Yolngu (Australian people) — Education. 4. Australian aborigines — Northern Territory– Arnhem Land. |
305.89915 TRU |
TSIOLKAS, Christos | damascas | 1. Fiction – Novel – Historical 2. Christian Church – Establishment |
A 823 TSI |
TU, Jessie | A Lonely Girl is a Dangerous Thing | 1. Self-actualisation – loneliness 2. Romance |
A 823 TU |
TUMARKIN, Maria | Otherland | 1. Memoir 2. Relationships – mothers and daughters 3. Social and political change – Russia – Ukraine |
920 TUM |
TURNER Marie | God’s Wisdom or The Devil’s Envy | 1. Bible OT Apocrypha, Wisdom of Solomon commentaries 2. Death – Biblical teaching 4. Creation – Biblical teaching | 202.3 TUR |
TURNER-Vesselago, Barbara | Writing Without a Parachute | !. Writing Skills 2. Freefall Writing |
808.2 |
TURNER, Naomi | Which seeds shall grow? | 1. Religious communites (Men) – Australia 2. Religious communites (Women) – Australia |
255.0092 TUR |
Tutu, Desmond & Tutu, Mpho | Made for Goodness | 1. Virtue 2. Conduct of life 3. Religious life 4. Spirituality |
170 TUT |
UHLEIN Gabriel | Meditations with Hildegard of Bingen | 1. Meditations | 242 UHL |
ULANOV Ann Belford | Madness & Creativity | 1. Creative ability 2. Mental Illness 3. Jungian psychology 4. CG Jung | 153.3’5 |
ULANOV, Ann Belford | The female ancestors of Christ | 1. Jesus Christ–Genealogy 2. Tamar, daughter-in-law of Judah–Psychology 3. Rahab (Biblical figure)–Psychology 4. Ruth (Biblical figure)–Psychology 5. Bathsheba (Biblical figure)–Psychology 6. Psychoanalysis and religion |
221.9 ULA |
ULLMAN, Montague, M.D. | Appreciating Dreams | 1. Dreams 2. Psychoanalysis 3. Dreams – therapeutic use 4. Dream interpretation 5. Group psychotherapy |
154.6 ULL |
ULRICH, Ingeborg | Hildegard of Bingen: mystic, healer, companion of the angels | 1. Hildegard of Bingen _ Biography 2. Women mystics – Biography |
282.092 ULR |
Uncle Norm (Norman Habel), Aunty Anne (Anne Pattel-Gray) Uncle George (George Rosendale) & Australian First Nations | De-colonising the Biblical Narrative Volume 2 | 1. A First Nations perspective – Biblical Hermeneutics – Genesis 12 – 25 | 220.6 PAT |
UNDSET, Sigrid | Catherine of Siena | 1. Catherine if Siena, Saint, 1347 – 1380 | 282.09 UND |
UNGUNMER-BAUMANN, Miriam-Rose | Australian Stations of the Cross | 1. Aboriginal Australians–Northern Territory–Daly River–Art 2. Stations of the Cross–Pictorial works 3. Christian art and symbolism–Australia |
264.027 UNG |
Ursula Clarke | Peeling the Apple | Poetry – Australian | A821 CLA |
Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella (editor) | Warlpiri Women s voices | 1. Aborigines – Women – History 2. Aborigines – Women – Personal accounts |
306.089 WAL |
Val Webb | In Defence of Doubt | 1. Faith 2. Christianity & other religions |
234.2WEB |
VALTERS PAINTNER, Christine | Birthing The Holy | 1. Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint 2. Mary – meditations |
232 VAL |
water, wind, earth & fire | 1. Prayer – Christianity 2. Nature – Religious aspects – Christianity 3. Four elements (Philosophy) – miscellaneous |
248.3 PAI |
van der Kolk, Bessel | The Body Keeps the Score | 1. Post-Traumatic Stress disorder – Treatment 2 Psychic trauma – Treatment 3. Yoga – Therapeutic use 4. Post-traumatic stress disorder – popular works |
616.852 VAN |
Van der Plancke, Chantal & Knockaert, Andre | 15 Days of Prayer With Catherine of Siena | 1. Catherine of Siena, Saint 1347-1380 Meditations 2. Spiritual life – Catholic Church |
269.6 VAN |
VAN KAAM, Adrian | Spirituality and the gentle life | 1. Gentleness – Spiritual aspects 2. Meditation |
248.2 VAN |
Vanessa L Ochs | Sarah Laughed | 1.Sarah (biblical matriarch) 2.Bible stories, OT 3. Women in the bible |
221.9 OCH |
VANI, Supriya and HARTE, Carl A. | Jacinda Ardern | 1. Ardern, Jacinda – biography 2. Leading With Empathy 3. Politics |
920 VAN |
VANIER Jean | The Broken Body | 1 Suffering – Religious aspects | 248.4 VAN |
VANIER, Jean | Life’s Great Questions | 1. Theology, Doctrinal – Miscellanea 2. Theology , Doctrinal – Popular Works |
230 VAN |
Varied artists of Indian Music | "India" | Indian Music | none |
Various (CD) | Fire Within | 18 rounds, chants & songs | Nil |
VICKERS-WILLIS, Robyn | Navigating Midlife | 1. Middle aged women 2. Middle aged women–Lifeskills guides 3. Midlife crisis |
305.244 VIC |
VIDAL Kim S. | Moon Under Her Feet | 1. Bible , New Testament – Feminist criticism 2. Bible, Revelation – criticism, interpretation etc. | 228 VID |
VIRGIL, Elizondo (Ed) | Women in a men s church | 1. edited by Virgil Elizondo & Norbert Greinacher 2. English language editor, Marcus Lefebure 3. Women in Church work.4.Women (Christian theology) 5. Catholic Church(doctrines) 6 Concilium (Glen Rock N.J.);v134 |
262.1 WOM |
Virginia Ramey Mollenkott & Catherine Barry | Views from the intersection | 1. Meditations | 242 MOL |
Virginia Woolf, edited by Brenda Lyons with an introduction and note by Sandra M. Gilbert- Annotated ed. | Orlando | 1. Novel- English- 20th century–Texts | 823.91 WOO |
VIVASINGHE, Dinanli | Meandering on the Margins | 1. Australian poetry 2. Purpose – Identity – Diversity – Love |
A821.3 VIR |
Voices from Women in Ministry | Courageous Spirit | 1. Christianity – Ministry – Women 2. Personal Reflections |
248.4 VOI |
VOIGT, Anna | New visions, new perspectives | 1. Women artists – History, Modern – Australia 2. Art – Australia – 20th.C |
Q 704.092 VOI |
VOLF, Miroslav | Flourishing | 1. Religion and State 2. Globalization – R |
322.1 VOL |
VOLLMAR Klausbernd | The Secret of Enneagrams | 1. Enneagram – Psychological aspects 2. Personality | 155.2 VOL |
VON DER BORCH, Lyn | Sophia [manuscript] | 1. Sophia Spirituality Centre (Adelaide, S. Aust.) 2. Women, Aboriginal Australian–Religion 3. Women–Religious life–Australian |
R267.43 VON |
Wadrill, Violet et al | Tamarra | 1. Termites 2. Guruindji people & culture 3.Connections of country through termites |
305.89 WAD |
WAINWRIGHT, Elaine | Towards a feminist critical reading of the gospel according to Matthew | 1.Bible.N.T.Matthew-Criticism, interpretation, etc 2.Women in the bible |
226.206 WAI |
WAINWRIGHT, Elaine M/ | Shall we look for another? | 1.Bible N.T.Matthew – Feminist criticism 2. Jesus Christ – Person and offices 3.The Bible and liberation ( Series) |
226.0608 WAI |
WAITE CLAYTON, Meg | The Last Train To London | 1. Fiction 2. World War Two – history 3. Jewish Children – Refugees – Escape from Germany |
810 WAI |
WALKER, Alice | Now is the time to open your heart | 1. Self-actualization (Psychology)–Fiction 2. Separation (Psychology)–Fiction 3. Shamanism–Fiction 4. Travelers–Fiction 5. Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico)–Fiction 6. Hawaii–Fiction 7. Amazon River Region–Fiction |
813 WAL |
WALKER, Barbara | The Crone | 1. Women – religious life 2. Matriarchy – religious aspects 3. Patriarchy – religious aspects 3. |
291.178 WAL |
Walker, Barbara G. | The I Ching of the Goddess | 1. Divination 2. IChing 3. Feminism – religious aspects | 133.3 WAL |
Walker, Rebecca (ed) | To Be Real | 1. Feminism – United States 2. Feminism – theory 3. Feminist psychology – US |
305.42 WAL |
WALKSTEIN, Diane | Inanna: Queen of heaven and earth | 1. Mythology, Sumerian 2. Inanna ( Sumerian deity ) – Poetry |
299.92 WOL |
WALL KIMMERER, Robin | Braiding Grass | 1. Indian Philosophy 2. Indigenous Peoples – Nature 3. Human plant relationships 4. Botany – philosophy 5. Potawatomi Indians – Social life and customs |
305.89 WAL |
WALLACE Christine | Greer untamed shrew | 1. Greer, Germaine, 1939 2.Feminist – biography 3. Feminism 4. Feminist criticism 5. Women’s rights | 305.4 WAL |
Waller, Marguerite & Marcos, Sylvia (Eds) | Dialogue and Difference | 1. Feminism -international cooperation 2. Intercultural communication 3. Feminism – cross-cultural studies 4. Globalization – social aspects |
305.42 DIA |
WALLIS Velma | Two old women: an Alaska legend of betrayal, courage and survival | 1. Kitchen Indians — 1.Folklore 2. Athapasian Indians – Folklore |
398.2 WAL |
WALSH, Peter | Let It Go | 1. House cleaning 2. Storage in the Home 3. Orderliness 4. Self help techniques 5. Health and Fitness/ Healthy Living |
648 WAL |
Walter Natasha | Living Dolls | 305.42 WAL | |
Walters, Kerry | The Art of Dying and Living | 1. Death – religious aspects – Christianity | 248.4 WAL |
Ward, Biff | In My Mother’s Hands | 1. Ward, Elizabeth, 1942 – Childhood & youth 2. Families – Australia – biography 3. Mental illness – mothers – Australia – biography |
306.87 WAR |
Warmingham, Helen |
It Seems to Me | 1. Helen Warmingham AM 2. Personal Theology 3. Thoughts & Insight |
261.8 WAR |
WARNER, Marina | From the beast to the blonde | 1. Fairy tales – Psychological aspects 2. Women – Folklore – Psychology |
398.3 WAR |
WATKINS, Brendan | Tell No one | 1. Memoir 2. Catholic Church – secrecy – institutional religious power |
205 WAT |
WATKINS, Cherie Warrara GALE, Mary-Anne |
Kaurna alphabet book | 1. Kaurna language–Alphabet 2. Australian languages–South Australia I. Gale, Mary-Anne II. Soroptomist International of Adelaide III. Kaurna Plans School (S. Aust.) |
R 499 WAT |
Watson Joanne | Palm Island | 1 aboriginal australians – queensland 2 Palm Island – legal status, laws 3 Aboriginal Australians – history, race relations |
323.119 WAT |
WATSON Penny (compiled by) | Tjanpi Desert Weavers | 1. Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjara Yankkunytjatjara Women’s Council 2. Tjanpi desert weavers | 305.899 WAT Q |
WATTS, Trisha | Deep waters [sound recording] | 1. Sacred songs 2. Sacred music |
782 WAT |
WATTS, Trisha LORD, Gabrielle |
Sanctuary (CD) | 1. Meditations 2. Music–Miscellanea |
783 SAN |
WEBB Val | Stepping Out With the Sacred | 1 god 2 Spirituality 3 Experience (Religion) 4 Holy, The |
202.11 WEB |
WEBB, Karen | The Enneagram | 1. Personality Types – Enneagram | 155.2 WEB |
WEBSTER-STRATTON Carolyn | The Incredible Years | 1 Child rearing 2 Parenting 3 Martyn David |
649.1 WEB |
WECHSLER, Herman J | Great prints and printmakers | 1. Prints and printmaking – History | 760.092 WEC |
WEHR, Demaris S | Jung and feminism | 1. Feminism 2. Jung, Carl G |
305.4 WEH |
WEICHBERGER Laurent | Forgiveness with Meher Baba | 1. Religion and Beliefs 2. Religion and Spirituality 3. Forgiveness | 179.9 DOW |
WEIL, Kari | Androgyny | 1. Androgyny | 155.3 34 WEI |
WEIL, Simone | Gateway to God | 1. God 2. Spiritual life 3. Christianity–Philosophical perspectives |
231 WEI |
Weiner, Samantha and Jacobs, Emma – editors | WHY I MARCH | 1. Protest 2. President Trump 3. Women’s March | 303 WEI |
WEISS Gali, Kamenier Barbara and Tomzcak Matthias | Two Trees | 1. Artists’ books 2. Australian Art 3. Afghanistan 4. Education – women – literacy | 702.81 WEI |
Weiss, Gail & Kameniar, Barbara (eds) | Making Marks | 1. Handkerchiefs – Australia 2. Embroidery – Australia 3. Embroidery Kabul, Afghanistan |
702.81 WEI |
WELCH Sally | Every Place is Holy Ground | 1. Christian pilgrims + pilgrimages | 263.041 WEL |
Welch, John | Spiritual Pilgrims | 1. Jung, C.G.(Carl Gustav) 1875-1961 2.Teresa of Avila, Saint 1515-1582 Moradas 3.Spiritual life. |
248.2 WEL |
WELCH, Sharon D | A feminist ethic of risk | 1. Christian ethics–Feminist aspects | 241.082 WEL |
WELLER, Francis | The Wild Edge of Sorrow | 1. Grief 2. Rites and Ceremonies 3. Mourning customs 4. Spiritual :ife |
155.9 WEL |
WELLS, Lisa | Believers | !. Climate Change – activists 2. Solutions – Climate Change 3. Hope – Climate Change |
551.6 WEL |
Wellspring Community | Wellspring | 1. Wellspring Community Inc. 2. Iona Community 3. Christian communities–Australia |
289.9 WELL |
WEST Angela | Deadly Innocence | 1. Feminism – moral and ethical aspects 2. Feminism – Religious aspects – Christianity 3. Feminist – Theology 4. Women – Religious aspects – Christianity | 261.83 WES |
Westover, Tara | Educated | 1. Memoir 2. USA – survivalism 3. USA – Ex-cultists |
371.80 WES |
WESTWOOD, Jennifer | Sacred journeys | 1. Pilgrims and pilgrimages 2. Pilgrims and pilgrimages–Guidebooks 3. Sacred space 4. Sacred space–Guidebooks |
291.35 WES |
WHELAN, Dolores |
Ever Ancient Ever New | 1. Celtic Church – Christian literature 2. Celtic mythology 3. Spirituality – Celtic Church |
299.16 WHE |
White, Patrick | The Aunt’s Story | 1. Australian literature | A823.3 |
WHITFIELD, Charles L., WHITFIELD, Barbara H., PARK, Russell, PREVATT, Jeneane | The Power of Humility | 1. Interpersonal relations 2. Family – Psychological Aspects 3. Self-actualization (Psychology) |
179.9 WHI |
Dreams | 1. Dreams 2. Dream interpretation 3. Psychoanalysis 4. Perera, Sylvia Brinton, 1932 |
154.63 WHI |
WHYTE, David |
Consolations | 1. Literature 2. Meaning and power of everyday words – consolation |
800 WHY |
WIEDERKEHR, Macrina | Gold in your Memories | 1. spirituality – Catholic church 2. Memory – Religious aspects – christianity |
248.4 WIE |
WIESNER-HANKS, Merry E | Christianity and Sexuality in the Early Modern World | 1. Sex – Religious Aspects – Christianity 2. Sex-History 3. Sex Customs – History | 261.8 WIE |
Wightman, Jenny | A Remote and Lonely Place | 920.72 WIG | |
Wightman, Jenny (ed) | Fruit of Sophia Volume 2 | 1. Poetry, Australia 2. Eda Payne, Veronica Shanks, Linnet Greer, Jenny Wightman |
A821.4 FRU |
Wightman, Jenny (Editor) | Fruit of Sophia | I. Colsey, Dawn II. Wightman, Jenny |
A821.4 FRU |
Wightman, Jenny Editor | Words Voices (including CD) | 1. Poetry – Australian 2. Sophia |
A821.4 WOR |
WILBER Ken | Grace and Grit | 1. Wilber, Treya Killam – health 2. Wilber, Ken 3. Cancer, patients – US – biography | 362.1WIL |
WILCOCK Penelope | Learning to let Go | 1. Residential care 2. Practical Ideas residential care 3. choices – residential care | 362.61 WIL |
Wild, Dennis | Both Sides Yesterday (DVD) | 1.Dennis Wild – biography 2. Poetry, reflections 3. Jaroslav Kovaricek – music |
N/A |
Wild, James | Theta-Delta Metronome | 1. Metronome sounds – Theta & Delta | Nil |
WILDIERS N.M.; trans. (from the Dutch) by Hubert Hoskins; preface by Christopher F. Mooney. | An introduction to Teilhard de Chardin. | 1. Teilhard de Chardin. Pierre. ( Originally published as Teilhard de Chardin : Een inleiding in zijn denken. Antwerp: N.V. Standaard – Boekhandel Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1963 |
194 TEI |
Wilhelm, Richard (Trans) | The I Ching, or, Book of Changes | Includes biographical references and indexes | 299.51482 ICH |
William J Callahan SJ | The Enneagram for Youth | 1. Enneagram 2 Personality assessments and youth 3 Youth – religious life |
155.26 |
WILLIAMS Rowan | Open to judgement: sermons and addresses | 1. Church of England — Sermons. 2. Sermons, English – 20th C. 3. Anglican Communion – Sermon,4. Christianity – Sermons | 252.03 WIL |
WILLIAMS, Delores S | Sisters in the wilderness | 1. Feminist theology 2. Afro-American women – Religious life 3. Black theology |
230.082 WIL |
WILLIAMS, Lesley, WILLIAMS, Tammy | Not Just Black and White | 1. Autoiography – mother – daughter 2. Aboriginal Rights 3. Resilience |
920 WIL |
WILLIAMS, Pip | The Dictionary of Lost Words | 1. History – 1st Oxford English Dictionary 2. Dr Murray – editor OED 3 Sufferage movement UK 4. Social Life around 19 UK | A 823 WIL |
Williams, Robin | Unintelligent design | 1. Intelligent design (teleology) 2. Religion & Science 3. Science – philosophy |
363 WIL |
WILLIAMSON, Marianne | Illuminata | 1. Spirituality – Thoughts, Prayers and Rituals for Everyday Life 2. Thoughts, Prayers and Rituals for everyday life |
242.2 WIL |
Willis, Peter & Leeson, Kate (eds) | Learning Life From Illness Stories | 1. Diseases – philosophy 2. Sickness – psychology 3. Sick – family relationships 4. Family – psychological aspects |
616.0019 LEA |
WILLOUGHBY Anne-Louise | Nora Heysen | 1. Heysen, Nora, 1911 – 2003 2. Painters – Australia – Biography 3. Women painters – Australia – Australia – Biography 4. Painting – Australian – 20th century | 759.99 WIL |
WILSON, B.R | A field guide to Australian shells | 1. Shells – Australian | 594.0994 WIL |
WILSON, Paul | The Quiet | 1. Meditation 2. Relaxation |
158.12 WIL |
WILSON, Sarah | this one wild and precious life | 1. Environmental psychology 2. Nature and civilisation 3. Self-actualisation – psychology 4. Political activists 5. Self-help publications 6. Loneliness 7. Solitude |
301 WIL |
Wilton, Reg et al | Yura Yarta – Our Land: We’re all talking About it | 1. Adnyamathanha people 2. Flinders Ranges SA 3. Aboriginal culture 4. Memoirs |
305 ADN |
WINDSOR, Gerard | The Tempest-Tossed Church | 1. Catholic Church 2,. Catholic Church – Education 3. Catholic Church – Clergy – Sexual Behaviour 4. Spirituality – Christianity – Christian art and symbolism 5. Christian Life |
282 WIN |
WINMAN, Sarah | Tin Man | 1. Raffles – fiction 2. Painting – fiction 3. Friendship – fiction |
823 WIN |
WINN, Raynor | The Wild Silence | 1. Non-fiction – nature 2. Winn, Moth – health 3. Homeless persons – Great Britain 4. Adjustment – Psychology |
362.59 WIN |
WINN, Raynor |
The Salt Path |
1. Winn, Raynor 2. Walking – England – South West Coast Path 3. South West – Coast Path – Description and travel |
796.51 WIN |
WINNER, Lauren F. | Real Sex | 1. Chastity 2. Sex – Religious Aspects – Christianity | 241.66 WIN |
WINTER Miriam Therese | Out of the depths | 1. Javorova, Ludmila. 2. Catholic Church – Czech Republic-Biography. 3. Priests – Czech Republic – Biography. 4. Women Priests- Czech Republic – Biography. Includes bibliographical references. |
282.092 WIN |
WINTER, Miriam Therese | Woman witness: a feminist lectionary and psalter | 1. Women in the Old Testament 2. Lectionaries 3. Inclusive language |
264.13082 WIN |
WINTER, Miriam, Terese (Ed) | DEFECTING in place | 1. Feminism and spirituality 2. Women ( Christian theology ) 3. Feminist theology |
248.843 DEF |
Winterson, Jeanette | Why be Happy When you Could Be Normal? | 1. Winterson, Jeanette, 1959- 2. Women authors – biography 3. Authors, English – 20th century – biography |
823.92 WIN |
WINTERSON, Jeanette |
Christmas Days | 1. Christmas stories – English fiction | 823.92 WIN |
What the body wants, from the creators of Interplay | 1. Mind and body therapies 2. Self-actualization (Psychology) |
615.8 WIN |
WINTON, Tim | Land’s Edge | 1. Authors, Australian – 20th Century – Biography 2. Coasts – Western Australia 3. Western Australia – Social life and customs 4. Pictorial Works |
A823.3 WIN |
WISE Michael et al. | The Dead Sea Scrolls: a new translation | 1. Dead Sea Scrolls | 296.155 WIS |
Wisechild, Louise M (editor) | She Who Was Lost is Remembered | 1. Incest – United States 2. Incest victims – US biography 3. Incest in literature |
306.877 WIS |
WISHART, Valwyn Edwards | Birdsongs For Our Times | 1. Poetry – Australian | A821.4 WIS |
Witman, Christian | My Bright Abyss | Religion and poetry; Christianity and Literature | 814 WIM |
WOLFF Catherine (editor) | Not Less than Everything | 1. Catholics – biography 2. Catholic authors | 282 WOL |
WOLLSTONECRAFT, Mary | A vindication of the rights of women | 1. Woman s rights – History 2. Feminism – Great Britain – History 3. Introduction – Miriam Brody Kramnick |
305.42 WOL |
Women’s healing Group | Journeys from Heartache to Hope DVD | N/A | |
WOOD, Catherine | Dear fury | 1. Women- New Zealand – Poetry 2. Feminism – Poetry |
821 WOO |
Wood, Charlotte | Love & Hunger | 1. food writing 2. cooking | 641.5 WOO |
WOOD, Charlotte (Edit) | Brothers and Sisters | 1. Short stories – Australian 2. Brothers and sisters 3. Families – fiction |
A 823 WOO |
WOOD, Juliette | The Celtic book of living and dying | 1. Mythology, Celtic 2. Celts–Religion |
299 WOO |
WOODMAN Marion | The pregnant virgin: a process of psychological transformation | Studies in Jungian psychology by Jungian analysts:21. Includes index 1. Women–Psychology. 2. Women–Identity. 3.Consciousness.4. Identity(psychology). 5. Jungian psychology |
155.633 WOO |
WOODMAN, Marion | Dancing in the flames | 1. Goddesses 2. Goddess religion – History and criticism. 3. Femininity of God | 291.211 WOO |
Woods, Richard | Meister Eckhart | 1. Eckhart, Meister d. 1327 2. Mysticism – spirituality 3 Women mystics |
248.22 WOO |
WOOF, Pamela | Dorothy Wordsworth, Writer | 1. English Literature 2. Wordsworth, Dorothy – Critical Studies |
828 .7 WOO |
WOOLF, Virginia | Women and writing | 1. Women authors, English–Biography 2. English literature–Women authors–History and criticism 3. Women and literature–Great Britain |
823 WOO |
WOOLF,Virginia | To the lighthouse | 1. English fiction | 823 WOO |
WOON, Long Litt | The way through the woods | 1. Autobiography – Woon, Long Litt 2. Bereavement 3. Body, Mind and Spirit – Healing 4. Mushrooms – Nature |
920 WOO |
WOOTON Janet H. | Introducing a Practical Feminist Theology of Worship | 1. Worship 2. Feminist theology |
248.3082 WOO |
WORTH, Jill | WHEN a baby dies | 1.Bereavement – Psychological aspects 2. Maternal deprivation – Emotional aspects 3. Grief |
155.937 WOR |
WRIGHT Clare | The Forgotten Rebels of EUREKA | 1. Eureka Stockade, Ballarat, Vic. 1854 2. Gold mines – Victoria – Ballarat – History 4. Ballarat (Vic), History – 1851 – 1901 | 994.57WRI |
WRIGHT, Alexis | Tracker | 1. Tilmouth Tracker 2. Civic leaders 3. Social reformers – Australia – biography 4. Aboriginal Australians – civil rights 5. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander content |
305.8 WRI |
WRIGHT, Clare | You Daughters of Freedom |
1. Australian Suffragettes – History 2. Social and Cultural History – Australia and Oceana |
305.42 WRI |
WRIGHT, Judith | Collected Poems (copy 1) | A821.3 WRI | |
Wright, Nigel ed. | Five Uneasy Pieces | 1. Anglican Church of Australia 2. Homosexuality 3. Ethics in the bible | 261.66 WRI |
WYLD, Evie | All the Birds Singing | 1. Fiction – Australian | A823 WYL |
WYLD, Karen | Where the Fruit Falls | 1. Women, Aboriginal Australia – Fiction 2. Mothers and Daughters – Fiction, Australia 3. Family Secrets – Australian Fiction 5. Twin sisters – Fiction 6. Intergenerational relations – Aus Fiction |
A 823 WYL |
WYMAN Pat | Three Keys to Self-Understanding | 1. Inner child 2. Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator 3. Enneagram | 158 WYM |
YALOM Irvin D. | Momma and the meaning of life | 1.Psychotherapy-Case studies 2.Psychotherapy and patient- Case studies 3 Psychotherapy – fiction |
616.89 |
YALOM, Irvin D | The gift of therapy | 1. Psychotherapy–Case studies 2. Psychotherapist and poets |
616.8 YAl |
YALOM, Marilyn | A History of the Breast | 1. Breast – Social aspects 2. Breast – History 3. Breast in art 4. Breast in literature | 391.6 YAL |
Yeats WB (editor) foreword Raine Kathleen | Fairy And Folk Tales of Ireland | 1. Folklore, Irish 2. Yeats W.B. editor | 3998.2 FAI |
Yeshe Chodron | Everyday Enlightenment | Enlightenment; Spiritual life; Religious life – Buddhism | 294.34 CHO |
Yiwu, Liao | God is Red | 1. China – church history – 20th & 21st Century | 275.10 YIW |
Yoga Association of Victoria | Yoga Class Asana Pranayama and Relaxation CD | 1. Yoga 2. Asana Pranayama and Relaxation 3. Sataananda Yoga |
YORK, Sarah | Pilgrim Heart | 1. Spiriual life 2. Pilgrims and Pilgrimages |
248.4 YOR |
Young-Eisendrath, Polly | Women & Desire | psychology – women | 155.633 YOU |
YOUNG, Shinzen | Natural Pain Relief | 1. Meditation 2. Pain – Alternative treatment |
616.04 YOU |
YOUNUS Manal | Reap | Poetry | A 821 YOU |
YUNKAPORTA, Tyson | sand talk | 1. History – Indigenous Perspective 2. Education Indigenous Perspective 3. Money and Power – Indigenous Perspective 4. Sustainability – Indigenous Perspective |
305.8 YUN |
Zagano, Phyllis | Women in Ministry | 1. Paul, the Apostle, Saint – correspondence 2. Paul – views on women 3. Women clergy |
262.142 ZAG |
ZAPPONE, Katherine | The hope for wholeness | 1.Feminism – Religious aspects 2. Spirituality, Feminist |
248.84 ZAP |
Zavarce, Alirio (director) | Enough is Enough! DVD | 1. Domestic violence – multicultural communities 2. Play of 3 scenes |
N/A |
Zing Tsjeng | Forgotten Women: The Writers | 1. Feminist – writers histoy | 809.89 |
ZINN, Jack | Older Men’s Business | 1 Aged men- Life skills guide 2 Aged men- Conduct of life 3 Aged men – psychology |
305.26 ZIN |
ZINN, Jon Kabat | Coming To Our Senses | 1. Self help – spirituality – well-being 2. Mindfulness meditation 3. Mindfulness – social impact |
155.9 ZIN |
ZUCKERMANN Ghil’ad | ENGAGING | 1. Intellectual Property – Aboriginal 2. Arts Practices – Aboriginal | 305.899 ZUC |
ZUSAK, Markus |
The Book Thief |
1. Books and Reading – Fiction 2. Jews – Germany – History – 1933 – 1945 – Fiction 3. World War, 1939 – 1945 – Jews – Rescue – Fiction 4. Germany – Fiction 5. War Stories 6. Suspense Fiction |
A823.4 ZUS |