Sophia invites you to experience our Labyrinth as an aid to meditation and prayer.
A place of centring, healing and peace.
Take the single winding path to the centre the path winds around and becomes a symbolic mirror for where you are in your life. Walk it with an open mind and heart for it leads to self-knowledge, healing, clarity and balance.
We approached Cedar Prest AM to design a Labyrinth for the grounds. We chose a tree design inspired by our magnificent Moreton Bay Fig tree. Cedar produced this original design for us.
Cedar, Catherine and Jenny brainstorming.
More brainstorming.
Thanks to volunteers, laying out begins from the mountain of rocks eventually sourced by Catherine and Sophia.
The Labyrinth takes form.
On Sunday 16 September 2018, we gathered at Sophia for the Labyrinth Blessing Ritual.
Thanks to Cedar Prest, Angela Moloney, Sophia Vogt, Catherine Hughes, Jenny Wightman and all the volunteers from the Sophia Community who made this happen.
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